• last year
(Adnkronos) - "In Regione Lazio è stata da poco emanata la legge a tutela e riconoscimento del caregiver”. Aisla, l’associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica, “ha contribuito con degli emendamenti che sono stati accolti in seguito alle audizioni anche in Commissione e, a livello nazionale, siamo presenti e partecipi per dare il nostro contributo alle Istituzioni in rappresentanza di tutti i nostri caregiver”. E’ quanto spiegato da Paola Rizzitano, presidente e consigliere nazionale Aisla Aps sezione Lazio, in occasione dell’appuntamento Adnkronos Q&A ‘La cura delle persone’, a Palazzo dell’informazione.


00:00We live in a time in which our associations are finally listened to and we are able to
00:10contribute at the legislative and regulatory level, both at the regional and national level.
00:16Today we have also shared the results of the new Cargiver regulations.
00:21In the Lazio region, the Cargiver recognition law was recently enacted,
00:27which was discussed by Mr. Maselli.
00:29ICE has contributed with amendments that have been accepted
00:32following the hearings also in the Commission.
00:34And also at the national level, we are present and participating to give our contribution
00:39to the institutions and representation of all our Cargivers,
00:43in the drafting of the national law of the next emanation,
00:48to recognize this fundamental figure.
00:50Our Cargivers are clearly part of a very precious system for the care,
00:58presence and support of the sick.
01:00In particular, SLA is a very violent pathology,
01:04which therefore greatly conditions the life not only of the sick,
01:09but also of the Cargiver and his family.
01:11To have recognition and representation at the regulatory and cultural level
01:17is for us a very precious opportunity,
01:21of which we thank DN Kronos and all of you.
