(Adnkronos) - “L’avvento dei farmaci biologici ha rappresentato una rivoluzione nell’approccio terapeutico e nei pazienti con Egpa. Oggi i pazienti possono vivere una vita il quanto più possibile ‘normale’ e hanno un orizzonte di cura molto diverso rispetto a prima”. Così Eugenia Durante, vice presidente Apacs - Associazione pazienti con sindrome di Churg–Strauss, all’incontro stampa “Egpa: opportunità di trattamento con mepolizumab e ruolo dello pneumologo”, organizzata a Milano da Gsk e dedicato alla granulomatosi eosinofilica con poliangite (Egpa).
00:00Despite the substantial improvements over the last few years,
00:09patients still need a number of elements.
00:14First of all, they need to be treated in specialized centers close to home.
00:19The proximity of care is very important and many patients still need to travel.
00:23Secondly, patients often suffer from late diagnosis,
00:28so they need many years to reach diagnosis.
00:31This should be improved, thanks to a greater collaboration between specialists.
00:36Another need is not to feel alone.
00:39The association has helped a lot in this,
00:42because we connect families, patients and the community around patients,
00:48so that no patient feels alone.
00:50The event of the biologists has certainly represented a revolution
00:54in the therapeutic approach and in the life of patients.
00:57Before the biologists, immunosuppressants and high-dose cortisone were administered
01:03for an unlimited period of time.
01:06Today, patients can live a life as normal as possible,
01:11no matter how difficult the term may be,
01:15and they certainly have a very different therapeutic and care horizon compared to a while ago.