• last month
00:00Do you miss clay?
00:02What was my answer before?
00:05No, no, yeah, I mean what no your answer was not as much as you thought it you would right, right?
00:11I thought I'd miss him more but seeing what he's been in Dallas, which is he's averaging about
00:1714 a night last I checked he still has a
00:20Claymaker game or a claymaker half in him, but I miss him less than I thought I would I'll be honest play Thompson
00:31Well, no, that's not fair. Those are players who aren't on the team anymore
00:35Like, you know Luca Luca's averaging more than clay. He not on the team anymore, right? Anyway, yeah point is
00:411320 yeah, thirteen point eight points per game for for clay Thompson
00:45Granny, do you do you miss do you miss clay?
00:48I'm in the same boat as dibs not nearly as much as I thought I would even with the Warriors
00:52Struggling for the majority of the year. Yeah, never really is struck me as oh
00:56That that's the difference right right Lucas you do you miss clay I miss him about as much as I thought I would which is
01:02Not that much. Oh, I was a little more heavy-handed a little cold-hearted. I mean, I love clay. I love old clay
01:08Well, I didn't love who he turned into and who he thought he still was listen to some of these
01:15Since we threw that out there
01:18Nine to five I do not miss pouty grumpy clay
01:23Six five. Oh don't miss clay won't miss this version of Debo
01:29underperforming prima donna
01:32five one. Oh
01:33Sure, I miss you clay
01:35But I mean you literally shot your way out of the gym and left so like no hard feelings
01:42But don't let the door hit you on the way out. Mm-hmm
01:46Six five. Oh clay was a stubborn ball hog for two years
01:50Seven oh seven. Here's a little bit of a different spin. I miss clay every time I see buddy. He'll touch a basketball
01:59Well, yeah, I mean at 707
02:03Not as much as I miss Andres Biedrich. Yeah, that's funny. So
02:09So there you have it. I mean listen that that seems to be the prevailing thought
02:14I know that this is sports radio and it's a text line
02:17So you have to there like something emotionally is making you want to chime in I
02:23Think that warrior fans will never not love clay
02:27But the bottom line is is we're not sort of through
02:30the journey of
02:33Getting to the other side yet, which is to say that plays in that spot
02:38Same thing that Joe Montana was or Jerry Rice was or Ronnie lot was or whatever
02:44Where you're like, you're still playing right and you're on another team and we're gonna love you when you come back when you're
02:5147 years old
02:52Yeah, and 57 years old and you come back and you wave to us and clay might not he might just be on a boat
02:57I or in the Bahamas. I have no idea what the guy's gonna come back for your statue
03:00Yeah, but he'll like like he will be beloved then but we're not there yet
03:05This reminds me a little bit more of Will Clark who was I mean just a one clay wasn't forced out
03:10But he left kind of against his true
03:14Will maybe and the way he played in the way things went and Will Clark is kind of the same
03:19He had a great year in 93 and they had 103 wins and no wild card
03:23There was no such thing and then he got shipped out
03:25and so I do think that he still harbors some of those feelings of
03:30Resentment that he didn't get a chance to still be a giant Will Clark. Yes
03:33That's interesting because he's completely embedded with the organization still right?
03:38but now we're 30 years removed from then and I do know and I've heard him speak on it where
03:43When he actually did leave there was feelings of like man, I didn't want to oh, I'm sure I'll be a ranger
03:49Sure, I'm sure like there's always that thing where you are. You've achieved greatness with an organization and
03:56When it's time for you to go
03:59You feel some kind of way about the lack of sentimentality
04:03Which is also funny because
04:06If you follow sports closely, I think the majority of fans out there like we've got a sentimental side
04:14But we don't want you signing contracts because of it. Like I I don't I don't want thank-you contracts
04:21Well, the Giants did that and I know we're down for you. Well, I don't know mixed bag
04:26Yeah, quite frankly because you know
04:28We we did arrive at a time where people looked at the contracts for the Brandons and Buster Posey and went dude
04:34Why'd you sign those and then they came back in?
04:372021 and won every baseball game. Yeah, and and those two guys Buster and Brandon Crawford were
04:43Incredible. Yeah, even a belt had a healthy good year
04:46He did until he didn't our guys got hurt right at the wrong time. He wasn't there for the playoffs
04:51But yeah, though like they were they were incredible. So I don't know mixed bag, but like
05:00Yes, read a belt deep. Maybe Debo is
05:05Maybe he is clay Thompson
05:07There are some comps
05:10He's not a champion with the team like he hasn't he hasn't built that kind of a relationship
05:15I don't think but this is a boombox guy
05:18This is a guy's a point been to two Super Bowls the career niner drafted here
05:23We knew he was gonna get drafted here before the draft even happened. I loved him
05:29It's been all good
05:30He's been the heart and soul of the team
05:33Now suddenly, I mean getting a little annoyed
05:37Getting a little disgruntled and people are looking at him going. You're still good
05:42You're not as good as you used to be and if you want to buck that system a little bit
05:46We're gonna say well, here's the door now. This is getting sped up because Debo's like fine. I'm out
05:53Get me out of here and the Niners like cool. We'll get you out of here
05:56So a little less controversial than all the clay stuff. Yeah football
06:00It goes a lot faster because of the non-guaranteed nature of contracts
06:04And so, you know you get to and I don't want to get into all the mumbo-jumbo of post June 1st
06:10Designation and cap hits being spread out over years
06:13But in football you can get to this destination faster with clay and I was just looking at his numbers in the three
06:20Years post championship
06:22It's been a struggle a lot of shots and not a lot of makes and you know
06:27Two years in Golden State and now in Dallas his numbers and the texter before said, yeah
06:33I miss him every time buddy touches it buddy healed in clay Thompson if you put their numbers side-by-side
06:38Almost the same almost identical like clay scores more because he plays more and he shoots more
06:44But clay's at 42% from the floor buddies at 41 and a half clay is 39% from three buddies 37
06:52So they're largely the same player when they're hot. They're hot and when they're not they're not I'm gonna agree with you
06:59but if buddies at
07:0037 that's also buoyed by the fact that he was at like 45 for the first month of the season or better
07:07so since then buddy has not been as good as clay Thompson clay has been much more steady Eddie and
07:13Consistent and and I don't know solid like clay's not been great
07:18They ask a lot less of him, but he's been solid, you know
07:2339.3% from three that's solid December in January for buddy
07:2829 games in totality in those two months
07:31He was 30% and 31% respectively from three roof. That's 29 games of please stop shooting
07:39What's he been the last two games last five games? I have the February number in front of me
07:4439% from three. Okay, and
07:4613 points a game. Okay, so the five games of February have been closer to October November was bananas
07:53Well, he's got the same nickname as Jimmy. So what about the buckets games? Yeah
07:57What has he been in the two buckets games buddy buckets and Jimmy buckets in those two games since Jimmy buckets has been here
08:05He was 5 of 13 and 7 of 15
08:09from 3 of
08:114 of 9 and 2 of 8 so 6 of 17, which is
08:1636% and he's averaging 15 points again. I like it's fine. That's exactly what you want him to be. It's not offensive
08:23No 4 of 9 and 2 of 8
08:26Honestly, like 6 of 17 if you can shoot 36% and get 15 points a game
08:32That's about all you can expect from a guy making 8 million. I like I guess I'll answer it this way
08:38Do you miss clay Thompson and by the way, we'll take your calls on this if anybody wants to say something about this
08:43Eight at eight nine five seven nine five seventy. That's the number and Buster Posey joins us in 15 minutes
08:50No, I
08:52Don't and it's really unfortunate that I don't because I like many of you I sat here
08:59For the better part of a year
09:01All big three this and big three that and retire and Bob Bob and the statue and I was
09:07Sure. I was one of those people
09:13Attitude over the last year and a half
09:15ruined it
09:17They ruined it not forever
09:20But for now, yeah, what I did I'd like it like I remember the shows we did where I'm just like dude
09:28Why are you so angry?
09:31If you're missing shots, you're missing shots, I mean we get to assess sports
09:37That's what we do, but you know me
09:39I'm not gonna come down someone's road because they're struggling for a minute or two
09:43Especially not when you're a proven champion, but do that attitude
09:48It got to me like that's not what I enjoyed about watching warrior basketball
09:53I did not want somebody to be frumpy grumpy all day
09:58You could see it and it was more than just like I'm in a slump and all snap out of it
10:03It was the better part of two seasons. I don't know if it was two full years, but clearly when
10:09Jordan Poole got his deal and Draymond got extended and then you get through that year and clay wanted to get his and
10:15The team did not engage even in a back-and-forth and he wound up playing that full year without a contract
10:22You could see that he was kind of wearing it on his sleeve totally and and and then we started getting word of what?
10:28It was like behind the scenes and I think it was even worse
10:30Yeah, it was even worse and I think there's a word to the wise there which we'll get to in just a second
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11:20Chase Center floor March 3rd. So just keep listening
11:23There's what I'll say about it
11:25I think it's a word to the wise that for anybody who works in the fun business
11:30Because I think we work in the fun business. Yeah people not coming here to get mad
11:35They're not coming here to get mad
11:36And this is this is what if I were ever given an opportunity after the last couple of years
11:42To say something to Klay Thompson. This is what I would say. It's kind of funny
11:46You know what? It makes me think of lovely
11:48Christy has told me this story a number of times that when her daughters were really young like sometimes
11:55Whatever you're sitting around the house kids start getting crazy at the witching hour six seven o'clock at night. They've had dinner, right?
12:01You get it. Yeah, I know you're living it still dude. They start going bananas and she'd go I
12:06Get in the car. We're going on an adventure which can just mean target or or whatever, right?
12:13But when when mom or dad or whoever does that for you
12:19you better be thankful and
12:20if you get to go on that trip and someone's gonna pull out their wallet and be like
12:25let's go get something fun and you act a fool and
12:29You start getting snippy and snappy and expecting
12:33She would look at them and be like we're out and they'd be like no no mom
12:37And she's like too late you ruined it and that's what I'd say to clay
12:43It's like dude. You ruined it you were here to have fun. You are warrior basketball and
12:50Night after night we were we were forced to tune in and watch you sourpuss all over the TV
12:58And it sucked. I'm just not gonna sugarcoat it. I love the guy I
13:03Worked with his dad. Yeah for years. He did like but but it sucked that experience sucked. Yeah, it got him
13:11It got to a point where it was
13:13Tough to watch and you watched him play and it seemed like he was hunting his shot
13:18And then you would hear from his coach and his teammates and they would agree that he was out there
13:23hunting his shot, but the whole idea of
13:26Do you miss clay or will you miss Debo?
13:28There aren't that many players and I was just thinking about the big three teams like which player on the team right now
13:35Would you miss if they went elsewhere and I'm thinking about Oh God Warner and George Kittle and
13:42Yes, and yes, you know Nick Bosa
13:44I think to maybe a lesser extent so but those are the first two Niners that I thought of on who I would
13:50miss and with the Giants, it's
13:53Logan Webb and
13:56Justin Verlander
13:58Okay, I knew you're gonna go with the car they're gonna go Camilo Deval no, I'm a Giants fan outside of Logan Webb
14:04I'd be hard-pressed to think about who I would miss like I don't want Matt Chapman to go elsewhere
14:09I'm really a Thomas
14:10I'm looking for a homegrown guy or someone who's never won another
14:14Miss like you would miss Steph Curry if he went somewhere. Yeah
14:19Yeah, I don't know if I would miss case yeah, there's probably there's probably not another great name
14:23I this is a weird one because he's only played like 40-something games
14:27But with the way it started in his major league career and the way the audience sort of reacted to him
14:32I like I'm here for jung-ho Lee this year. Okay, I'm here for that
14:36I am too. Yeah, but if they if it was announced in a week or heck maybe Buster will say it in 10 minutes guys
14:42I got a breaker for you. We've traded jung-ho Lee's a Dodger the Dodgers. Yeah
14:49No, nothing no, no, no the Dodgers just wanted him so we gave him salary relief
14:54We get the right to pay part of Joey Otani's contract
14:58Oh, I just I was wondering as you were laying that out like who would I actually quote-unquote miss?
15:04Like obviously the chef and I do think you know Kittle and for me, you know Kittle and Fred Warner
15:10Are those guys and you know Brock Purdy you would miss but absolutely, you know, it's a very short list
15:16It's a very short list
15:17But you know what I can get my head around that what I can't get my head around is you being out there on a
15:23Sports field or court looking like you're not having fun
15:27Looking like you just don't enjoy this
15:29Right, like we're coached that throughout our careers with what we do if you sound like you're having a good time
15:35Then they're gonna have a good time. I'm not here to be like, well, I'm having a bad day
15:40Yeah, but we'll talk sports cuz we're supposed to like good lord. Let's have a good time. Give the phone number. Okay
15:47Go to the phone
15:49Big J is in Oakland. Hi big J. What are you doing?
15:54I'm sitting here listening to you guys talking about clay. Okay, I can tell you what I miss about him. I
16:00miss his
16:01Bay Area, you know carefree attitude, you know
16:04There was voting to practice swimming in the ocean and and all those sort of things he would do and you never know
16:09What you would never know what he would you know?
16:12What news story you would hear about him and I also miss this contrived notion that I've made up in my head
16:20The flash brothers and I'm including dream on and that retiring together
16:24I had this whole thing made up that his last contract, you know
16:28we kind of jive with theirs and
16:30It was right off into the sunset having done this incredible thing over the last ten years and no one else had ever done
16:36At all. So I missed those two things, but I don't miss the betrayal that I felt when he
16:42Developed this attitude and like you said the power puts clay and
16:45Going on and doing what you're doing right now. So those are the kind of things that I kind of thought about when
16:52Yeah, I think that's a great answer
16:54and and and certainly the the the clay Thompson on the boat stuff and the
16:59You know the Rocco the dog and and all of that like clay fit in so well
17:04And so those kind of feature stories that we would get about clay Thompson
17:08This is a unique guy like I loved that I loved that
17:13And so sure you missed that and then I I think he's also right the concept of where this was all going which we probably
17:20Bought into too much like that was probably a harder nut to crack than we realized
17:25For years Steph clay and Ray. They're definitely retiring as warriors
17:28Well now you it really almost never works out that way and this didn't either
17:33I don't even know if both of the other two are gonna retire as warriors, right?
17:37Maybe well odds are that they won't and I'm just looking at the stat on
17:43The most seasons ever played by one player on one team and it's Dirk Nowitzki
17:49He played 21 years in Dallas and according to this article on NBA comm only 10 players have ever played
17:5716 or more seasons with one team
18:00Only 10 guys 10 right and I think that Steph is either about to be one or next year
18:06He will be one how many seasons?
18:0816 16. Yeah, he's not this is your 16 for step. It is so, okay
18:13I guess he would be the 11th. He'd be added to this list, but it's Kobe. It's Udonis Haslam
18:19Oh my god, Tim Duncan John Stockton Reggie Miller Karl Malone, although he ended up going elsewhere
18:26He played 18 with Utah and Tony Parker went elsewhere, but he played 17 with San Antonio
18:33Alajuan 17 with Houston and then Ginobili and Havlicek. That's your list
18:38That's it of players who and again, these are not they didn't all play for just one team in their career
18:45But no 16 or more Isaiah Thomas didn't play 16 with them with the Pistons
18:51I'm not seeing him. He played 13 years. Okay with the Pistons and
18:56you know other guys like
18:58Kareem played 14 with the Lakers played a bunch with the Bucs or Paul Pierce 15 with Boston Ewing 15
19:06Dwayne Wade 15
19:07So these are guys and now Steph Curry's in the 16 club
19:10But you know, you're hard-pressed to find one guy ever on a team
19:16Let alone all three who start together. So we all were foolish to think that Dennis Schroeder didn't get to 16 with the Warriors
19:23I'd have to look it up. Did he get to 16 games? He's been on 16 teams. I know
19:29The man got traded three times in an hour. Did he know did he did he get to 16 games?
19:35Went to Warriors. I think he did. Did he?
19:42Golden State. Yeah, he gets 24. Yeah 24 good job Dennis retire that
19:4871 let's go to George and Brentwood. Hi George. Thanks for calling
19:53Yeah, hey, what's up guys? No, I was gonna say both of them cutter. They're kind of in the same situation
19:57I feel like Debo with are you getting hurt had a chance to become a number one. He didn't
20:03Same thing with clay you had clay where Durant left and clay came back from injury and you know, he kind of didn't either so
20:11Yeah, I hear you George there's I guess it feels like there's overlap except for we don't fully know where the Debo thing is going
20:18Yet, and I'd also argue that last year with Debo. It did feel a little bit like a clay season
20:25But it didn't necessarily feel as directed at the at the organization. Maybe it does now
20:31Right, but he was mad. He was mad at the kicker and then he was just mad and then right then he was mad at himself
20:38Like that drop ball against the Rams
20:41He was mad at the lack of opportunities, but that's just a wide receiver thing. I think that that's omnipresent
20:48So, I don't know. It does feel a little bit like a like a clay season
20:53But as you pointed out in the NFL these things get wrapped up a hell of a lot quicker, right?
20:57And this one will get wrapped up
20:58I would imagine in the next month because he's due a pretty big bonus in
21:03March mid-march he's due I think
21:0513 or 14 million dollars as a roster bonus and if you're not going to keep him
21:11Then you don't want to give him the bonus and then either trade him or release him
21:16So this thing's gonna happen here in the next month
21:18Yeah, and you want you want to do it before the draft by a bottom line?
21:21You want to do it before the draft if you're able to do it at all?