(Adnkronos) - "Sicuramente inclusione è la parola chiave. Il Terzo Settore ha contezza dei bisogni del malato di Sla”, sclerosi laterale amiotrofica “che necessita di continua assistenza, proprio del familiare. E' importante il welfare di prossimità". Sono le parole della dirigente del dipartimento Salute e Welfare della Regione Calabria, Anna Mancuso, alla consegna dei diplomi del corso di formazione per assistenti familiari, organizzato in sinergia tra Regione Calabria e la sede reggina di Aisla, Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica.
00:00Dr. Inclusion is one of the key words of this project that sees the synergy between the Calabrian region and the island.
00:13Certainly, Inclusion is a key word, starting from the beginning of the programming of this intervention, which has recovered a fund from 2011, a fund for non-self-sufficiency,
00:26to make a project in partnership with third sector entities, which are the entities that have an awareness of the needs of what is actually needed to cure SLA.
00:41The project is called Familiarmente, precisely because SLA is a complex pathology that needs continuous assistance, an H24 assistance,
00:53so it requires a professionalization of the subject, of the relative, who is the person who is more in contact with the patient.
01:03So it was an exciting experience, because it was in co-design with a third sector entity, which has gathered the needs of the Calabrian territory.
01:15As Ass. Capponi said, it is essential this welfare of proximity, this action listening to the needs of the territory.