(Adnkronos) - La Regione Lazio, su proposta del Presidente, Francesco Rocca, e dell’Assessore ai Servizi sociali, alla Disabilità, al Terzo settore e ai Servizi alla persona, Massimiliano Maselli, ha sottoscritto lo schema di “Accordo quadro per la realizzazione di sperimentazioni per la riforma dell’assistenza territoriale e domiciliare mirata alla popolazione anziana”. Alla presentazione hanno preso parte, oltre al Presidente Rocca e all’Assessore Maselli, Maria Teresa Bellucci (Viceministro del Lavoro e delle Politiche Sociali), Luciano Ciocchetti (Deputato e Vicepresidente della Commissione Affari Sociali), Alessia Savo (Presidente della Commissione Sanità del Consiglio regionale del Lazio), Barbara Funari (Assessore alle Politiche Sociali e alla Salute di Roma Capitale), Monsignor Vincenzo Paglia e Nicola Franco (Presidente del VI Municipio di Roma Capitale).
00:00The Lazio region, on the proposal of President Francesco Rocca and the advisor to social services and disability Massimiliano Maselli,
00:07has signed the Framework Agreement for the implementation of experiments for the reform of territorial and home assistance aimed at the elderly population.
00:19I am particularly happy that the region has taken the initiative.
00:22We have put all the institutions around the table and they have all responded carefully, with great participation.
00:30An experiment is starting and we intend to expand it to the entire territory of the Lazio region,
00:35and then, being the first in Italy, it can also be a good model for other regions on taking care of the elderly,
00:41of the fragile elderly, over 65 years old with fragility, and then for all the over-80s.
00:48I repeat, it is a very important law that requires experiments.
00:52The Lazio region is the first region that implements an experiment,
00:57obviously being an experiment in a circumscribed territory, in the municipality of Rome,
01:03in a municipality where we know that the fragilities are higher, that is, the 6th municipality, Torbella, Monaco, etc.
01:09It is therefore a project supported by a two-year experiment in 2025 and 2026,
01:15supported by the resources of the European Social Fund,
01:18in terms of the spending capacity of the structural funds, 1.5 million euros.
01:22I believe that at the end of this experiment we will have great results.
01:26Today, 24% of our population, which the Meloni government wanted to pay attention to with priority,
01:33in 180 days approved the design of the Delegate Law,
01:36and today it is wonderful to be here with the Lazio region to celebrate the first experimentation
01:41that is underway in Italy to give more attention, more territorial assistance, more services,
01:47more closeness to the elderly, especially in their homes.
01:51A very important law has been applied that the Italian government wanted,
01:55that the Italian Parliament approved,
01:58and therefore I believe that it is truly a matter of pride to be present here
02:03and the fact that in Lazio, thanks to President Rocca and Assessor Maselli,
02:10an experiment of this kind is underway.