• last year
(Adnkronos) - Bartocci: “L'ambito sportivo è di grande insegnamento, negli spogliatoi c'è grande intimità tra giovani e atleti, dove si superano le vergogne e qualsiasi tipo di progiudizio, perché nello sport si combatte, si lotta per una comunione di intenti”. Queste le parole di Ferencz Bartocci, AD Gestione Cittadella Srl e CEO Derthona Basket, intervenuto alla presentazione del Progetto di Peer Education per tutte le scuole d'Italia, Contro Bullismo e Disagio Giovanile, presso l’I.T.I.S. Galilei di Roma.


00:00It is important to have a daily commitment, and schools are certainly one of the most important areas where to meet young people, where to make young people talk to each other about these issues, until we can reach a common well-being, a happier everyday life for everyone.
00:27And so the commitment of the observatory in schools really wants to create a more serene environment.
00:34And the possibility of facing each other without fear and without shame of anything.
00:39I believe that the sports field is of great teaching. The field of sportsmen is a field of great intimacy, let's say, between young people and athletes.
00:50Where you overcome shame, where you overcome any kind of prejudice, because in sport you fight, you fight for a communion of intentions, let's say, where there is also respect for other components such as the opponent and the referees.
01:06So I think it is important to combine sport with social life.
