• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Stiamo cercando di mettere più risorse per rendere più attrattivo il Sistema sanitario nazionale per gli operatori sanitari. Nella manovra finanziamo un’integrazione alle borse di studio per le specializzazioni meno attrattive ma fondamentali per il Ssn”. Così il vicepresidente della commissione Affari Sociali della Camera dei deputati, Luciano Ciocchetti, a margine del convegno ‘Il valore sociale del pubblico impiego nel Ssn’ organizzato da Aaroi-Emac, il sindacato dei Medici anestesisti rianimatori e dell’emergenza-urgenza, tenutosi presso laSala della Regina della Camera dei deputati.


00:00We are trying to put more resources, in particular, as a priority, Minister Schillachi has put
00:10the problem of making the National Health Service more attractive for health workers.
00:15We are trying to recover the gap that we had of doctors, because before they graduated
00:22in a few and few could do the specializations, and after the Covid they have finally increased
00:29both the possibility of enrolling in medicine, but also the number of scholarships for specialization.
00:36In the balance sheet we finance an integration of scholarships for specializations that are
00:44less attractive, in recent years they have had few registrations, but they are absolutely
00:48fundamental for the National Health Service and for the treatment of many pathologies.
00:54So we are investing money, in the next three years the balance sheet provides about 12 billion
01:00more on the National Health Service, the contracts of the public service operators
01:06of the National Health Service are being renewed, we certainly know that we need to do more,
01:16reorganize, so that the financing of the National Plan for Recovery and Resilience
01:22with the creation, finally, of the structure of territorial health, with the community
01:28homes, with the COTs, with everything that in some way could be alternative to the hospital
01:35and the emergency room, the strengthening of home assistance, and many other things
01:41that are part of a reorganization that, in our opinion, also takes place at the same time
01:46as the search for new funding and new resources that can be put on the National Health Service.
