Episode 7
00:00It's Radar here with my friends at Precision Healing and Wellness in Brookfield.
00:10Now Nova Gescheitmeier has explained all about massage therapy before, and you've probably
00:17heard it right here on The Mix.
00:18Nova, you've talked about medical massage to our listeners before.
00:22What else goes along with medical massage here at Precision Healing and Wellness?
00:27So we like to incorporate as much as we can to help the patient start their healing process
00:31and actually get better.
00:32A couple of those things that we do is Gua Sha and cupping.
00:37They both work to increase blood flow to the area to help people heal a little bit faster.
00:41Now let's start with cupping.
00:42My daughter played college softball.
00:45She has been cupped before.
00:46I know kind of what it's about, but some of our listeners might not know what is all involved
00:51in cupping.
00:52So there's a few different types of cupping.
00:54What we do here is we look to decrease adhesions, knots, and increase blood flow to the tissues.
01:01We're looking to increase functionality and make sure that the patient can feel as good
01:04as possible.
01:05Now you mentioned Gua Sha.
01:08This might be a new term for a lot of people.
01:10It's a new one for me.
01:11What is Gua Sha and how does it work with medical massage?
01:16Gua Sha can use different types of tools that you actually move across the body to create
01:21the feeling of like a deep tissue massage, but it's bringing blood flow up through the
01:26surface of the tissues.
01:28We're breaking up adhesions.
01:30We're moving muscle tissue to get things mobile.
01:33So these are some of the tools that we could use in our Gua Sha process.
01:37So how does Gua Sha differ from cupping?
01:41So cupping can be stationary on the body or we can do a slide cupping.
01:46Gua Sha actually drags across the skin to move that muscle tissue and break it up at
01:51a little bit faster of a rate, bringing some blood flow up through the surface.
01:56People can be pink or even have some redness, more so with the Gua Sha than maybe the cupping.
02:02Can Gua Sha and cupping be combined in the same therapy?
02:08Sometimes people get a lot of benefit from the medical massage, cupping, and then working
02:13those specific spots with the Gua Sha.
02:16Well, please know that some of these therapies can leave some marking.
02:20And what I mean by marking is bringing some blood flow up through the tissue.
02:24It could be there for a day to a week, but just know if you're going on a vacation the
02:28next day, you might have some circle marks or some redness, but it's all for the benefit
02:33of your health and wellness.
02:35Now you've also introduced everyone to ear seeds.
02:38Can you explain a little bit about what ear seeds do?
02:42So you can treat the entire body from the ear, almost like reflexology.
02:46So a lot of times what we do here is at the end of a treatment, we will put an ear seed
02:51on a relaxing or balancing point to make that treatment last a little bit longer into your
02:56day or your week even, help you stay relaxed and healed.
03:00Thank you so much, Nova, for explaining not only about medical massage, but cupping and
03:06Gua Sha and ear seeds, something that not a lot of people know about.
03:11It's great to be here and show you all the things that we have to offer.
03:14Crazy, hey?
03:15Just relaxing is what it is.
03:17I'm coming back.
03:18We all need to just, we all just need to take a trip to Precision Healing and Wellness.
03:23That's precisionhealing.org.