• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - Sono stati consegnati i diplomi ai 20 nuovi assistenti familiari che hanno completato con successo il corso di formazione del progetto "Familiar-mente, il valore della cura", frutto della collaborazione tra l'Associazione italiana sclerosi laterale amiotrofica (Aisla) reggina e la Regione Calabria. Il percorso formativo di 72 ore, che ha visto lezioni teoriche con esperti del settore medico, e tirocini pratici in strutture pubbliche e private, si conferma un modello di welfare di comunità.


00:00There are 20 disciples, neo-assistants, who have completed the training course of the project
00:11FAMILIARMENTE IL VALORE DELLA CURA, born from the collaboration between the Italian Association
00:16for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and the Calabrian Region.
00:20This morning, at the regional citadel, the ceremony of the certificates was held,
00:25the result of a 72-hour course of theoretical training with experts from the medical sector
00:31and practice with shootings in private public institutions.
00:34The collaboration between Aisla and the Calabrian Region has proven to be successful
00:38for the social commitment, for the construction of a participatory and community welfare.
00:43As a regional city council, activities are being carried out
00:49that are more and more in line with the needs of the Calabrian citizens
00:55when we hear about proximity welfare.
00:59This is what we have achieved today in this project,
01:03a welfare that is closer to those families who have Asla-affected patients.
01:10It is a huge result for us.
01:12With this course, we have finally reached another important goal,
01:19that of guaranteeing our families, our people with Asla,
01:26the possibility of being able to access a list of people who are trained
01:31as family assistants specialized in Asla treatment.
01:35So it is an absolutely important goal.
01:39The course wanted to highlight the importance not only of the patient,
01:43but also of the relatives who live with him in a delicate condition.
01:47So the key word must be…
01:49Listening and welcoming, listening to the person with Asla,
01:54relating to the other and not proposing a pre-packaged package.
02:02I listen to what I have in front of me,
02:04I try to understand what the other has understood about his path of illness
02:09and I use my skills in the service of the other.
