Georgie and Mandys First Marriage S01 E01
00:00In order to prevent spillage, one does not simply twist out the cork.
00:10Frasier's a laughing show.
00:12I like laughing shows.
00:13What are you talking about?
00:15Well, some shows you can hear people laughing and some you can't.
00:18Wonder Years.
00:19No one's laughing.
00:20Is it funny?
00:21We'll never know.
00:22I prefer to laugh when I choose to.
00:26I ain't never seen you laugh.
00:28Okay, got the baby down.
00:33Listen to her snore.
00:35What a beautiful sound.
00:36Don't you think it's time she slept in her own room?
00:39No, she's fine where she is.
00:41I just want her to grow up to be independent.
00:43Now hang on, when Mandy was a baby, she stayed in our room a good while.
00:47Yes, she did.
00:49And she's still here, Jim.
00:50Hey, if you don't want us, we're happy to leave.
00:53Hold on.
00:54This is the first time in my life I got my own bathroom.
00:56I ain't going nowhere.
01:24I want her to grow up to be independent.
01:29Boy, she pisses me off.
01:34Oh, me too.
01:36The sooner we get out of here, the better.
01:38Well, we're saving money.
01:39We got built-in babysitters.
01:41I don't care.
01:42Every day I'm in this house with her, a little piece of me dies.
01:45We just gotta make sure it ain't my favorite pieces.
01:49Oh, really?
01:50And which pieces are those?
01:51Oh, don't make me say it.
01:54But there's two of them.
01:57Come here.
02:00You won't fool around.
02:03I thought you were all pissed off.
02:05I am.
02:06And that turned you on?
02:10This is valuable information.
02:13Think we can do it without waking the baby?
02:15I can.
02:16You're the noisy one.
02:21Oh, dang it.
02:23Y'all left this on the coffee table.
02:34Sleep okay?
02:36I did.
02:38So all the little pieces that died because of me are doing all right?
02:45You know, you could have turned off the monitor.
02:47But I didn't.
02:50Hope y'all are hungry.
02:52Nice of the kid to make breakfast.
02:55This is where you say thank you, Georgie.
02:57Oh, that ain't necessary.
03:00That ain't necessary.
03:03Morning, honey.
03:04Hey, Connor.
03:05How's it going?
03:06It's going well.
03:07How are you?
03:10We're family.
03:11You don't have to shake my hand.
03:14Yeah, that's not what he meant.
03:16It's okay.
03:17I'll take it.
03:19How's your music going?
03:22I'm working on a piece in 7-4 time.
03:241-2-3, 1-2, 1-2, 1-2-3, 1-2, 1-2.
03:27It's impossible to dance to.
03:32Hey, thanks for the hug.
03:33You're welcome.
03:36I don't know what to do with that boy.
03:38I don't know what to do with him either.
03:41I don't know what to do with that boy.
03:43There's nothing to do with him.
03:45He's just a creative soul.
03:47If it helps, I've got some experience
03:49with quirky family members.
03:50Oh, that is true.
03:51Sheldon turned out pretty good,
03:53considering the majority of the folks can't stand him.
03:57Well, what did your parents do?
03:59Well, my mom always babied him,
04:01and my dad was always mad about it.
04:03Yeah, that's exactly what they've been doing.
04:06Brown, keep up the good work.
04:09Keep up the good work.
04:13Run this work order back to Reuben?
04:15Sure, that's a good idea.
04:18Just give him time. He'll warm up to you.
04:21That's what you said about Mrs. McAllister.
04:24Yeah, I was wrong on that one. Go on.
04:31Reuben, when you're done, we got an alignment waiting.
04:34Yes, sir.
04:35Told you you don't have to call me sir.
04:37Plain old Georgie's fine.
04:39Look at me taking on this one. Plain old Georgie.
04:42Hey, I'm not giving orders.
04:44I'm just a lowly smurf working for his lordship.
04:48Lowly surf?
04:49No, I'm pretty sure it's smurf.
04:53Except one of us is sleeping with the boss's daughter.
04:55Whoa, hold on, partner.
04:57I slept with her, got her pregnant, and then married her.
05:00The orders are a little wonky, but I checked all the boxes.
05:03Hey, whatever you say, sir.
05:05Come on, Reuben. I'm a good guy. Give me a chance.
05:10I've been here nine years. How long you been here?
05:13A couple months.
05:14I'm going to night school to get my bachelor's.
05:17What's your education?
05:19Eleventh grade.
05:21And who has the clipboard? And who has this thing?
05:27Okay, when you put it that way, it seemed a little unfair.
05:31How old are you?
05:32If I answer that, it's only going to seem more unfair.
05:36How's it going out here?
05:37It's fine. All good.
05:39Reuben, I hate this kid.
05:44Okay, then. Carry on.
05:51Just sending the U.S. government more of our hard-earned money to piss away.
05:58What's up?
05:59I just wanted to apologize for some of the things I said.
06:04Like how living here is killing you?
06:07That is one of the things.
06:12I'm doing the best I can, Amanda.
06:15I know, and I really appreciate you and Dot taking us in.
06:20And I am so glad that you and Cece are here.
06:29So, what do you think? Can we start over?
06:31I would like that.
06:33I'm going to take Cece to her doctor's appointment. Do you want to come with us?
06:36Thank you. I would.
06:38All right.
06:40And while we're there, we can ask the doctor if we should be concerned that she's not talking yet.
06:45She's not even a year, Mom. She's fine.
06:47Of course.
06:49It's just you were an early talker, and so was your brother.
06:54I don't know about Georgie.
06:56What are you saying? My daughter's got some kind of stupid gene from her father?
07:01I didn't say that.
07:03But it is interesting that you jumped to it.
07:07Georgie is very smart, and more of a work-a-day manner.
07:13He turns his underwear inside out so he can wear them an extra day.
07:19He's frugal. There's nothing wrong with being frugal.
07:21He's frugal. There's nothing wrong with being frugal.
07:25Work-a-day and frugal. Quite a catch.
07:30You are a horrible, horrible person.
07:34What time are we leaving for the doctor?
07:48I miss seeing my girls.
07:51What you doing?
07:53Looking for a place to live. We're leaving.
07:56What happened now?
07:58It doesn't matter. I just can't be here anymore.
08:02What's she saying?
08:04It's not important.
08:07It's not important, Georgie. I just want to leave.
08:10Honey, don't cry.
08:11I'm not.
08:13Dang it.
08:15Georgie, wait.
08:16All right, listen up.
08:18Whatever you said to my wife, it's got to stop, and it's got to stop right now.
08:22I don't know what you're talking about.
08:24I don't know what I'm talking about either.
08:26But she's back there crying, and she's wanting to leave.
08:29Whoa, whoa. Let's all calm down. Audrey, what happened?
08:32No idea. Amanda came to me and apologized for being rude. I accepted.
08:38Then before I knew it, she was being rude again.
08:41I'm guessing hormones.
08:43I'm walking away.
08:44If I may, you do have a habit of slipping in little comments that can be real hurtful.
08:49Name one.
08:50Oh, let's not go naming things.
08:54How about saying that Cece might be dumb like her dad?
08:57She said that?
08:58She said that.
08:59I never said that.
09:00Hey, you can call me whatever you want, but you do not insult my daughter or accuse my wife of having hormones.
09:08Start packing. We're out of here.
09:09Start packing. We're out of here.
09:16You got something to say?
09:19I do.
09:23I'm not saying it.
09:31Comes with your own patio furniture, barbecue, awning.
09:37Nice. For entertaining.
09:44And this is your living room slash den slash rumpus room.
09:50It's a little cramped.
09:52Only a problem if you don't like each other.
09:54Well, then that is not a problem for us.
09:57He's a chipper one, ain't he?
10:01Got a full kitchen, fridge, and there's a laundromat by the door.
10:04Got a full kitchen, fridge, and there's a laundromat about half mile down the road.
10:09Bedroom, bathroom, the end. You want it?
10:13Can you give us a minute?
10:14Okay, but we got a lot of people circling on this unit.
10:17Do you?
10:20I'll wait out on the veranda.
10:28I know it's not exactly what we had in mind.
10:30We're taking it.
10:32I mean, it sucks, but it's still better than living with my mother.
10:48Still better.
10:55Mr. McAllister.
11:04Wasn't sure I'd see you today.
11:07Wasn't sure if I was fired.
11:09Course not.
11:11Is Mrs. McAllister okay with that?
11:13Course not.
11:16But that's my problem.
11:19So, how's the new place?
11:21It ain't much, but it's ours and it's temporary.
11:24Yeah, look at you always putting a positive spin on things.
11:28Maybe a side effect of being dumb.
11:30Yeah, she didn't mean that.
11:32It don't hurt my feelings.
11:34With a brother like Sheldon, I've been the dumb one my whole life.
11:38That's gotta be hard.
11:40I like it when people underestimate me.
11:42Gives me an edge.
11:44You are really something.
11:46Yes, sir, I am.
11:49Any chance I can talk you into moving back into the house?
11:52I ain't the one that needs convincing.
11:54Yeah, well, we got time on the clock.
11:57We got time on the clock.
11:59We'll figure something out.
12:06What's this about?
12:12Sometimes you remind me of my dad.
12:16Well, that's quite the compliment.
12:21Didn't really hug him when I had the chance.
12:22Come here.
12:28Oh, damn it.
12:35I don't understand why they don't just come and live with me.
12:38Maybe they don't like you.
12:43I'm not joking.
12:44Hey, welcome to the Cooper residence.
12:47Cooper McAllister.
12:49I'm surprised you put my name first.
12:51Come on in.
12:57Brought you a few things you might need.
12:59Ooh, toilet paper, new towels, a toaster?
13:02Georgie, look, we got a toaster.
13:04Oh, it's got a bagel button.
13:08What's this?
13:10I don't know.
13:12Oh, it's got a bagel button.
13:16There's also a blender here.
13:18You could whip up some baby food.
13:20Or margaritas, in case you want to pretend this is all good.
13:24Oh, there's my beautiful girl.
13:28Oh, did you miss your Nana?
13:31I bet you did.
13:33Give me.
13:35I bet you did.
13:36Give me.
13:37I just got her.
13:39I'll give her back.
13:40Mary, to toast the new house?
13:43I can toast with ginger ale.
13:45Jesus drank wine.
13:47Because they didn't have Schweppes.
13:49I have some.
13:51You're not old enough to drink.
13:53I'm old enough to have a wife, a baby, and a toilet that doubles as a shower.
13:56He needs a drink.
14:01I hope you know you can always come live with me.
14:04Oh, thank you, but it's way past time for us to be on our own.
14:07Are you sure?
14:08I'll give you a hint.
14:10She don't like you.
14:12How about a toast?
14:14To Mandy and Georgie and CeCe and their new home, humble though it be.
14:2816 to Lubbock, right on time.
14:33They'd rather live here than with you.
14:38Just so you know, I told Georgie he can keep his job at the store.
14:43Yeah, really.
14:45You don't discuss it with me?
14:47Well, I didn't want to have an argument.
14:49You didn't want to lose an argument.
14:51Same thing.
14:53The fact that he ruined our daughter's life doesn't bother you at all.
14:57Hey, credit where credit is due, okay?
14:59He's a good guy.
15:01He's a good guy.
15:03He's a good guy.
15:05He's a good guy.
15:06Credit where credit is due, okay?
15:08He's a kid.
15:10If anything, she ruined his life.
15:14Would you just admit you miss having them here?
15:17I do miss my granddaughter.
15:19Well, good luck with that.
15:21I don't see Mandy bringing her by for a lot of visits.
15:23She'll come back.
15:25Not until you apologize.
15:27I have nothing to apologize for.
15:29Nothing at all.
15:31Can't think of a single thing.
15:36Well, on the bright side,
15:38we still got our baby boy.
15:42I'll be back for that.
15:49Here I come.
15:53Oh, careful.
15:57Look at me.
15:59I'm Spider-Man.
16:03I'm Spider-Man.
16:13Thanks for cooking dinner for my mom and Mee-Maw.
16:15It was good to see them.
16:17Mee-Maw tried to slip me money on the way out.
16:22How much?
16:23I didn't take it.
16:25Oh, Georgie.
16:27I got my pride.
16:31We live in a matchbox, but we got pride.
16:32Matchbox with a brand-new toaster
16:37Hey, maybe it's time I go back to work
16:43She ain't even here yet. Yeah, I know that was the plan but plans change
16:52Mandy I support you in anything you want to do, but I promise I'll get us out of here
17:06Simple I'll make a lot of money
17:12Yeah, but how
17:15We're giving up
17:18Like right now see you get it
17:38Hi, hello
17:40Can help you I
17:43Want to talk you sure that usually doesn't go well for us
17:48I'm sure
17:50Okay, take your shoes off. Oh, you're kidding
18:02Go ahead say it I'd rather not
18:12Where's my granddaughter I sold her got a pretty good price
18:16Amanda she's taking a nap
18:20So, let's talk right to it, okay
18:33I would like you and Cece and Georgie to come back
18:42Because you'll be safer more comfortable pretty comfortable
18:51You're gonna make me bad I'm gonna make you apologize I'd rather beg
18:57Okay, then thanks for dropping by
19:09May have been
19:11Less than welcoming and perhaps a little unfair to you and Georgie
19:17And I am very aware
19:30I'm sorry
19:38Sorry, I didn't get that I'm not saying it again
19:43Apology accepted help me pack
19:50You know Georgie's right when you don't hear people laughing it's hard to know what's funny I
19:56Warmed up a bottle for safety. Oh, thanks mom
19:59She's so happy you're back and you're getting along
20:02It's been one day. I
20:05Know right. It's crazy
20:08Here you go, thank you, so we turn it off no turn it up
20:15I know it meant a lot to her good. I'm glad. Oh, I am the one you said mean things about
20:25Excuse me
20:26Your club the reason CC ain't talking is cuz her dad is some kind of dumbbell
20:31Yeah, said a brass one's on this kid. I
20:35Guess I did so so what?
20:40You hear that who's dumb now
20:43Mandy she's talking
20:45Hurry get in here
20:48You missed it. She said dad Wow smart little girl. Well, you know genius runs in my family
20:58There's a bowl of cereal on the stairs that's mine actually forgot that it may be hectic but it's never boring
21:04I'm not done walking my dog. Good boy. Doggy. Sit a new season of children ruin everything starts next on CTV