• last week
Hudson and Rex S06E08


00:00No, I got this one mister you looking for trouble. No, not at all. Yes, sir. Just take another bag. Leave him alone
00:18Had to hit the head anyway
00:20Hey Vic, you call that clean? Wash it again man. Everybody's laundry gets treated the same Walt. Some stink, just don't come out.
00:40Yeah, you and me need to go have a talk. Oh yeah, what do you want to talk about?
00:44You shouldn't be in here Walt. Hey, I forgot this.
00:49Parker, you're behind on your payments. What are we going to do about that?
00:55Okay. David, David.
00:59Come on Walt, you're going to get him bitten up.
01:01Stay out of it man. David!
01:05Hey, hey, hey! Cut it out! Get off of him! Get back! Back off! Back off! Break it up! We're running out of the way!
01:12Get down! Down! On your knees! Hands behind your head!
01:17Nobody move! Aziz, get down!
01:24What's wrong with you? What happened?
01:28I need a medic. Code 4. Laundry room. A medic. Code 4. Laundry room.
01:32Copy that. Code 4.
01:33It's okay David. Hope it's coming. Hang in there.
01:48Come on, come on buddy. Come on, come on. Okay, you have the towel.
02:01Detective? Yeah.
02:03A lady here to see you. Hi.
02:06Leila Aziz, I'm David's sister.
02:09Oh yes, Leila. We spoke at the courthouse during your brother's trial.
02:14Have you heard? Sorry?
02:16My brother was killed.
02:21In prison, where you put him. They murdered him. Are you happy?
02:29No. Leila?
02:32He didn't deserve that. He's less than a year and he was supposed to be back with his family.
02:37Yeah, I know David dear. It's a good man.
02:42But you had to charge him.
02:46It's not right. What am I supposed to tell his daughter?
03:00I spoke with the warden. She said that David stepped into a fight to try and break it up.
03:05There are multiple prisoners involved.
03:10Do we have any idea who did it?
03:13No, no. I said it was impossible to identify who it was that killed him and that nobody's talking.
03:21Stabbed in the heart.
03:23David Aziz. Robin Hood with a dog, right?
03:31Stole to recover funds from a corrupt stockbroker.
03:36He was a good guy. And he had a little kid.
03:42Look, you cannot take this on yourself, Charlie.
03:47I want to find out who did this.
03:51Okay. Okay, I'll make some phone calls.
03:59What do you mean the investigation is complete? It's been two days.
04:02What are the findings, Warden Gage?
04:04Helen, please. Three inmates in close proximity to the victim at the time of the assault.
04:09Several bystanders cleared of suspicion.
04:12Three guards responded. A weapon found at the scene. A shank.
04:16Taped handle. We were unable to recover any fingerprints.
04:20Who started the fight in the first place?
04:22Detective, what do you hope to gain by this?
04:25We don't think that this was targeted at David. There's no motive against him.
04:28That you know of.
04:30He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
04:32So case closed.
04:40David's death was a tragedy, but it's not even the first death I have seen this year.
04:44We are short-staffed. We are underfunded. We have a rampant drug problem.
04:47Warden. Helen. We know how hard you're working on this.
04:51And we're sure that you want answers as badly as we do.
04:53Of course I do. But the fact is, no one is talking.
04:57And there's very little I can do to compel them.
04:59My team can figure this out.
05:02Please, let us help you.
05:07So, the warden just handed over the investigation report?
05:09Yeah, with a little sweet-talking from Joe.
05:11Hey, Jesse, can you look into everything you can on outside resources for me?
05:14Outside resources?
05:15Prisoner's friends and family on the outside.
05:17Yeah, gotcha.
05:22I had a chance to review David Aziz's autopsy and talk to the coroner.
05:25As per the initial report, he died of traumatic cardiac injury.
05:27Here, I'll show you the weapon.
05:31Sharp, thin blade, about five inches long.
05:33Blood matches David's and the weapon matches the wound.
05:36There were also multiple bruises on David's torso.
05:40That wasn't in the investigation report.
05:42No, they were sustained before the fight, about 12 hours earlier.
05:45If it was at 2 p.m. 12 hours before that, he would have still been locked in his cell.
05:50I don't suppose there are any cameras in the laundry room?
05:52Our system's been down. We've been having some trouble getting it replaced.
05:55What about phone and video logs?
05:57Sure. I can get you those.
06:00Okay, so here are the guys that were in the fight when David was killed.
06:03This is Vic Mason. He's 15 years into a stretch for homicide.
06:07And Walt Larson. He's halfway through a seven-year stretch for aggravated assault.
06:13Both leaders. We normally keep them together.
06:15But Walt slipped some cash to a guard to look the other way when he went into the laundry room.
06:19Yes, that guard has been suspended.
06:21Who's this guy, Parker Coulson?
06:24Parker was a friend of David's. Anxious type. Not violent as far as I know.
06:29David had a cellmate?
06:31Yes. Vic Mason. Why?
06:33It appears he was beaten the night before he was killed.
06:35Yeah, presumably while he was locked in his cell.
06:38So if Vic had a problem with David, perhaps this is why.
06:41Yeah, presumably while he was locked in his cell.
06:43So if Vic had a problem with David, perhaps this fight gave him an opportunity.
06:46There is something else. I don't know if it's relevant, but David had requested a meeting with me.
06:51Is that unusual?
06:53Normally inmates just talk to the correction officers and my officers keep me up to date.
06:57Maybe he wanted to report something?
06:59After last month's overdose, I had asked the inmates for information about the drug trade.
07:04No one's come forward.
07:06Wouldn't that be snitching?
07:08Well, that could be the motive.
07:09Maybe his moral code dictated that whatever he had to say was important enough to take the risk.
07:13Which leaves us with the question of what he knew.
07:15Unfortunately, if that's why he was killed, his death would just emphasize to everyone else there the danger of talking.
07:21Those witnesses, they're never going to talk to you. But they may talk to one of their own.
07:25You want to plan a snitch?
07:26No. No, jailhouse snitches are notoriously unreliable.
07:30No, not a snitch. Me.
07:35Charlie, how many inmates have been placed in the Deer Lake Correctional by you and Rex?
07:39So we transfer them out.
07:40That's just about maintaining cover. I couldn't possibly guarantee your safety on the inside.
07:44I'll take the risk. You give me access and I'll find out who killed David.
07:48Absolutely not.
07:49Follow us to find out how drugs are getting inside your prison.
07:54What about Rex?
07:56You can't just walk in there with him.
08:00No, I can't.
08:16Gentlemen, welcome to your new home sweet home. Everyone file in.
08:24Watch your step now.
08:26This is not a joke. This is not a dream.
08:31This is Deer Lake Correctional.
08:34Whatever mistakes you made on the outside, in here is where you pay.
08:52Stay, boy.
09:00What's a dog doing in here?
09:01It's contraband detection detail.
09:05Get used to it, gentlemen.
09:07Find it.
09:13Back up.
09:19Find it.
09:21Find it, boy.
09:27Good boy. Come on, find it.
09:30What do you got, pal? You got something? Hmm?
09:35Bark, bark.
09:36Oh, okay.
09:37On your feet.
09:41Turn out your pockets.
09:44See? Nothing there.
09:46You come in contact with any narcotics recently?
09:49No, sir.
09:51On your way.
09:56Easy. Let's go.
10:10Welcome to Block 4A, kid. Watch your back. Follow the rules. You'll get by.
10:26Show us what you got, Fish.
10:28Oh, this isn't my first time.
10:31First time on this range?
10:33Yeah, what makes this so special, huh?
10:35Well, I'm here, ain't I?
10:40Fresh jumpsuit here.
10:43Thinks he's got it all covered, hmm?
10:46Enough socializing. Let's go.
10:49Yeah, you bet.
11:01This is Chuck the Woman.
11:06He does talk. He just doesn't do it very often. Isn't that right, Vic?
11:11You can take the top bunk. Meals are on the range.
11:14Trace will be coming by around dinner.
11:16You can eat in your cell, but you gotta keep it clean or you're gonna get bugs.
11:21Get that homicide outta here.
11:29What are you in for?
11:31Possession with intent.
11:37Guy a lot like you.
11:40Drug dealer.
11:42Get it out of your system.
11:50I'm not a drug dealer.
12:01Two sides to every story, but this is the second time I get the exact same complaint about you.
12:07Next time you're in the yard with her, do not make eye contact, do not cross paths, do not speak to her.
12:13Stay at the other end, mind your business.
12:18He's a friend.
12:20So here's Nestor.
12:25Vic, Nestor.
12:27Down here.
12:36Mac likes to check up on us.
12:39Trouble you cause, I'll be watching till you mess up again.
12:43Won't be long.
12:46Anything you find on me is a plant.
12:51I'd say find a better class of friends, but we got a lot of luck in here.
12:59You want this back?
13:00Why don't you hold on to that for us?
13:03What if I get caught?
13:05Don't get caught.
13:16We're looking for a suspect with a drug connection to the outside.
13:20How about this guy?
13:23Okay, Parker.
13:25In for burglary, no visitors.
13:27Calls to his brother in Calgary.
13:29Regular deposits of $100 a month into his commissary account.
13:33His prison record notes prior drug addiction.
13:36He did the methadone maintenance program when he was first incarcerated.
13:41Methadone maintenance program when he was first incarcerated.
13:44Yeah, there's no sign that Parker has anyone smuggling for him.
13:48Well, that just leaves Walt and Vic.
13:50Okay, Walt's got a wife, Stephanie. Regular visits and calls.
13:54She's a live one. I'll look into her more closely.
13:56What about Vic?
13:59As far as I know, Vic's got no one on the outside.
14:11You sent me down here looking for Parker.
14:13That's me.
14:15Put me to work.
14:17You start with inmate laundry, then that.
14:20Prison has contracts with hospitals, care facilities.
14:24That's how you make a little money.
14:27So I'll start with this one.
14:29That one's mine.
14:31No problem.
14:33You know how to work these machines?
14:35Can't be too hard, right?
14:36It's not the worst job I've ever had.
14:40Hey, I saw you, um, you were buying something out in the yard earlier.
14:44What are you talking about?
14:46I'm not going to tell anybody.
14:48Just, um, looking for a hug.
14:52Think about it.
14:58Hey, are you looking into the guards who were in the laundry room as well?
15:02Yeah, I figured I may as well, just to eliminate them.
15:04The warden said they've cracked down on visitors.
15:06They're checking all the mail.
15:08It could be easier for staff to smuggle in contraband.
15:11You know, I wonder what's in it for them.
15:13I mean, if prisoners can't pay cash,
15:15then who's paying for the drugs on the outside, though?
15:17Well, one of these outside resources,
15:19and then whoever's distributing them inside
15:21takes payment in cigarettes or commissary credit?
15:24Yeah, yeah.
15:26Oh, you know what?
15:28I did read that prisoners in the States are using cash apps
15:30for buying and selling.
15:31I'll look into it, see if it's happening here.
15:57Subcheck, line up.
16:08It's all yours.
16:10Let's go, pal.
16:17Find it.
16:23That dog better not mess up any of my stuff in there.
16:25Come on, boy, go on.
16:27Find it.
16:29What do you got there, buddy?
16:41Good job, buddy.
16:43Good job, buddy.
16:58Well, well, well.
17:00What have we here?
17:03Where'd that come from?
17:05That's not mine.
17:07That's what they all say.
17:09That's some weight.
17:10How'd you get that in here, new guy?
17:12Beats me.
17:14You can go back to your bunk.
17:19You, you're going to the hole.
17:21Let's go.
17:47Thanks for not blowing my cover, pal.
17:49Go on, buddy.
17:51Come on, pal.
17:57Good to see you, pal.
18:00How you doing, huh?
18:02How you doing?
18:03Hope they're feeding you better than me in here.
18:07You've been in here less than 24 hours.
18:08Already they found drugs and a blade on you.
18:11You're fitting in a little too well.
18:13Shank was a test.
18:15The drugs, I think they would have had to have been planted.
18:18It was David's mattress.
18:26So, was David using?
18:28The man I knew?
18:30No, but a person can't change a person.
18:32Prison can't change a person.
18:38Oh, there's something also going on in the laundry room.
18:41Some of the inmates' bags have a red string on them, some kind of code.
18:47Rex and I will look into it.
18:49Have you run into any other suspects aside from Vic?
18:52Well, Vic's man, Nestor, he gave me the Shank.
18:55Walt is circling.
18:57Parker, I think he's using, but hasn't given up his source yet.
19:0224 hours in solitary confinement.
19:06You gonna be okay, Charlie?
19:08It's gonna delay the investigation.
19:10Give me that.
19:15Let's go, bud.
19:20Thanks, buddy. Go.
19:22I'll get your Shank to Sarah for testing.
19:25Here you go.
19:30You okay?
19:32Go on.
19:36Okay, come on.
19:38Let's go.
19:40Good boy.
19:58Hey, babe. You miss me?
20:00Uh, yes. Yes, I do.
20:03Are you okay?
20:05Yeah, you know, best kind.
20:07Um, hey, so David's toxicology report came back negative for drugs.
20:12I analyzed his hair and fingernails. There's no indication of past use.
20:16Time's up, fish.
20:18Who's that?
20:20Oh, it's just somebody patiently waiting their turn.
20:23The drugs Rex found in both the yard and your cot, it's fentanyl laced with xylosine.
20:28Recreational, but potentially deadly.
20:31I've said move on.
20:35Just one sec, babe.
20:37Your friends are patiently waiting too.
20:40Beat it.
20:44Sweetheart, I'm sorry about the interruption.
20:47Is everything all right?
20:49Yeah, where were we?
20:51Um, the warden sent me a collection of confiscated Shanks.
20:54A collection of confiscated Shanks.
20:56So I'm just trying to see if any of them were made by the same person as our murder weapon.
21:00I never told you you're the hottest woman I've ever met.
21:05How long can you keep this up?
21:14Hey, babe, do you think you could tell Joe that I just saw an old buddy?
21:18A buddy? Like an inmate?
21:20Yeah, you got it.
21:22Okay, I'll call Joe. You be careful.
21:26I love you, babe.
21:30Phone's free.
21:32Oh, you touch me again and you're going to have to have one of your stupid buddies hold the phone up for you.
21:52Charlie Hudson.
21:56What brings you here?
21:58Ben Draper.
22:03So, what are you in for?
22:11What are you in for?
22:21You undercover?
22:23You spent four or five years, Draper. Lots can change in that time.
22:27Yeah, five years, eight months, and 13 days. Lots happened to me since you and your canine sidekick put me in here.
22:33I could tell you a few stories.
22:35But, uh, you, you want me to believe you give up the suit and tie and the shiny badge to become a drug slinger?
22:42Yeah, I wouldn't be the first.
22:45Hang on, not that it matters.
22:47As soon as I say the word cop...
22:49Yeah, you're right, you're right.
22:51You know how quickly I could get you transferred out of here, maybe to a Supermax?
22:56You know how much I can say between you and the transport van?
23:02It's all right, I'm gonna keep you a little secret. For now.
23:06What do you want?
23:08All right.
23:11I can't get you Pearl, Draper.
23:14Oh, I'm sure you can pull a few strings.
23:17Get back to me.
23:29Oh, my God.
23:35I am just as surprised as you are, Joe. Ben Draper was transferred in late last night.
23:39You should have accepted any transfers without checking with my team first.
23:43Sometimes urgent transfers from other cell blocks go through senior correctional management. How could I have stopped this?
23:48Who signed off on the transfer?
23:50I'll look into it.
23:52What do you want to do now? Pull Ben Draper out?
23:54No. No, that's more likely to blow Charlie's cover. He's just gonna have to manage.
24:09Hey, Sarah, I swear I checked and I double-checked the prison list to make sure there was nobody there that Charlie so much as interviewed.
24:15It's not your fault, Jesse. Joe said that the transfer happened after Charlie went in.
24:20They didn't report it to the warden.
24:22Do you think his cover's blown?
24:24Well, Joe says not so far, but there's no way to know what Ben might do.
24:31Sarah, look. If it gets too dangerous, they'll pull him out.
24:35Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
24:43Hey, are these...
24:46Are these made with metal?
24:49Are these made with metal from a locker?
24:51Could I? I've been analyzing the weapons that were confiscated at Deer Lake Correctional over the past few months.
24:57Each of these was confiscated from different prisoners, but they all match the murder weapon and the shank that Nestor gave Charlie.
25:03And you think these were all made by the same person?
25:05Yes, but Nestor wasn't in the laundry room when David was killed.
25:09Oh, you know what? I got something, too. So it looks like David's ex-wife had been receiving e-transfers of $500 a month ever since David was incarcerated.
25:17From David?
25:18No, his sister, Layla. Logs show her visiting the prison every couple weeks.
25:23So maybe we were wrong about David.
25:26Maybe he did have a source of cash.
25:39Those drugs they found weren't mine.
25:41Save it for the hacks.
25:44Were you gonna have a problem?
25:47I don't know. Are we?
25:49I just spent 24 hours in the hole for somebody else's stash. For all I know, it could have been yours.
25:53It wasn't.
25:56The scum of the earth. Anybody who pushes that poison.
25:59That's a novel opinion for in here.
26:03You see that young lady up there?
26:09That's my daughter.
26:12OD'd at 19 years old.
26:20Yeah, well, you're a dealer.
26:23What makes you any different than the guy who gave my daughter her last dose?
26:30Okay, point taken.
26:33The stash wasn't yours.
26:37As far as I know, it belonged to your last roommate.
26:41As far as I know, it belonged to your last roommate.
26:48My advice to you, my friend.
26:52You just better let it go.
26:55That stash is gone.
26:57Anyone who's gonna pay for it is gonna be that dog who found it.
27:06Yes, I sent David's wife money every month.
27:09Five hundred dollars.
27:11Deposits that started coming into your account six months ago.
27:15What does this have to do with the investigation into David's death?
27:18Was David giving you that money?
27:20He was in prison. Where would he get five hundred dollars a month?
27:23Did he mention anything to you about selling drugs?
27:28You think that's why he was killed?
27:32Dammit, David.
27:34David's life insurance agreed to pay out. It wasn't much, but...
27:39If they find out his death resulted from criminal activity...
27:42They'll refuse to pay.
27:44That life insurance money is the only thing David left for his wife and daughter.
27:48I've been paying the premium since he went to jail.
27:50But you're sure that money wasn't coming from David?
27:54I opened a second e-store front selling knock-off handbags for some guy overseas.
28:04So David never gave you any cash?
28:07He slipped me a few dollars sometimes during visits.
28:10Not much.
28:11Did he tell you where it was coming from?
28:14He said he got it doing laundry.
28:16Tried not to take it at first. I told him to keep it for commissary, but...
28:20He needed to feel like he could do something for me.
28:26Well, until we know for sure, don't worry about the insurance money.
28:34Layla, um...
28:36Look, I'm a major crimes detective, so this isn't really under my purview.
28:40But knowingly distributing counterfeit goods is an indictable offense.
28:44So maybe don't.
28:49Come on, boy.
28:58Find it.
29:19Come on, man. Seriously?
29:22Find it.
29:25Find it, buddy.
29:36Come on, boy.
29:38Find it.
29:45That's it.
29:46Good boy.
29:49Come on.
30:04Good boy.
30:07Rex found drugs coming into the prison in a bag of laundry from Thorburn Lodge.
30:11It's a long-term care facility.
30:13Jesse, see if any of our suspects have a connection to that place.
30:16Look into staff and residents.
30:18Yeah, I'm on it.
30:19The drugs that Rex found were the same ones in Charlie's bed, which was David's cot.
30:24Did you look into his sister?
30:26Yeah, Layla said she was raising the extra money herself to cover David's life insurance.
30:30Said David was making some cash at the laundry.
30:38Also, we noticed that some of the prisoners had red strings tied around their laundry bags.
30:43Oh, that.
30:45It's the Maytag man system.
30:47I'm sorry?
30:48Sometimes when inmates have visitors coming, they want good laundry soap, pressed clothes.
30:52It makes visits easier.
30:54Right, so the red strings signify special treatment.
30:57Inmates that are assigned to laundry can make a few bucks offering the service.
31:00It's underground, but we've never had a problem with it.
31:03And that's how David made the extra money he sent to his sister.
31:06Say something.
31:11That damn dog.
31:13Found stuff in the laundry room today.
31:15Supply dries up, there'll be a lot of unhappy people.
31:21So we're going to take care of the dog.
31:29Hey, Fish.
31:30Don't think that I forgot about you.
31:32We'll dance again.
31:34Promises, promises.
31:40Okay, everyone line up. Yard time's over.
31:55That's where you're going, punk.
31:58Back of the line.
32:02Come on!
32:05Come on!
32:17Twelve stitches.
32:19It'll make for a good score.
32:21The knife nicked your brachial artery.
32:23You're lucky that they got you into surgery in time.
32:26I know.
32:34I can't sleep in here. I can't eat.
32:38I'll miss you and Rex.
32:40I just didn't think it would get to me this quickly.
32:43Okay, let's end this, Charlie.
32:47Listen, we have the drugs.
32:49Jesse's looking into Thorburn Lodge.
32:53No, David knew about the drugs.
32:55Whoever is bringing them into the prison killed him.
32:58So you think that Parker's attempt on Rex means that he's connected to the laundry smuggling?
33:05But I think he knows who is.
33:16Oh my God!
33:19What are you doing in here? Isn't there supposed to be another guard with you?
33:22The watch commander's a dog lover.
33:26He said that I could talk to you by myself.
33:28Oh God, no.
33:29Oh God, no.
33:31No, no, no, no, no. Stop, stop, stop.
33:35You better explain yourself. Make it quick.
33:38I didn't want to hurt the dog or Chuck. It's just...
33:42That's not what it looked like.
33:44You don't understand. For someone like me, it's hard to just...
33:50No, I get it. You need your fix, right?
33:54Then we come in here, find the drugs, turn off the tap.
34:00Is that what your friend Dave did?
34:03David? No, no, no, no. He was...
34:06He worked the laundry. Maybe he saw the drugs come in.
34:10A guy like him, maybe he wanted to tell the guards.
34:14How do you know that?
34:15Don't worry about it. Where'd you get the weapon?
34:19The weapon?
34:20The knife you came after my dog with.
34:22No, no, no, no, no. Someone gave it to me.
34:30I tell you and I'm dead.
34:33What kind of charges are you looking at? You're going to end up in maximum security.
34:36Is that what you want?
34:38You're not just some dog handler, are you?
34:41Stay focused.
34:43Where did you get the weapon?
34:44Someone gave it to me.
34:49The new guy. That Ben something.
34:51He threatened to kill me if I didn't stop the dog.
34:56I don't think Ben Draper's transfer was an accident.
34:59Within days of arriving, he's calling the shots.
35:02I think that he was sent here to run the drug operation.
35:06That implicates staff. No inmate could arrange a transfer without help.
35:10Who approved the transfer?
35:11The paperwork says it was Tom McNamara.
35:14Tom McNamara?
35:16He was one of the guards who was there when David was killed.
35:18Hang on. I've known Tom for over ten years.
35:20Outside these walls, he's a family man with a wife and child.
35:23I don't care.
35:25He's not a drug smuggler.
35:28You just keep him away from Charlie and Rex until we know for sure.
35:33It's okay, buddy.
35:46Turn around.
35:48Hands behind your back.
35:50Hands behind your back!
35:56Got something on you, inmate?
36:01Ben ordered the hit. On Rex.
36:06Parker doesn't know who Ben's working for.
36:10Let's go.
36:11See nothing. Dog's defective.
36:13Just watch your mouth.
36:16Come on, buddy.
36:22Get lost.
36:33So how's that parole request coming?
36:35Yeah, I'm working on it.
36:38You're gonna need to give up who you're working for in here.
36:41Not sure what you mean.
36:45A handful of suspects in this drug operation.
36:49Had to be somebody that you met on the inside.
36:52How long do you think it's gonna take us to cross-reference those names against your previous prisons?
37:00I think if you find that person, you'll need me to make a statement about what he asked me to do.
37:06Which I'm happy to do.
37:08Once I'm on the outside.
37:10You killed a child.
37:13Hey, nobody in here knows that, huh?
37:15If they find out, how do you think that's gonna go?
37:18Look, let's be serious, Draper.
37:20Nobody is giving you parole with only six years in prison.
37:26Then I have no choice but to make it work in here.
37:42You sure?
37:51You and me need to have a little chat, detective.
38:07Hey, listen, man.
38:09Who are you? Who are you?
38:10What'd he tell you?
38:11He said you're a cop.
38:15I am a cop.
38:16I'm looking for who killed David Aziz.
38:19You know who that was?
38:20I don't know who killed him.
38:29Would you tell me if you did?
38:31David was a good guy.
38:33I liked him, man.
38:35He was one of the few guys in here who kept his kindness.
38:38Yeah, for him, I would tell you.
38:42So if it wasn't you, then it was one of the other guys in the fight?
38:46Walter Parker?
38:48No. Neither of those guys are gonna do something that stupid with no reason.
38:52David knew about the drugs.
38:54Whoever was smuggling them in, they had reason to kill him.
38:57Drugs are coming in for Walt.
38:59How do you know that?
39:00I came in from the yard a little early. I found him in here trying to toss the place. I booted him up.
39:06Because he was looking for the drugs that were in David's bunk.
39:08That's what I figured. When you said they weren't yours.
39:11Okay, so David took the drugs from the laundry.
39:16Maybe he's proof.
39:17Either that or he's trying to take them out of circulation.
39:20He didn't like seeing people use any more than I do.
39:23David wanted to tell the warden something.
39:26But before he could, Walt found out that he had taken the stash.
39:31Makes sense. That's exactly why Walt started the fight in the laundry room to begin with.
39:35He wanted to get to David.
39:36Except it couldn't have been Walt.
39:38Because I had my arm on his throat. I had him on the wall.
39:41If he had a shank, he would have used it on me.
39:44Okay, so if it wasn't Walt, then...
39:48Maybe it was a set-up.
39:50David had bruises.
39:52He was beaten the night before he died.
39:55But that was after lock-up.
39:58It was just you and David in here.
40:00And if it wasn't you...
40:02It was the guard.
40:03Sarah, I got it.
40:05A connection between McNamara and Thorburn Lodge?
40:07Yeah. His cousin's a personal care worker there.
40:10The cousin puts his drugs in the laundry and McNamara gets a cut.
40:13Didn't show up in his financials, but if he's smart, he's using cash.
40:17So the guard's been in on it the whole time.
40:19I'm gonna call Joe and the warden.
40:31Tom McNamara!
40:36This is your drug dealer, all right? He just confessed to me.
40:39Let him go, Mac.
40:41Son of a...
40:43Rex, go!
40:56Turn around.
40:57Get your hands behind your back. Get your hands behind your back.
41:00You don't see that often.
41:02Canine takedown?
41:07Hey, come on.
41:08Hey, Rex, hi.
41:11Good job.
41:13Let's go.
41:14Come on.
41:30Okay, thank you.
41:32Ben Draper's been transferred back where he came from.
41:35And what will be charged?
41:37For distributing and accessory to murder.
41:39Parker's already signed a statement and I've got him in a new treatment program.
41:46Tell your team I said thank you.
41:48I will.
41:49I've put in for a new dog and handler right away.
41:52We'll get a professional handler next time.
41:54Oh, I plan to.
42:00Why did it happen?
42:03We think that David was concerned about the drugs in prison and he wanted to do something to help stop it.
42:09He was killed to keep him quiet.
42:12That sounds like something David would do.
42:15What's this?
42:17David had a lot of friends in prison and they wanted you to know who he was to them.
42:25Will you read them with me?
42:32I'm going to read them.
42:36I'm going to read them.
42:40I'm going to read them.
42:44We'd love to.
43:14I've adjusted the departure time of my ship to 3 p.m. today.
43:18Not so convinced of your sailor's innocence after all.