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(Adnkronos) - “Al Cuore del Respiro. Ipertensione arteriosa polmonare, conoscila in profondità”. E’ questo il titolo della campagna di disease awareness promossa da Msd con il patrocinio di Amip, Associazione Malati Ipertensione Polmonare e Aipi, Associazione Ipertensione Polmonare Italiana, presentata a Roma. La campagna ha l’obiettivo di accrescere la conoscenza e la consapevolezza su questa grave condizione clinica che, se non adeguatamente trattata, degenera coinvolgendo anche il cuore, che non riesce più a pompare sangue attraverso i polmoni.


00:00There are about 30,000 people in Europe affected by pulmonary arterial hypertension, of which 3,500 in Italy.
00:13It is a rare, progressive and invalidating condition, little known, characterized by an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries,
00:21with the consequent fatigue of the heart.
00:24With the intention of increasing knowledge and awareness on this serious clinical condition,
00:29MSD, with the sponsorship of the Italian Association for the Prevention of Pulmonary Hypertension and the Association for the Prevention of Pulmonary Hypertension,
00:35has launched the campaign entitled Al cuore del respiro.
00:39Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Get to know it in depth.
00:42The commitment of MSD Italy is a concrete commitment that today focuses its reflectors on a communication campaign on the correct information,
00:51precisely because even today, unfortunately, in this rare disease there is still too much time before the correct diagnosis,
01:01and therefore if it takes too long before the diagnosis, clearly the disease progresses and it will be more difficult to be incisive for the health of the patient himself.
01:12But our commitment, of course, does not end with the correct information.
01:16For more than 20 years we have been studying, in particular, this, and not only this, obviously, rare disease.
01:22We have also been in business with a solution for more than seven years,
01:26but we know very well that there is still so much, too much to do,
01:30precisely because until today we have not reached what must be the key,
01:35as has already happened in other therapeutic areas, such as oncology or in other areas, in other rare diseases.
01:41Fundamental in the case of pulmonary arterial hypertension is early diagnosis and knowledge of the pathology.
01:48I would say that a first limit is linked to the lack of knowledge of the pathology.
01:53Many colleagues, being a pathology not so frequent, not very common, do not know what pulmonary arterial hypertension is.
02:00So meetings like these, or divulgative meetings, have an incredible importance.
02:05On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen a network, hub and spoke, a bit like those of airports,
02:11so the less experienced centers are not kept up to date with the disease,
02:15but they must have present what are the so-called red flags,
02:20suspect the disease to be in contact with the expert center, which in turn must welcome the patients.
02:26To raise awareness on the subject, the video with the protagonist, the testimonial, Alessia Zecchini, was presented at Pnea.
02:33The journey that the patient must face is within himself, facing his own fears, his own physical limitations,
02:39and this must never be done alone.
02:41As an athlete, he must be followed by a team, the patient must be followed by a team of specialists,
02:47and thanks also to research, you can improve a lifestyle, a condition that is too often weakening.
02:54For me it was a great honor, an immense pleasure, to be able to participate in the Campagna del Cuore del Respiro.
