• 2 days ago
Georgie and Mandys First Marriage S01 E04


00:00What's that old saying?
00:14Read them and weep.
00:15Damn it.
00:16Good job, partner.
00:17Is this really your first time playing bridge?
00:20Guess I'm just lucky.
00:22I mean, look at the family I married into.
00:25Are we done?
00:27No, we're going again.
00:29You insist.
00:32You better not be hustling us.
00:34I can't believe you'd accuse me of that.
00:38Amanda, you need to up your game.
00:40I'll do you one better.
00:41I'm up and I'm out.
00:42You can't quit in the middle.
00:43I think I hear the baby.
00:46I think I hear a baby, too.
00:49Oh, come on, Mandy.
00:51We're having fun.
00:52Are we?
00:53Tell you what.
00:54Why don't we switch partners?
00:55I'll play with your mama.
00:56Now we're talking.
00:57Oh, what do I give, Mandy?
01:00I'm not that bad.
01:02You are.
01:04Am I?
01:05Oh, what do I know?
01:06I'm just a beginner.
01:27I can't believe I just spent my Friday night playing bridge with my parents.
01:40I'm 100 years old.
01:42I guess that makes me only 89.
01:46When did this become our life?
01:49What's wrong with spending time with your folks?
01:52I just miss having a social life.
01:54We have a social life.
01:55We got your mom, dad, brother, my mom, me, ma, sister.
02:00And if we count our TV friends, we got Tony Danza, Frasier.
02:03In the meantime, you're looking pretty good for an old lady.
02:06Oh, really?
02:07Is that so?
02:08It is so.
02:09What do you say I get you out of them bloomers and see what happens?
02:13Ain't that what your old biddies wear under your frock?
02:16Please, stop talking.
02:19Oh, my God.
02:25How long does it take to finish a slice of pie?
02:27I don't know, but it's kind of romantic the way they look at each other.
02:30What makes you think they're a couple?
02:33Maybe they're brother and sister in some kind of sick relationship.
02:37What is wrong with you?
02:38I'm not rooting for it.
02:40I said it was sick.
02:41Hey, I'm going to grab a drink when we get off.
02:43You want to come?
02:45I can't remember the last time I went out for a drink.
02:46Is that a yes?
02:47I don't know, man.
02:49I don't know.
02:50My husband's at home with the baby.
02:51Oh, if it's too much trouble.
02:52Oh, no.
02:53It's no trouble.
02:54I'm coming.
02:56Can I get anything else for you or your wife?
02:59She's my sister.
03:00Look at me.
03:01It's after 9 o'clock.
03:02I'm not only out, I'm awake.
03:03And your husband didn't mind staying home with the baby?
03:04Oh, no.
03:05He loves it.
03:06That's nice.
03:07My ex loved babies, too.
03:08Why don't you break up with him?
03:09I don't know.
03:10I don't know.
03:11I don't know.
03:12I don't know.
03:13I don't know.
03:14I don't know.
03:15I don't know.
03:16I don't know.
03:17I don't know.
03:18Why don't you break up?
03:19He made a baby with another woman.
03:21Oh, sorry.
03:22It's okay.
03:23You know, he's that bitch's problem now.
03:25Man, I hate bitches.
03:28No, it's fine.
03:29I got my son, my freedom.
03:30Now it's my turn to have fun.
03:32And now when you say fun, you mean?
03:34Sex with men I barely know.
03:37Okay, well, I won't be doing that, but I will be cheering for you.
03:41You go, Hobag.
03:48Hey, what are you still doing up?
03:50Just watching Rainbow Three.
03:52You'd think it'd answer a lot of questions from one to two, but it don't.
03:58Did you have fun?
03:59It was okay.
04:01I had a nice time.
04:04Okay, I had a great time.
04:06Good, I'm glad.
04:07It was so nice to hang out with a woman who didn't give birth to me.
04:11A couple pretty women at the bar you must have gotten hit on.
04:15Actually, not at all.
04:17Well, they must have saw your wedding ring and didn't want to be disrespectful.
04:21Yeah, that's why.
04:22Just so you know, your daughter and I had a pretty fun night, too.
04:25She discovered farting in the bathtub.
04:28Oh, and I missed it.
04:29Don't worry.
04:30If she's anything like her daddy, she'll do it again.
04:36Hey, can I ask you a personal question?
04:39When you got married, did you still have other friends?
04:42Oh, yeah.
04:44What about after you had kids?
04:45Oh, no.
04:46Life as I knew it ended.
04:47But you're fine with that, right?
04:50I get the feeling you want me to say yes.
04:53I don't know.
04:54Mandy's just got in my head about us having a social life.
04:56So, you must have lots of friends.
04:58I do.
04:59I mean, I did.
05:01Maybe I don't.
05:03Well, hang in there.
05:04When Cece gets a little older, she'll make friends and you'll pretend to like their parents.
05:09Maybe I will like them.
05:10You won't.
05:11They're awful.
05:12You know, after work on Fridays, me and my buddies play a little half-court basketball.
05:16Yeah, and after, we grab pizza and beer.
05:19Sounds fun.
05:20It is.
05:21It really is.
05:25I've gone with him.
05:26It's a good time.
05:29Then he nibbled a hole in the cocoon, pushed his way out, and he was a beautiful butterfly.
05:37But you knew that, because Daddy's read this story 118 times.
05:44All right, let me call you right back.
05:46Hey, my friend Beth invited me over to her place tonight.
05:49Oh, I think your parents were hoping we'd play cards.
05:51Yeah, I'm well aware.
05:54Okay, you should go.
05:56Well, you don't sound so sure.
05:58I just thought you and I would hang out.
06:00Well, why don't you come with me?
06:01I know Beth wants to meet you.
06:03I ain't gonna get in the way of your girl talk.
06:05Girl talk?
06:06What's girl talk?
06:07I don't know.
06:08Guys' butts, panties.
06:10Put on a clean shirt.
06:11You're coming with me.
06:18She's asleep.
06:19Kind of bummed we lost our bridge partners.
06:21I'll play with you.
06:23That's nice, but it's a four-person game.
06:25We could play something else.
06:27How about Scrabble?
06:28How about something I'm good at?
06:30Breeding on the toilet is not a game, Jim.
06:34I have a game we can play.
06:36I'm a thing.
06:37You have 20 questions.
06:40I don't want to play that.
06:42I do.
06:43Are you a vegetable?
06:47What kind of first question is that?
06:48It's too specific.
06:49I thought you weren't playing.
06:50I'm not, but if I was, I'd ask a better first question.
06:54Like what?
06:56Like, are you a living thing?
07:01Great question.
07:04Well, now we know it's not alive.
07:05It is a good question, right?
07:08You're counting that?
07:10Oh, come on.
07:15So how did you two meet?
07:17She came into the laundromat I was working at.
07:19I asked her out.
07:23It was really a front for a backroom gambling operation.
07:27That sexy enough for you?
07:29She was worried I was a little too young, so I lied about my age.
07:33You sure did.
07:35Hey, you lied about your age, too.
07:37Anywho, too much tequila, not enough condoms, here we are.
07:42I eventually told her the truth.
07:43Yep, and we fell in love.
07:45That's sweet.
07:46You started with lies and ended with love.
07:48I went the other way.
07:51Oh, that's my son.
07:52In here!
07:55Hey, Todd.
07:56Todd, this is Mandy and Georgie.
07:59Georgie Cooper?
08:01Didn't you go to Medford High?
08:03Yeah, a while ago.
08:04Your dad was the football coach.
08:05He had the genius brother.
08:06I'm sorry, did you two go to high school together?
08:11It was a year ahead of me.
08:13Wait, how old are you?
08:18Now you know why he lied.
08:24So, did you graduate?
08:25No, I dropped out my junior year.
08:27Oh, that's so cool.
08:28No, it's not.
08:29Not cool.
08:31If I didn't, we never would have met.
08:32She would have been in homeroom.
08:35Well, Todd, I'm sure you've got a lot of stuff to do.
08:37You don't want to hang out with us old folks.
08:39And Georgie.
08:42I'm going to go work on my dirt bike.
08:43You got a dirt bike?
08:45Yeah, I'm a Hawaii Z250.
08:46Oh, sweet.
08:47You want to see it?
08:48Can I?
08:52Go ahead.
08:54Go ahead.
09:07Yeah, he's very mature for his age.
09:09I'm sure.
09:10And you know, most days I don't even think about it.
09:12And why would you?
09:14He's a good father and a hard worker.
09:16I bet the sex is amazing.
09:18Oh, well, he does bring a certain youthful energy to the party.
09:21Do tell.
09:22I think I've told enough.
09:24You know, sometimes I look at Todd's friends and...
09:27Oh, Beth, no.
09:29You married one.
09:36How long you had it?
09:37Six months.
09:38My dad bought it for me during the divorce, so I'd be on his side.
09:41Did it work?
09:42No, my mom bought me a Nintendo.
09:44Gotta balance things out.
09:46You know, people don't talk much about the upsides of divorce.
09:51So what's it like being married?
09:53I guess it's like having a girlfriend you live with.
09:57What's it like having a girlfriend?
10:00It's good.
10:01I mean, you gotta buy them presents and watch dumb movies,
10:03but overall it's worth it.
10:06So I bet you get to do it all the time.
10:08Well, I'm a gentleman.
10:10But I did say worth it.
10:13It's not weird that she's old?
10:15She ain't old.
10:16She's older.
10:17Also, do not let her hear you say that.
10:20Sorry, I don't mean nothing by it.
10:22New school nurse is hot, and she's like 23.
10:26There you go.
10:27What are we doing here?
10:29Stopping the breaks.
10:30Well, let me help you.
10:33Hey, isn't your sister a freshman this year?
10:35We've talked about this.
10:36Older is better.
10:44Okay, so we know it's not musical.
10:47We know it's not a machine,
10:49but it is manageable.
10:51But it is man-made.
10:53Gotta be smart about this.
10:55You're the one who wasted two questions.
10:58Well, they shouldn't have counted.
10:59But they did, didn't they?
11:02How can we be sure this isn't some stupid thing only he knows exists?
11:05Good point.
11:09Do it.
11:11Are you some stupid thing only you know exists?
11:17So you're sure we know-
11:18No, no, don't waste one!
11:20It's something we know.
11:21Okay, okay.
11:22Damn, this is stressful.
11:25If it's too much, we can stop.
11:27No shame admitting defeat.
11:31Make coffee.
11:32On it.
11:38That was fun.
11:39Thanks for letting me tag along.
11:45Crazy you and Todd went to school together.
11:47I know.
11:49My meemaw would call that quite the coink-a-dink.
11:53Hey, listen, Todd invited me to ride dirt bikes tomorrow.
11:55You're not doing that.
11:57You have a child. It's dangerous.
11:59I wear a helmet.
12:01Todd's mom lets him do it.
12:08What did you say?
12:11Todd's mom lets him do it like I'm your mom?
12:13That ain't what I meant.
12:14Well, that's what it sounded like.
12:16Well, if you don't like it, maybe you should stop acting like my mom.
12:18Oh, you...
12:20You are in trouble, mister.
12:24Oh, don't you roll your eyes at me!
12:34How about this?
12:36I like it.
12:38You sure?
12:39Do it.
12:41Are you something in this house?
12:46Good job!
12:47Good job!
12:48Teamwork, babe.
12:49You are not playing with my friend's son!
12:51I'm a grown man. I can play with whoever I want.
12:56Trouble in paradise.
12:58We're back.
12:59We heard.
13:00Cece good?
13:01Sound asleep.
13:02You two okay?
13:04I wanna talk about it.
13:06We're playing 20 questions if you'd like to join.
13:12Anyone else glad she said no?
13:24That was great.
13:25Haven't written in years.
13:27Why'd you stop?
13:28Oh, you know.
13:29Got busy.
13:30Wife, baby, job.
13:32How old are you?
13:35And a half.
13:36Basically 20.
13:38You should see his wife.
13:39She's hot.
13:41I mean, thank you.
13:42But hey.
13:44Let's ready for some beer.
13:45Oh, yeah.
13:46Tell me.
13:47Thought we were gonna ride some more.
13:48We are.
13:49After drinking?
13:50I thought you said he was cool.
13:52I'm cool.
13:54I drive a tow truck.
13:55I've seen stuff.
13:56Believe me.
13:57Safe is cool.
13:59At least eat something to coat your stomach.
14:01I'm sorry our mommies didn't pack us any snacks.
14:04Well, that's alright.
14:05I got some string cheese in the truck.
14:07Is your husband out with his little friends?
14:11Don't call them that.
14:13Is your husband out with his big boy friends?
14:17Can you stop enjoying this?
14:22I'm not upset he's out with friends.
14:23I'm upset he's doing something dangerous.
14:25Well, why didn't you tell him not to?
14:27I did.
14:28He didn't listen.
14:31I'm sorry.
14:32I'm sorry.
14:34I'm sorry.
14:37He is at that rebellious age.
14:40I'm serious.
14:43Georgie has a lot of very good qualities.
14:46He's so much younger than you.
14:47It was bound to be a problem at some point.
14:49That's not true.
14:52Think about what you were doing when you were 19.
14:55Well, I was in college.
14:56So I was.
14:58Going to all my classes and studying a lot.
15:02Okay, but it's different.
15:03Because I didn't have a child.
15:04And now you've got two of them.
15:12Check out the cowboy at the bar.
15:15Oh, that's not a cowboy.
15:16That's my dentist.
15:18Ooh, Dr. Cowboy.
15:20I have a cleaning next week.
15:21Can you not ruin it?
15:23He married?
15:24Um, I don't know.
15:25He wears gloves.
15:27I'm going to find out.
15:28Wait, you're just going to leave me here?
15:29I guess you are.
15:30Not a chance.
15:32But thank you.
15:38All right, Richie.
15:39This is you.
15:43Here's your keys.
15:45Someday you'll thank me.
15:49Little punk.
15:51All right, who's next?
15:53I guess I am, Mr. Cooper.
15:54It's Georgie.
15:55It's just Georgie.
15:59It's just Georgie.
16:00Yes, sir.
16:01Sorry, sir.
16:14I'm going to take off.
16:16Hi, Mandy.
16:18Hi, Dr. Picardo.
16:21Okay, sure.
16:37Thanks for coming.
16:38What happened to your buddy?
16:39Oh, she's, um, getting a cavity filled.
16:43Let's go home.
16:44Are you sure?
16:45We're here.
16:46I can buy you a drink.
16:47Or if they cord me, you can buy me a drink.
16:50I think I'd rather go home and watch my daughter sleep.
16:52Oh, that's my favorite thing.
16:55How was your night?
16:56You want the truth?
16:58Teenagers suck.
17:03Okay, we know it's not a tangible object.
17:05It can't be bought.
17:06It's odorless.
17:07And it's in this room right now.
17:09We only have one question left.
17:10We have to guess.
17:11What are you thinking?
17:17Go for it.
17:22Are you time?
17:24Ooh, good guess.
17:26Did we give it?
17:28Son of a bitch!
17:30So what was it?
17:31Sorry, you're out of questions.
17:35You're really not gonna tell us?
17:37Thanks for playing.
17:39You get back here right now and you tell us!
17:43I don't know why you like him.
17:49There's a bowl of cereal on the stairs.
17:51That's mine.
17:52I actually forgot that.
17:53It may be a good idea.
17:54That's mine.
17:55I actually forgot that.
17:56It may be hectic, but it's never boring.
17:58I'm not done walking my dog.
17:59Good boy.
18:00Doggy, sit.
18:01A new episode of Children Ruin Everything, next on CTV.
