• last year
(Adnkronos) - Minetti: “I campioni di vita, sono sì campioni super medagliati, campioni olimpici, ma la medaglia non è la cosa fondamentale che li ha resi campioni di vita, ma sono le loro storie e come le hanno affrontate.” Ha dichiarato Annalisa Minetti, artista, atleta paraolimpica, durante la presentazione del Progetto di Peer Education per tutte le scuole d'Italia, Contro Bullismo e Disagio Giovanile, che si è tenuto presso l’I.T.I.S. Galilei di Roma.


00:00This project was born from the will of the President of the National Observatory Against Bullying, Luca Massaccesi,
00:10who involved people who, in his opinion, were more credible, like me, like Giuseppe Versace,
00:15people who were, in his opinion, friends, and together with many other friends,
00:21many other powers who allowed the formation to enter schools,
00:25we decided to talk about bullying in a more conscious, credible and, above all, competent way.
00:33So today many institutions, many competencies will come together
00:37so that in schools you can make the youthful discomfort more prominent in a much more formative way.
00:43I have the desire to be able to tell the children through my experience,
00:47the experience of all the champions of life, because then they are, yes, champions, super medallists, Olympic champions,
00:53but the medal is not the fundamental thing that made them champions of life,
00:56but it is their stories and how they faced them.
00:58So to tell the children that you can get there, but you can get there through effort,
01:02there is no means that can somehow eliminate the obstacle, that the obstacle can be overcome,
01:08whatever it is, you can share a fear, a discomfort and actually make it your greatest opportunity.
01:17This can be done and we would like to help the children to be aware of how to do it.
