Georgie and Mandys First Marriage S01 E03
00:02Well, this article says to put cabbage leaves in your bra when you're ready to stop breastfeeding.
00:07Why would you do that?
00:08To help dry up your milk.
00:10What happens to the cabbage leaves?
00:13That's your question?
00:15Good news.
00:16My mail's finally come to this address.
00:19Oh, joy.
00:21Check it out.
00:23What's that?
00:24My very first credit card.
00:27You never had one before?
00:30Blockbuster card.
00:31Subway card.
00:32That's it.
00:33Not even a library card?
00:34Good one.
00:36Congrats, son.
00:38This is going right next to my driver's license.
00:42Maybe it's time to retire the Velcro.
00:46It still works.
00:49You just be careful.
00:50Those cards can get you in trouble.
00:52Amanda knows a thing or two about that, don't you?
00:55Amanda knows a thing or two about that, don't you, Amanda?
00:58Oh, yeah.
01:00Well, when I was younger, I got a little carried away, but I learned my lesson.
01:05Younger like my age?
01:08So a long time ago.
01:25Oh, yeah.
01:41Gee, Cece, how'd you get food in your hair?
01:44Yeah, I miss when she was bald.
01:47It was our thing.
01:50Hey, would you mind giving her a bath while I clean up?
01:52You're kidding.
01:53Sometimes the best part of my day.
01:55Come on, stinky girl.
02:01Okay, no more credit card talk around Georgie.
02:03I assumed you told him.
02:05Well, you assumed wrong.
02:07Don't you think he has a right to know?
02:09Of course he does.
02:10What's the holdup?
02:11He thinks I'm perfect.
02:12Why would I take that away from him?
02:15Amanda, secrets are bad for a marriage.
02:18Yeah, yeah.
02:19What are we keeping secret?
02:21This is a private conversation, honey.
02:23I have a secret of my own.
02:24Oh, good for you.
02:26Would you like to hear it?
02:28Not really.
02:30I've been corresponding with Tonight Show host Jay Leno.
02:37We share a birthday.
02:38I send him a card, he responded, an unlikely friendship was born.
02:43Please, why would he be friends with you?
02:46I have people, and I'm people.
02:54I share a birthday with Bryant Gumbel.
02:59Oh, come on, that's cool.
03:08Haven't done this in a while.
03:09Gotta take the new credit card out for a spin.
03:12Oh, let's not go crazy.
03:14Don't worry.
03:15After tonight, it's back to the dollar menu at Taco Bell.
03:17Hey, I happen to love the dollar menu.
03:19Girl, you better save that sexy talk for when we get home.
03:24And I know how these credit card companies work.
03:26Get people to run up a bill, spend the rest of their life
03:28paying off the interest like chumps.
03:30Well, I don't know if I'd call them chumps.
03:34Good thing you learned your lesson.
03:39You okay?
03:40You're looking a little sweaty.
03:42Oh, it's a salsa.
03:43It's kind of hot.
03:45My dad taught me real early,
03:46never a lender or a borrower be.
03:48That's in the Bible.
03:49Oh, that's actually Shakespeare.
03:51Well, that ain't where my dad heard it.
03:54Well, what else did your dad teach you?
03:57That stink.
03:58Oh, you'll like this one.
04:00The secret to find out how your wife's gonna look
04:01when she's older is to check out her mother.
04:04Oh, ew.
04:06Your mom's a fox.
04:07That works in your favor.
04:08Oh, here it comes again.
04:19Right back at you, cowboy.
04:22I'm gonna sleep good tonight.
04:26So you're happy?
04:27The happiest.
04:29Cool, there's something we need to talk about.
04:32I'm sorry I called your mom hot.
04:33Can we just drop it?
04:35No, no, it's not that.
04:37Remember that trouble I told you about
04:38when I was younger with the credit cards?
04:42And I told you I learned my lesson?
04:47It's more of an ongoing lesson.
04:50What do you mean?
04:51Well, it means I still have a little bit of credit card debt.
04:54How much we talking?
05:01I guess she told him.
05:04Quiet, you're gonna wake the baby.
05:05How could you not tell me?
05:06Because it's my problem.
05:08We're married now.
05:09That makes it our problem.
05:11You only had sex with me to butter me up.
05:14Well, think about how mad you'd be if I didn't.
05:17You should have told me before we got married.
05:19Yeah, well, I was taking care of it.
05:22You just, you send them $20 a month per card
05:24and they kind of leave you alone.
05:26How many cards are there?
05:28A couple.
05:29So two?
05:30A few.
05:31So three?
05:33We've been talking about moving out
05:34and getting our own place.
05:35How's that ever gonna happen?
05:36I don't know, but we'll figure it out.
05:38I cannot believe this.
05:40I'm so sorry.
05:42You should be.
05:44Well, let me make it up to you.
05:46No, cut it out.
05:48The Georgie store is closed.
05:52Yeah, I never thought Mandy'd be the one to blow this up.
05:55Me neither.
05:57But I'll take it.
06:07Sure is humid out there.
06:09Gonna make my hair all frizzy.
06:13You gonna pretend like you didn't hear us fighting last night?
06:16That was my plan, yes.
06:19Did you know about the credit cards?
06:22Uh, yeah.
06:25Didn't think to give me a heads up.
06:27Well, I thought about it.
06:28Ooh, cinnamon, yum.
06:32Ruger, let me ask you a question.
06:33If you knew a secret that affected a family member,
06:35you'd tell him, right?
06:36What are you pulling him into this for?
06:38I'd like a fresh perspective.
06:40Well, what kind of secret?
06:42Little white lie or your sister's actually your mom?
06:46That's a thing?
06:47When you're 16, pregnant and Catholic, yeah.
06:51Well, his daughter owes a ton of money
06:52and he didn't tell me about it.
06:53Ooh, juicy.
06:54How much?
06:55Okay, that's enough.
06:56Let's get back to work.
06:58No, I'd like to hear what he's got to say.
07:03That baby even his?
07:06You're on thin ice, pal.
07:07Aw, come on.
07:08I told you about my mom.
07:12Package in order and into the mail.
07:14Flyers, rip the sabers.
07:15So don't get too comfortable.
07:18Got a minute?
07:20You gonna kiss me and tell me your mother's her sister?
07:25Never mind.
07:29What's this?
07:30It's all my credit card bills.
07:32MasterCard, American Express, Visa, Discover.
07:36Are there any you don't have?
07:38They came to me.
07:39I didn't go to them.
07:42What's this charge for?
07:44Um, a purse.
07:45Just one?
07:47A really nice one.
07:49I'm assuming it didn't have Velcro.
07:53What about this one?
07:54Uh, that would be shoes.
07:56And this one?
07:58What's the Plaza?
07:59Oh, that's a hotel in New York City
08:01across the street from a really great shoe store.
08:04You went to New York to buy shoes?
08:06I also saw a taping of Saturday Night Live,
08:08which was free.
08:11What's this St. Joseph's Medical Center?
08:13Oh, that.
08:14Um, that was an emergency room visit.
08:17What happened to you?
08:18It wasn't me.
08:19It was a friend of mine.
08:20What happened to her?
08:22It was a him, and he had an accident.
08:24Okay, but why did you pay the bill?
08:27Because he was my boyfriend, and he had no money.
08:29You had no money?
08:31Yeah, but I had the credit card.
08:34Well, did he pay you back?
08:37Well, he's gone, or where does he live?
08:38I don't know.
08:39It was a long time ago.
08:40What's his name?
08:41Look, just drop it, okay?
08:42This is my problem.
08:43Once again, it's our problem.
08:45Just don't yell at me.
08:46I'm not yelling.
08:47I'm freaking out.
09:02Want a hug?
09:15All right.
09:16I've thought of a way you can make it up to me.
09:18Georgie, when I found out you knocked up my daughter,
09:21I was gonna shoot you.
09:23I didn't.
09:25We're square.
09:27Mandy paid some guy's medical bills.
09:29What's his name?
09:30You're not gonna quit, are you?
09:32St. Joseph's Medical Center.
09:36Oh, that's a chunk of change.
09:38And I'm gonna get it.
09:39What's his name?
09:40Why don't you ask Mandy?
09:41I did.
09:42She won't tell me.
09:46Look, if I tell you, it has to stay secret.
09:50Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye.
09:53Not on the monkey bars.
09:54Just say you promise.
10:06You're a good man.
10:08I try, sir.
10:12So glad I didn't shoot him.
10:25Can I help you?
10:26You know a girl named Mandy McAllister?
10:28I used to. Why?
10:30You owe her a bunch of money.
10:32Who are you?
10:34I'm her husband.
10:35Oh, damn, she got married?
10:38I always thought someday we'd have a reconciliation.
10:41Yeah, well, you snooze, you lose.
10:44You're kind of young, ain't you?
10:46I live a healthy lifestyle. I stay out of the sun.
10:48What are we gonna do about this?
10:50Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to pay her back.
10:52Well, now's your chance.
10:54Come on in.
10:58You see her mom much?
11:01I always thought she was kind of hot.
11:03Oh, ew.
11:08You sure you don't want a beer?
11:10No, thank you.
11:11Now, how are we gonna handle this money situation?
11:14Simple. I'll, uh, write you a check.
11:18All right, then.
11:20I appreciate you being cool about this.
11:22Well, making amends is one of the steps to being sober.
11:26Ain't not drinking like step number one.
11:29Oh, yeah.
11:30But that's beer.
11:31That don't count.
11:35You know, Mandy was right to break up with me.
11:38I wasn't in a great place.
11:43Worse than now?
11:44Way worse.
11:45The night she dumped me, I fell down a flight of stairs.
11:48Good thing I was drunk.
11:49Only broke a wrist.
11:51That's what that medical bill was.
11:53Still clicks.
11:54Hear it?
11:56Oh, yeah.
11:57Like a Big Ben.
12:00Well, anyways, here you go.
12:06Are y'all gonna have kids?
12:08We got one, a little girl.
12:10Oh, well, maybe I can come meet her sometime.
12:12I guess.
12:13Where do you live?
12:18Shoot, leaving the state would be a parole violation.
12:21Well, that's a shame.
12:22Good luck to ya.
12:29I'm sorry, sir.
12:30This check is no good.
12:32Yeah, I had a feeling.
12:39What the hell?
12:40You gave me a bad check.
12:41Yeah, sorry.
12:42Wait here.
12:43I'll get your cash.
12:56You're awful quiet.
12:57Everything all right?
12:59Just tired.
13:00Busy day?
13:02Busy, busy.
13:05Connor, why don't you be a member of this family and join us for once?
13:09I'm good.
13:11Well, I'm not.
13:13Would you like to join me?
13:17Just know you're always welcome.
13:21Just so you know, I'm gonna be working three nights a week at the diner.
13:24Start chipping away at those credit cards.
13:26What about Cece?
13:27Amanda and I have already discussed it.
13:29Grandma's on the job.
13:31Well, if I'm around, I can...
13:32Grandma's got it.
13:34Hey, Mr. McAllister, if you're open to it, I've got some ideas as to how I can be making more money at the store.
13:40What you thinking?
13:41Well, we got a tow truck that mostly just sits there.
13:44Why ain't we out there rescuing folks with flat tires?
13:46Well, the police always call Fagan Bacher's Texaco when someone needs a tow.
13:50I get it.
13:51But what if I were to tell you my Meemaw has some cop friends as a result of her previous endeavors?
13:58You mean an illegal gambling room?
14:00We also had a perfectly legal video store to claim the money.
14:04Georgie, where you going with this?
14:06Don't worry. Everything will be above board.
14:08We can sponsor the police softball team, make donations to their charity fund.
14:12With what money?
14:13I got a credit card.
14:17You know, it's actually not a terrible idea.
14:20There you go. Great minds think alike.
14:23As long as I don't have to drive that truck at night, I'm in.
14:27No, sir. I'll do it. I'll get a pager. Be on call 24-7.
14:31What if someone were to accidentally drop a box of nails over on Main Street?
14:38Mom, I'm trying to pay off your credit card, so back off!
14:43I like it. Keep thinking.
14:46Can someone pass the salt?
14:54You realize with you working nights and me on a tow truck, we might not be seeing a lot of each other.
15:00I know.
15:01Or a lot of Cece.
15:03Well, we'll have a family reunion when we get out of the hole I dug.
15:06Sounds like a plan.
15:09You're really wonderful, Georgie Cooper.
15:12I know. I am what you call a catch.
15:16Okay, don't get carried away with yourself.
15:18I'm just saying, for a long time I thought I was the lucky one in this relationship, but maybe it's you.
15:25Or maybe we're both lucky.
15:27No, I'm pretty sure it's you.
15:29You jerk.
15:35Hey, if it's really important to you, I'll reach out to my ex and I'll try to get the money back.
15:39Oh, no, no, no. You don't want that. Best to leave it in the past.
15:45Just promise me, no more secrets.
15:48I promise.
15:50You sure? If there's anything you need to tell me, now's the time.
15:57What about you?
15:59Nothing. What you see is what you get.
16:02Okay. Love you.
16:03Love you, too.
16:16Well, this is a sad sight.
16:19What took so long?
16:21Sorry. Had to fix a couple flats over on Main. What's the trouble?
16:24Dunno. Just conked out.
16:26Well, you buy a foreign car, you take your chances.
16:29It's British.
16:30We're saying the same thing, governor.
16:35Hey, Georgie.
16:37Oh, hey, Lisa. Thanks for the call.
16:40Thanks for the softball uniforms.
16:43Oh, what a cute baby.
16:47How old's this little guy?
16:49Just turned one.
16:50Oh, I got a daughter about that age.
16:52She's at home with my mom.
16:54Probably putting her to bed soon.
16:56It's been a while since I missed story time.
16:59Okay, let me tell you the specials.
17:02Well, soup of the day is tomato.
17:04Tomato soup.
17:06Tomato soup.
17:08Tomato soup.
17:10Well, soup of the day is tomato.
17:12And we also have a chicken fried steak with a side of mashed potatoes.
17:16You don't want to miss out on the pecan pie.
17:27You have one new message.
17:31Hey, Connor. Jay Leno here.
17:34Just wanted to say thanks for the care package.
17:37You know, you never have too many socks.
17:40Anyway, listen.
17:41If you're ever in L.A. and you want to come by and jam with the Tonight Show band,
17:44the guys would love it. See ya!
17:52There's a bowl of cereal on the stairs.
17:54That's mine. I actually forgot that.
17:56It may be hectic, but it's never boring.
17:58I'm not done walking my dog.
18:00Good boy.
18:01Doggy, sit.
18:02A new episode of Children Ruin Everything, next on CTV.