• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “L'arma dei Carabinieri è impegnata in primo piano nel contrasto alla violenza di genere e lo fa su molteplici fronti sia sul fronte della prevenzione che su quello della regressione e in particolare la prevenzione la sviluppiamo tutti i giorni su tutto il territorio nazionale incontrando i ragazzi nelle scuole e cercando di seminare già tra i banchi di scuola il valore della legalità il valore del rispetto delle regole il valore del rispetto dell'altra “ cosi il Maggiore Gianluigi Carriere in occasione della prima tappa dell’anno di “Innamòrati di Te”, il progetto itinerante ideato e organizzato a Lecce da Codere Italia, multinazionale di riferimento nel settore del gioco legale.


00:00The Weapon of the Carabinieri is committed in the first place in the contrast to gender violence in all its forms.
00:10And it does so on multiple fronts, both on the front of prevention and on that of repression,
00:16but also on the enrichment of one's own formation, of the formation of one's own personnel and of the structures of which one has been equipped over time
00:23to support the territorial weapon precisely in the management, in any case, of gender violence.
00:28We develop prevention every day throughout the national territory,
00:33meeting the boys in the schools and trying to sow the value of legality,
00:40the value of respect for the rules, the value of respect for the other person, of dialogue, of empathy,
00:47convinced that prevention is rewarding and that the repressive aspect, which is what we would like to conjugate, is always more residual.
00:56We do it on the front of repression, which is an activity that is possible thanks to our historic capillarity on the national territory.
01:06It is well known that there is a Weapon of the Carabinieri in all the countries of Italy.
01:12This often helps us to be the first point of listening to the victim of gender violence, but also of all crimes.
01:21The victim of the crime reaches the thresholds of our barracks,
01:27desirous and hopeful even before receiving justice, receiving listening, receiving emotional support,
01:35receiving understanding, receiving empathy.
01:38And then the weapon over the years, as I said, has also enriched its own internal structures
01:44that allow to enhance its own activity of analysis, deepening, but also of action on the territory.
