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MEDI1TV Afrique : MEDI1 SOIR 20:00 - 20/02/2025


00:00Good evening everyone, I am delighted to see you again for this new information meeting,
00:20here are the titles.
00:21Princess Lala Asma, President of the Lala Asma Foundation for the Deaf and the Hearing,
00:29will launch the third edition of the UNI program in 100 years, an operation that will benefit
00:35100 children from 17 countries in the MENA region.
00:38Falling from the curtain on the 4th World Ministerial Conference on Road Safety,
00:47a closure marked by the adoption of the Marrakech Declaration.
00:51In the context of the Gaza Strip, and as promised yesterday, Hamas has now given the
00:59bodies of four Israeli hostages, including a mother and her two children.
01:06First of all, let's go to Rabat, where Princess Lala Asma, President of the Lala Asma Foundation
01:14for the Deaf and the Hearing, has presided over the launch ceremony of the third edition
01:20of the UNI program in 100 years at the Hospital of Specialties of the CHE Ibn Sina.
01:26Details on this operation with Sheyma Effikry.
01:29On the occasion of the third edition of the UNI program in 100 years, His Royal Highness
01:37Princess Lala Asma visited the children who benefited from this initiative in the presence
01:42of ambassadors from their respective countries.
01:45Today, His Royal Highness Lala Asma, President of the Lala Asma Foundation for the Deaf and the Hearing,
01:52will open this launch ceremony of the third edition of the UNI program.
01:59100 children will benefit from this operation.
02:02These are 16 nationalities from Middle East countries, Africa and, of course, Moroccan children.
02:11Give back to 100 original children from 17 African and Middle Eastern nations.
02:16This is the objective of this operation, which is in line with the humanist and solidary vision
02:22of His Majesty the King Mohammed VI for a strong and active cooperation.
02:27This operation consists in the seizure of a cochlear implant to the deaf and hearing children.
02:32I am from Ivory Coast.
02:34We benefited from a Moroccan seizure for an intervention concerning deafness in my child.
02:44And we are grateful to God, who went through the Princess, to benefit from such an opportunity.
02:53We say thank you very much to Morocco and to the Princess for everything they do for all
02:59the children in the world.
03:02In parallel to the surgical interventions, 17 specialists, oral and 17 orthophonists
03:07from each of the participating countries will benefit from a high-level training at the
03:11Faculty of Medicine of Rabat and in the partner hospital centers.
03:15This initiative aims to structure a high-level medical network dedicated to audiology and
03:20to auditory rehabilitation in Africa and the Middle East.
03:24In parallel with this operation, there will be a training for African doctors.
03:31On the surgical techniques of the cochlear implant, these training will be provided by
03:39Moroccan doctors.
03:40At the same time, there will also be a training for the orthophonists who will accompany these children.
03:46As part of this event, His Majesty the King presided over the signing ceremony of three
03:51partnership conventions.
03:53The first is a close cooperation between the LHASMA Foundation and the Ministry of Health
03:58and Social Protection.
03:59It aims to strengthen the infrastructure of the diagnostic and auditory rehabilitation centers.
04:05The second convention, concluded between the LHASMA Foundation and the Ministry of Health and Social Protection,
04:09is charged with a guaranteed budget and financial support for the extension of the program.
04:14And finally, the third convention, held between the LHASMA Foundation and the Moroccan Diplomatic Foundation,
04:19aims to facilitate cooperation with the partner countries.
04:25Still in Morocco, new elements discovered by the investigations carried out by the BCIG
04:32on the recent dismantling of a terrorist cell in Morocco,
04:37linked to Daesh in the Sahel region.
04:40A rear base was discovered in a mountainous area near Rachidia,
04:45in the east of the kingdom, where a load of weapons and ammunition was discovered.
04:50Technical expertise and the geolocation process by satellite
04:55have made it possible to identify this suspected area,
04:58which is at the foot of a rocky formation,
05:01characterized by difficult and unpaved accesses,
05:04indicates a DGSN-DGST statement.
05:12Rabat is now in charge of sending the work of the second edition of the Forum
05:18of the Presidents of the Commission of Foreign Affairs of the African Parliaments.
05:22The theme chosen this year is the implementation of sustainable foundations
05:27for stability and security in Africa.
05:30The Forum knows the participation of representatives from about forty African countries,
05:36organized by the House of Representatives.
05:38It aims to strengthen cooperation and coordination of the efforts of the African Parliaments
05:43in order to meet the challenges that the continent is faced with.
05:51Marrakech, with the closure of the 4th World Ministerial Conference on Road Safety,
05:59an event sanctioned by the adoption of the Marrakech Declaration,
06:04from all over the world,
06:05the participants of this planetary rendezvous have reaffirmed their commitment
06:10to implement the United Nations Global Road Safety Plan for the 2021-2030 decade,
06:17which aims to reduce road deaths by half.
06:24This 4th Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Marrakech and the edition,
06:30having both registered the largest number of participants
06:34and led to concrete commitments.
06:37Let's listen to the Director of the Department of Social and Health Determinants at the WHO,
06:43Etienne Krug, and the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for Road Safety, Jean Todt.
06:49There is a declaration, but what matters to me is the application of this declaration,
06:54the implementation of the actions,
06:57so the commitments.
06:59And the one that I would retain as number one
07:03is the decision of the Minister of Transport
07:08to ensure that each two-wheeled vehicle will be sold with two helmets,
07:15according to the United Nations standards.
07:17And this is not a decision that is only going to be important for Morocco,
07:22but it is a decision that will make history in the history of road safety.
07:30We have just finished a magnificent conference, full of energy,
07:34a great conference with many ministers who participated.
07:37There were a lot of promises made.
07:40Now, in fact, the declaration of Marrakech is a solid document.
07:44It will be necessary to ensure that it is implemented.
07:47We are going to the WHO, to the World Health Organization,
07:50to collaborate with many partners to ensure that this is the case.
07:55A little further south, the region of the Red Sea
07:59signed a partnership agreement with the Kenyan province of Mandera.
08:04A step that translates the commitment of the Kingdom
08:07to strengthen South-South cooperation
08:10and to consolidate the development dynamics on the African continent.
08:14This agreement aims to exchange expertise
08:17and to launch common development projects
08:19in vital areas such as water, clean energy,
08:23agriculture or marine fishing.
08:26During his visit to Lyon, the Kenyan delegation
08:29highlighted the importance of these projects
08:32to support sustainable development and strengthen regional integration.
08:41This time, the General of the Armed Forces, Mohamed Berrid,
08:45Inspector General of the Royal Armed Forces
08:48and Commander of the South Sudan,
08:51received yesterday the Division General, Fahad Al-Ahsan,
08:55Commander of the Minorso,
08:57an opportunity to exchange on the activities of the peacekeeping mission.
09:02The two officials congratulated each other on exceptional levels
09:06in terms of coordination in the operational,
09:10security, demining and logistical support areas.
09:16Place à l'actualité internationale
09:19avec cette nouvelle étape dans la trêve à Gaza.
09:22L'armée israélienne a reçu aujourd'hui de la Croix-Rouge
09:25les corps des otages rendus par le Hamas
09:28après le transfert de quatre cercueils
09:31qui devraient contenir les dépouilles de deux enfants,
09:34de leur mère et d'un otage octogénaire.
09:37Le corps de ce dernier a été identifié par Israël.
09:40Le mouvement palestinien avait annoncé leur mort en novembre 2023
09:44dans un bombardement israélien à Gaza.
09:47Des centaines de personnes ont fait aujourd'hui le déplacement
09:50pour assister à la restitution des quatre corps.
09:57Quel message le Hamas cherche-t-il à envoyer
10:00à travers la libération des otages ?
10:03De cette manière de faire ou encore de rendre les corps à Israël ?
10:07Écoutons l'analyse de Mahmoud Hassan.
10:09Il est analyste politique.
10:11Je pense que le Hamas veut à la fois prouver
10:15qu'il est en train de respecter les termes de la première étape du cessez-le-feu
10:22qui consiste donc à l'échange des otages et des corps
10:32contre la libération des prisonniers politiques
10:36ou des prisonniers palestiniens, pardon.
10:41Mais il le fait également avec une certaine prudence
10:48à l'égard de la partie israélienne qui est due à plusieurs facteurs.
10:57C'est parmi lesquels Israël continue encore des opérations militaires
11:07dans la Cisjordanie, dans des campagnes palestiniennes.
11:10Également les déclarations du premier ministre israélien
11:16également après son déplacement aux États-Unis.
11:20Également la position du président Trump
11:28concernant l'avenir de la bande de Gaza
11:31et notamment son intention de demander le déplacement
11:38pour ne pas dire la déportation des Palestiniens
11:43de la bande de Gaza dans d'autres pays arabes.
11:46Donc toute cette conjoncture
11:52conduit le Hamas à agir avec une certaine méfiance
12:01surtout que le Hamas n'est pas assez soutenu
12:08par les pays limitrophes, par la Ligue des États arabes,
12:16l'organisation des pays islamiques
12:19qui sont les organisations régionales les plus concernées par la situation.
12:27Dans ce contexte, Riad va accueillir demain un mini sommet arabe
12:32pour élaborer un plan visant à répondre à la proposition de Donald Trump
12:37celle d'une prise de contrôle américaine de Gaza
12:40et d'un déplacement de sa population vers la Jordanie et l'Égypte.
12:44Neuf dirigeants arabes se réunissent pour en discuter à huis clos.
12:48Le refus du déplacement des Palestiniens a certes fait l'objet d'un consensus arabe
12:54mais des désaccords pourraient éclater sur la gouvernance de Gaza
12:58et le financement de sa reconstruction.
13:04Dans un autre dossier, le président ukrainien a reçu ce jeudi
13:07l'envoyé spécial des États-Unis et signé de Thompson,
13:11Volodymyr Zelensky et Kate Kilgore n'ont pas fait de déclaration
13:15après le rencontre à la demande de la partie américaine
13:19qui a décidé d'annuler la conférence de presse.
13:22Zelensky, affaibli par le brusque rapprochement entre Trump
13:26et son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine,
13:28a dit néanmoins espérer un travail constructif.
13:32Le voyage de l'émissaire américain coïncide avec un récent échange
13:35entre Trump et Zelensky au cours duquel le président américain
13:39a qualifié son homologue ukrainien de dictateur
13:42jetant un doute supplémentaire sur l'avenir du soutien de Washington à Kiev.
13:47Et après avoir qualifié Zelensky de dictateur,
13:53Trump a poursuivi sa rhétorique en faveur de Moscou
13:57en affirmant hier soir que dans ce conflit,
14:00les Russes avaient pris beaucoup de territoire et avaient donc les cartes en main.
14:05Si les propos du président américain ont choqué en Ukraine,
14:08le Kremlin, sans les commenter directement,
14:11s'est réjoui aujourd'hui de cette convergence
14:14avec la nouvelle administration américaine
14:16annonçant que Moscou et Washington ont décidé d'une reprise du dialogue
14:20sur tous les paramètres.
14:22Vladimir Poutine s'est lui félicité de la reprise du dialogue russo-américain
14:27indiquant qu'il rencontrerait avec plaisir Donald.
14:34Les capitales européennes ont les yeux braqués sur le scrutin anticipé en Allemagne.
14:41Hier, lors d'un débat télévisé hier,
14:44le chef des conservateurs, Friedrich Merz,
14:48favori aux législatives de dimanche prochain,
14:52s'est défendu devant Olaf Scholz.
14:55Je vous propose ce reportage, ce récit de Dina Merini.
14:59Qu'avez-vous prévu pour ce duel ?
15:04Le chancelier allemand Olaf Scholz et le chef de l'opposition, Friedrich Merz,
15:08se sont affrontés lors d'un ultime débat télévisé ce mercredi
15:12avant les élections anticipées du dimanche prochain.
15:15La campagne électorale allemande a été dominée par des questions centrales
15:20telles que l'immigration, l'économie et la sécurité.
15:23Les sondages préélectoraux placent la CDU en tête,
15:27mais Olaf Scholz ne s'avoue pas vaincu.
15:30Il pense que de nombreux électeurs sont encore indécis.
15:33Je suis convaincu que cette fois-ci il se passera quelque chose
15:37qui s'est rarement produit à ce point lors des élections précédentes,
15:41que certaines personnes iront au bureau de vote
15:44et ne décideront qu'ensuite pour quel parti voter
15:47et qu'en fin de compte beaucoup voteront pour le SPD
15:50et me donneront un nouveau mandat pour diriger le prochain gouvernement.
15:55Friedrich Merz a appelé les Allemands à lui confier un mandat fort
15:58pour résoudre les deux grands problèmes du pays,
16:01à savoir l'immigration et l'économie.
16:04Si nous ne résolvons pas ces deux problèmes,
16:07tous les partis démocratiques du centre politique
16:10ne verront pas un simple changement de gouvernement lors des élections
16:13et nous sombrerons définitivement dans le populisme de droite.
16:17Je suis ici pour éviter que cela se produise.
16:21Plusieurs adversaires politiques de Friedrich Merz,
16:24dont Olaf Scholz, sont accusés de vouloir travailler
16:27avec le parti de l'extrême droite alternative pour l'Allemagne,
16:30actuellement en deuxième position.
16:33Des accusations rejetées par le leader de la CDU,
16:36qui a affirmé qu'il ne s'alliera jamais avec l'AFD d'extrême droite.
16:41Friedrich Merz, qui accuse le gouvernement Scholz de laxisme,
16:45préconise un verrouillage durable des frontières
16:47et le refus d'entrer pour tout étranger sans papier,
16:50y compris les demandeurs d'asile.
16:52Pour leur part, les capitales européennes
16:54auront les yeux braqués sur le scrutin anticipé
16:58de la première économie du continent,
17:00affaibli depuis l'implosion de la coalition d'Olaf Scholz fin 2024,
17:05en pleine crise de son modèle industriel et géopolitique.
17:10In the rest of the news,
17:11France is going back to the Ivory Coast,
17:14the military base of Portbouy.
17:16This large military base near Abidjan
17:19was occupied by France for nearly 50 years.
17:22Our team was there.
17:24This is a report by Max Sauby and Herman Degault.
17:28This military ceremonial
17:29is a reminder of the flag of France
17:31and the rise of the national colours of the Ivory Coast.
17:35A symbol.
17:43The action is thus dedicated to the retrospection
17:45of the military base of the 43rd BIMA,
17:48of the French army, to the Ivorian army.
17:51This military base,
17:53of the French army, to the Ivorian army.
17:56This military base will now be called
17:59Thomas d'Aquin-Ouattara.
18:01It is the name of the first chief of staff
18:03of the Ivorian army.
18:05A solemn moment,
18:07full of cordiality and respect
18:09between brothers in arms.
18:11This form is not only symbolic,
18:13it also goes through a French contribution,
18:16because it must be said,
18:18France transforms its presence,
18:20France does not disappear.
18:22And it is thus that 80 French soldiers,
18:25composing a base
18:27of an inter-armed detachment,
18:30will come, in a way,
18:32to arm, to support
18:34the French military presence here
18:36for the needs you will express.
18:38Needs that will obviously
18:40be constantly updated
18:42according to operational needs,
18:44but also, as we know,
18:46training needs.
18:48The geopolitical mutation
18:50of the current security issues in the world,
18:52particularly on the African continent,
18:55must guide our common will
18:57to promote shared security
18:59for sustainable regional stability.
19:03The reorientation,
19:05the reconfiguration
19:07of our collaboration
19:09in terms of defense
19:11are therefore legitimate,
19:13because we must adapt
19:15our operational postures
19:17while taking into account
19:19the evolution of the world.
19:21This departure of the French Force
19:23from this camp will lead
19:25to a new form of military cooperation,
19:27a new tone,
19:29a new common vision
19:31of the military relationship
19:33between the two States.
19:35No more question of intervening militarily
19:37as it was done in the past.
19:39The French soldiers will be there
19:41for the training
19:43and respond more effectively
19:46We stay in the continent
19:48and Bamako, which houses
19:50the 4th edition of the International
19:52Societal Responsibility Salon
19:54of Companies.
19:56For two days, national and international
19:58experts meet business
20:00managers, but also students.
20:02The aim is to address
20:04the themes related to
20:06the societal responsibility of companies
20:08and its contribution to society.
20:10A report by our correspondent
20:12in Bamako, Mohamed Danyoko.
20:15With the theme of societal responsibility
20:17of companies and ISO standards,
20:19the economic growth lever for companies,
20:21this 4th edition
20:23focuses on the advantages
20:25of the RSE for the company
20:27and the life of the population.
20:29It is a concept that transcends
20:31simple legal and regulatory obligations.
20:33It includes voluntary practices
20:35of companies
20:37aimed at improving their social
20:39and environmental impact.
20:41In Mali, the RSE
20:43is still in its infancy,
20:45but it represents
20:47a major opportunity
20:49for our companies to stand out
20:51and strengthen their brand image.
20:53At a time when climate change
20:55causes a lot of damage
20:57around the world,
20:59it is necessary to understand
21:01how the RSE can contribute
21:03alongside other policies
21:05to regulate the situation.
21:07We remember the last agricultural
21:09and environmental campaign in Mali.
21:11We saw the damage caused
21:13by the floods in Bamako
21:15and all over Mali,
21:17with the deaths of people.
21:19We have seen the impacts
21:21of climate change,
21:23the fires, the floods,
21:25the stress around the world.
21:27All these impacts tell us
21:29that the company must integrate
21:31all the issues related
21:33to the preservation of the environment
21:35in terms of ecological and climatic transition.
21:37Minister of Commerce
21:39and Banking Director,
21:41Moussa Alassane Diallo,
21:43shares his experience
21:45of the RSE and its assets.
21:47All the investments we have made
21:49over the past 10 years
21:51in the BNDA to establish
21:53the RSE and the adhesion
21:55to the North Iso,
21:57today we have the return
21:59of these investments
22:01because the BNDA has just
22:03joined the climate fund,
22:05which will allow us
22:07to strengthen the development
22:09of our country.
22:11Integrated management systems,
22:13RSE legislation,
22:15are among other topics
22:17discussed in this forum.
22:19And you should know
22:21that the Moroccan destination
22:23is in Libreville.
22:25Universities of the Kingdom
22:27participate in a orientation
22:29for future Gabonese students.
22:31The aim is to present
22:33their training offers
22:35This is a report by our correspondent
22:37Kevin Oswald from Ushaga.
22:39Twelve Moroccan higher institutions
22:41are operating in Libreville
22:43where a orientation
22:45for future students is taking place.
22:47The Moroccan startup
22:49SmartAfrica is delighted
22:51with its participation in this forum
22:53which is in its second edition.
22:55A platform that brings together
22:57Gabonese and foreign institutions.
22:59Today, SmartAfrica is here
23:01with its partners,
23:03the great Moroccan universities
23:05and schools.
23:07They are here to support
23:09the Moroccan pavilion
23:11and promote higher education
23:13in Morocco.
23:15All sectors are represented
23:17here in this pavilion.
23:19We have a very diversified
23:21Moroccan offer.
23:23We have health sciences,
23:25medicine, dentistry, pharmacy,
23:29all areas of support
23:31that our countries need
23:33in the next 5 to 10 years.
23:35Some 6,000 Gabonese students
23:37frequent Morocco.
23:39Some of them wanted to participate
23:41in this pavilion.
23:43We met them.
23:45They salute the Moroccan experience.
23:47I went through SmartAfrica
23:49and they took care of everything.
23:51They came to Morocco
23:53to pick me up
23:55at the airport.
23:57They helped me formalize
23:59the embassy.
24:01They accompanied me to the city
24:03where I was supposed to attend.
24:05Gabon shows the ambition
24:07to establish a school,
24:09university and professional
24:11orientation policy
24:13taking into account
24:15its development needs.
24:17Every child is an artist.
24:19The problem is to remain
24:21an artist when you grow up.
24:23Orientation is therefore
24:25the most effective way
24:27to develop our country.
24:29This orientation pavilion
24:31touches a little more
24:33than 50,000 Gabonese students
24:35with the objective
24:37of popularizing the priority
24:39professions for Gabon.
24:41This brings us to the end
24:43of this newscast.
24:47We will continue on Mediantv.