• last year
(Adnkronos) - I pazienti con Egpa “per anni hanno asma e rinosinusiti con poliposi e a un certo punto hanno un aumento importante di eosinofili. Al Niguarda abbiamo creato un centro multidisciplinare che comprende dieci specialisti capaci di valutare determinati aspetti dell’Egpa”. Queste le parole di Jan Walter Volk Schroeder, direttore del reparto di Allergologia e immunologia dell’ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda di Milano, in occasione dell’incontro stampa “Egpa: opportunità di trattamento con mepolizumab e ruolo dello pneumologo”, organizzato a Milano da Gsk e dedicato alla granulomatosi eosinofilica con poliangite (Egpa).


00:00I am a patient who has asthma for years, has chronic rhinosinusitis, often with polyposis
00:11and is operated 2-3 times, at a certain point there is an important increase in eosinophils
00:19and so one of the important things to say is to always check the eosinophils, a hemochrome
00:27with the formula to see if they are in normal form or increased, because if they increase
00:34in a really important way, like more than 5, 10,000, 15,000, they can then infiltrate
00:41the organs and therefore there becomes the problem, especially if they infiltrate the heart, if
00:47you also have a myocarditis with cardiac arrest or other things, so unfortunately we have
00:54seen very dramatic situations and therefore there it becomes really an emergency to intervene
01:02We at Niguadra have created a multidisciplinary center with 10 specialists, from cardiologists,
01:12neurologists, pneumologists, otorhinologists, rheumatologists, hematologists, all people
01:19who actually see certain aspects of this disease, because they are really different characteristics,
01:28they do not always have all the characteristics together, but sometimes you only see one thing,
01:34there are people who may have served in hematology for hypereosinophilia, but they do not always
01:41think about this disease, because they think more about forms such as leukemia, lymphoma,
01:47because everyone has a bit of their own aspect, instead multidisciplinarity has overcome this
01:55thing a bit and we work regularly together, we meet, we discuss the cases, but we also
02:01clearly discuss the evolutions of the studies that we are doing.
