00:00Been a minute since we've had a chance to talk to our next guest who joins us now on the River Islands guest line
00:06I do believe he was out here in the Bay Area taking part all-star weekend
00:11Just recently back home tucked in and ready to chat it up. None other than FS ones Chris Broussard here on Willard and dibs
00:18Hey Chris, what's going on, ma'am?
00:21What's up, Mark? How you doing, man? It's good to be on with you guys
00:25It is wonderful to have you and I just actually opened up
00:30Instagram during our last commercial break because that's what we do in
00:342025 when you have a minute you open up social media and there you were
00:38There you were saying KD made a mistake. He should have gone to Golden State. Please explain
00:47Yeah, he absolutely made a mistake
00:49Mistake, you know the talk around at least I've heard from several people around the league
00:55That the feeling is that he didn't go there because of Draymond and they rekindled their friendship
01:01But it's just that you know, he didn't particularly like playing with Draymond
01:06Draymond runs his mouth a lot. He directs traffic a lot, you know, just it can be aggravating to some players
01:12But that that's what the feeling is at least among some people around the league
01:17But the bottom line, you know, whether it's that whether it's you know, Steve Kerr alluded to all the
01:24Problems he had with people, you know when he first went to Golden State and even not getting the credit
01:31You know for winning the two championships because people thought he hopped on the bandwagon
01:35The bottom line is to me this time is completely different like had he gone back this time
01:42I think he would have been viewed if he would have helped him win a championship or even get close
01:47I think he would have been viewed more as a savior like the Warriors are not the 73 win Warriors anymore
01:54They'll be fortunate to get in the official playoff
01:58I mean now they'll probably make the play in but they'll be fortunate to actually get in the final eight and if he were there
02:05And he helped him get close to a championship
02:08I think he would have got a ton of credit and had he led them to a championship
02:13I think it would have been viewed as his best championship ever
02:18where staying in Phoenix
02:20He is like, I mean the X he's like off the radar. He's playing great individually
02:27they'll be lucky to make the play in right there in 11th spot right now and
02:33So, I just think that he could either I had the choice of staying in Phoenix and
02:40basically being in basketball Siberia for the rest of the season or
02:45making a run with the Warriors that really would have you know, put him in the mix of
02:50The NBA championship race and he chose, you know, the former which I thought was a huge mistake
02:57Is it difficult to go home again though Chris in that same spot?
03:00Because I know that the way you laid it out is accurate and I see it that way but a lot of fans
03:05I think especially outside our market would look at it as him chasing a championship again
03:10If you're KD, what can he actually do to kind of exonerate his own?
03:19Well, that's a great question because I think like look there's a lot of talk
03:24We know Dallas went after Kevin Durant before the trade deadline as the Warriors were going after him, too
03:30and there's some talk was I would imagine they'll try to do the same thing this offseason and
03:36even if they got Kevin Durant and then they had him and Kyrie and
03:41Anthony Davis and they were able to win a championship. There would be those people
03:46Who would say well, that's a stack team. Of course. He did it with them. He's always gonna get some criticism
03:54I think the only way he would have
03:58alleviated any criticism at all
04:00Would be had he had more success in Brooklyn or even Phoenix, you know, had he been able to win there
04:07I think people would have been like, okay, this guy can win
04:11Anywhere he can lead a team
04:13But I don't think people understand now as great as Kevin Durant is and he's a top 20 player all time
04:19He is not like a leader and that's gonna lead a team to a championship
04:26so I think that that
04:29Will you know when you look at the other really the other two top players of this generation?
04:35being Steph and LeBron
04:37they each can lead teams and have led teams to championships and
04:42KD is just not that same type of
04:45Personality and that's probably why he gets some of the grief he gets and I don't know that any type of championship will fully
04:54100% put away the criticism, but I do think more people would have would value
05:00Would have valued the championship if he were to go to Golden State and win it then they valued his first two
05:07Chris Broussard fs1
05:10Always analyzing hoops with us here Willard and dibs
05:1495-7 the game Chris. I wonder what your prediction would be
05:18Golden State wise like I know Durant has spoken about like don't want to leave Phoenix at least not now
05:25And I'm not specifically pointed to rant, but they made their big move Jimmy Butler's here
05:30He's got the extension, but they also trumpeted the idea that they still have flexibility
05:35Do you believe the core of this roster is?
05:39What it is and will stay that way for the next two years or do you see more big moves coming?
05:45Well look they're not a championship team yet the Jimmy Butler move was great, I think Jimmy definitely helps them
05:53He fits in with Draymond and Steph
05:56And you're gonna get you know he got his contract extension
05:59So you should get the best of Jimmy Butler for the next you know two years or so
06:05But they're not a championship team yet. I think they at best they make a you know a nice playoff run
06:11Maybe get to the second round
06:13But they they should keep building and I think they will because they know look let's try to win as many titles as we can
06:20With Steph so I think they need to you know in all season
06:24They should go after Kevin Durant again
06:26And if indeed what a lot of people are saying is true that Draymond was the issue
06:33I would I would shop Draymond if I'm the Warriors if I was able to get Kevin Durant
06:40By moving Draymond green I would do that
06:44And you know you you need Draymond spirit and his defense
06:51They need that because it's a great mix with Steph, but Jimmy Butler could fill that void
06:57So if you had Jimmy Butler Steph and KD
07:00I do think that's a team capable of winning a championship, and so I would certainly continue to pursue
07:08KD if I'm the Warriors, but outside of that
07:12Obviously they need to get a big and you know everybody like Dallas is going to be looking to make moves
07:17This offseason the Lakers are going to be looking to make moves my
07:22Milwaukee if they don't you know have a great postseason run. They're gonna be likely making moves
07:28Minnesota's gonna like
07:30Everybody's gonna be looking to make moves this offseason and the Warriors should be right there ready to do what they can with
07:37Anybody well they got coming good to think about but you mentioned the spirit of Draymond green
07:42And I know you heard his comments when he talked about how they will
07:46Win the championship this year when you hear Draymond saying that is just that just
07:51Athletic hubris, or do you really think that he believes that they actually have a live shot I?
07:58Do think he believes I mean I think Draymond is
08:02Honest you know and I mean we saw that on the NBA all-star broadcast like
08:07He's gonna speak his mind whatever the cost and so I do think he believes it
08:13I don't believe it, and I don't think many other people believe it
08:16Um I want that from one of my leaders like I step may believe it as well like they should feel that way right
08:23Do you want them to feel that way?
08:26And I will say this look when you look at what Jimmy Butler has like when he was at his best
08:31And he led Miami to two
08:35NBH you know finals appearances. I mean he wasn't supposed to do that those things were not that great
08:43He wasn't supposed to beat that Boston team that eventually won a championship
08:47But he did you know the year before that and so he is
08:51Playoff Jimmy is real you will get the best of Jimmy Butler assuming. He's healthy in the playoffs
08:57So I get Draymond excitement
09:00And I like it again, but I I just don't think this is a championship roster at the end of the day
09:07Chris which phrase do you think best describes?
09:11Jonathan Kaminga a
09:13future all-star a
09:16very good player or
09:18future trade chip
09:23Would say a future trade ship, and I think all of those are mixed in he is a very good player
09:29He might make an all-star team or two
09:33in the future
09:35But if the goal is to win now, and it is then he's gonna likely have to be in a deal
09:41It's just as simple as that and you hate to give him up because he does have great potential
09:47But you know
09:49If you again, I've talked about KD or whoever they might be able to get to help them get to the next level
09:55He may very well need to be a part of it now look if they make a really nice run that surprises us and
10:03Go deep into the second round maybe get beaten six or seven games or even get to the conference finals
10:10And the feeling is that they're not as far away as we thought
10:14Then maybe they can get a collection of bigs, you know kind of like Dallas had before
10:21You know they got Anthony Davis Daniel Gafford and Derrick live
10:25I you know role-playing bigs were stars and maybe you can get something like that without having to give up a cominga
10:31But right now the feeling is I think they're a little further away
10:35And I'll probably need a little higher caliber player so cominga might have to be a casualty
10:41But you know, I'm I would imagine that their their view is let's see how this thing goes
10:47And then we'll you know
10:49We'll be ready to make whatever moves we have to make in the offseason and it looks like they aren't done making moves
10:55Come the offseason. They will try to shore this up even more
10:59I wonder Chris what you think about Steph Curry as a team's best player
11:03Can he still be good enough for long enough from April to June to carry a team to an NBA championship?
11:12Well, he's not quite what he used to be
11:15but I do think he can still be the best player on the day like I think he's the best player on the team now and
11:21You need more around him, you know, like like he clay and and
11:28Draymond, I don't think he could do that at this, you know stage of his career
11:33But you know with Butler like I said KD I keep bringing him up
11:37But I just think you need higher caliber players around Steph now to really be able to you know
11:44Win the championship and let's let's be it quite honest. Not many people saw them winning it in 2022
11:52Yeah, so maybe he can go ahead and you know surprises, but they to me they clearly need upgrades
12:01Again, I know what Draymond said
12:04But that would be a shocker
12:06That would be as shocking as the Luka don't you straight if the Warriors even got to the finals let alone one
12:14So Chris, let me ask it though this way like because you're saying Draymond believes it. You don't believe it
12:20Most people don't believe it. I'm generally with you at least until we see a whole lot more
12:26But is it right? Is it fair to say that right now suddenly the Western Conference?
12:34Vulnerable Houston is losing a bunch of games. I'm not sure what to make of the Lakers start with Luka. It's been wobbly, right?
12:42Anthony Davis is hurt Darren Fox is gone when bees out and the Suns are a mess
12:47Is this suddenly more gettable than it was three weeks ago?
12:52Well among the teams you mentioned yes
12:56The Warriors to play with those teams, but I think the top two teams in the West are
13:03Oklahoma City and Denver and if I had to pick one, I would pick Denver and
13:08You know, they they're playing whether to hide it seem in the league right now. They want eight straight
13:14Jamal Murray as he tends to do he started slow and that was why they struggled early
13:19But now he's gotten back in the mid season form and they're rolling and I think you know
13:24their role players their bench guys are
13:27Settling more into their roles and yoke is just having just another terrific season
13:32And so they would be my pick. Oh now look, okay. See as good as they are. They are young
13:39They would be the youngest team ever to win the NBA championship if they were to do so and I think that's a problem
13:45like I
13:47Don't know if last year they you know took their lumps and maybe and got some pro season experience
13:53But I don't know if that's quite enough for them to go get out of the West this year
13:58Memphis, I you know, I question their leadership as far among players their maturity
14:05So they're not, you know
14:07Immovable and then again Houston
14:09I just think it's way too young as good a regular season as they've had
14:13I don't think they're you know getting out of the West and every team you mentioned has its warts
14:20so I think
14:22Outside of Denver and then second I go, okay see yeah
14:26the Warriors might be able to play with those teams the problem is can they get through the top two that I mentioned and
14:32Obviously both of those teams advantage over the Warriors will be inside right the size
14:39home grid and Harden's fame in
14:41OKC and of course yokage and maybe even Aaron Gordon as far as Denver
14:47So that to me and like if the Warriors do make a great run in the postseason and
14:53Don't get to the finals. The order of business would be to go get some size because I think that's
14:59Probably their biggest weakness at this point. Yeah, it's been their biggest weakness for this entire run yet
15:05They got four titles out of it
15:06So I do think they're kind of chasing the old paradigm where you know
15:11You play dream on at the five and you could get away with it when he was a little bit younger and Chris
15:15I just want to ask your thoughts about the all-star weekend in
15:19Totality and in particular the format that we saw with this four-game all-star elimination tournament
15:26What did you think of the tweaks the league made this weekend?
15:29Well, I wasn't
15:32That fond of the format because of the breaks, right?
15:37There are two main reasons I didn't like the format one the breaks in between games were just way too long and even the
15:44Championship in the championship game. It was a 20-minute break, you know
15:48And for from what I'm told cuz I I was there for all-star Saturday
15:53I left before the game and watched it at home
15:55But of people in the arena, it was really problematic and they were just it was just too long
16:01And so that was a problem. But also there wasn't a lot of basketball, right?
16:06Right. It was a three-hour production and you got 30 minutes of basketball and for an all-star
16:12If you were on the team that lost the first game
16:15like you you may have played three minutes or five minutes or whatever it was and
16:20So you just didn't get to see a lot of basketball what I did. I do give the league credit though
16:27The players played hard and I'm not saying they gave a playoff performance
16:33But they did play much harder than they had in the past
16:37All-star games and that was great like they tried to win there was defense played
16:43There was resistance like if that was good and that was a plus it is an absolute shame
16:50That the players couldn't play like that in a regular game, but I thought it was a step in the right direction
16:56So, you know look people are throwing out the idea of an international
17:02verse American
17:04You know all-star game I love that I
17:08Definitely think the international guys will come to play. I
17:12Generally feel like a yoke. It's a Yanis when they you know, they're an all-star game
17:18They want to play and I feel like in the past few years
17:21they've been disheartened because they they come to give a regular game effort and
17:26No one else is and they kind of you know, then they fall in place with everybody else
17:31But because the international guys will probably play hard
17:35I think that would make the Americans play hard because they don't wouldn't want to get embarrassed
17:42You know on a national scene like that. So that to me is something that
17:48Adam silver needs to explore and I look the way I would do it is I would keep the voting just as it is
17:56Right, so you just vote for all-stars
17:59How we do now?
18:01Because there's a history there and it's important like all-star games the amount that you make play a part in
18:09Hall of Fame inductions and how we view a player historically, so I don't want to change that
18:15but if you don't let's say you had like eight international guys of the 24, I think you just add a
18:23Few more to fill out the team. They wouldn't be technically all-stars, but they could play in the game and
18:30I'd do it like that. You could also could just add
18:33You make it 30 all-stars 15 in each conference
18:37Versus 12, which makes sense because you have 30 teams and that way you probably end up getting at least
18:4410 or 12
18:47International players and that'll probably grow over the years too. So I think that would be it could be done
18:53And I would love to see it. I just hope we as the Americans wouldn't get blown away
18:59Right, yeah, I mean
19:04Hey, man
19:06Great to have you on the show man. Thank you so much for doing it
19:10Mark anytime you need me, you know, I mean sometimes the schedules don't match anytime you need me reach out
19:16We always will. Thank you, brother
19:20All right guys. There you go. Bruce. Sorry Bruce. Sorry FS1. Love him. Yeah