• last year
(Adnkronos) - “La cardiomiopatia ipertrofica ostruttiva è una malattia magari non molto diffusa nella popolazione, ma che potrebbe avere un impatto molto importante sui pazienti. L’educazione e l’impegno volto a creare consapevolezza sui sintomi, su come diagnosticarla e come trattarla, sono molto importanti. Bisogna conoscerla perché, come accade spesso, prima viene trattata meglio è per i pazienti”. Lo ha detto Regina Vasiliou, general manager di Bristol Myers Squibb Italia, al via della campagna nazionale ‘Fai posto al cuore’ dedicata alla sensibilizzazione sulla malattia, organizzata a Milano alla vigilia della terza ‘Run For Inclusion’, con l'installazione di una panchina a forma di foglio, simbolo della necessità di informare su una malattia cardiaca poco conosciuta. La campagna è promossa da Bmse realizzata con il patrocinio dell’associazione pazienti Aicarm Aps (Associazione italiana cardiomiopatie) e dei cardiologi di Sic e Anmco.


00:00We at Bristol Microsquib have always been committed to cardiovascular health, we have been present in Italy for the last 70 years and have always been very attentive to the communication and education of the public and also of the patients.
00:21In this case, when it comes to a pathology related to cardiovascular disease, as the clinics say, it is an orphan disease, but not rare.
00:32This is a disease that is not very widespread in the population, but it could have a very, very important impact on patients.
00:45Education and awareness of symptoms, how to diagnose them, how to treat them, is a very, very important thing, also because, as often happens, the sooner it is treated, the better it is for the patient.
01:02So, in this context, always in line with what we are trying to do, also as a social contribution, this campaign is very, very important for us.
01:13We have been working on it for a long time and we are very proud and very proud to be able to launch it today with this initiative, with this beautiful bench, with the slogan, with the slogan,
01:26and take the opportunity to be able to talk about this disease, explain how it could be identified, diagnosed, treated. It is part of our social responsibility, which for us is a very, very important aspect.
