• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - Avvicinare i pazienti affetti da Ipertensione arteriosa polmonare (Iap) alle proprie cure, rendendo più comoda la somministrazione dei farmaci, grazie a una prolungata durata della loro stabilità, e ricevendo la terapia a domicilio, con un servizio di “home delivery”, per un minor aggravio per le strutture sanitarie. E’ l’intento di innovazione, scientifica e organizzativa, di AOP Health, azienda globale pioniera nelle terapie integrate per le malattie rare e la terapia intensiva di cui si è discusso nel corso della conferenza stampa ‘Malattie rare.Terapia su misura e home delivery: come cambia l’approccio all’Ipertensione arteriosa polmonare’, organizzata a Palazzo dell’Informazione a Roma.


00:00The main symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, a rare and serious pathology that affects small-caliber blood vessels of the lungs.
00:15About 3,000 people are affected in Italy, with a higher incidence in the population between the ages of 30 and 60.
00:22A period of life in which people are particularly active, which makes the interdiagnosis more complex because the first symptoms are often underestimated.
00:31Pulmonary hypertension is a rare disease characterized by the obstruction of the small pulmonary arteries, which progressively involve the resistance of the pulmonary circle.
00:43The right ventricle, which pumps blood into the lungs, goes against a serious dysfunction.
00:51It is one of the most severe forms of heart failure that we know.
00:56Reaching the pharmacies and hospital centers, often located far from home, is a burden for patients affected by pulmonary hypertension, which adds to the overall weight of disease management.
01:08In this context, the scientific and organizational innovation of AOP Health, a global pioneer company in integrated therapies for patients and intensive care,
01:18provides a home delivery service that allows patients to receive the drug at home, facilitating therapeutic continuity, reducing logistical stress and improving their quality of life.
01:30For patients affected by this disease, there has long been a home delivery H24 nursing service.
01:38This is essential because the patient feels safe when the infusion site changes, when the needle changes.
01:47To this important step, home delivery is added today, because these drugs are not found in pharmacies, but must be taken to the hospital.
01:57Home delivery is therefore a further step forward towards a lower organizational and logistical load for the patient,
02:04improved adherence to therapy and, in the final analysis, an improvement in quality of life.
