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Jimmy Butler gets a minus one for deception after revealing on the Kris Fade Podcast in Dubai how excited he is to be with Warriors and facing the Miami Heat in March. Jimmy says he has nothing bad to say about his former home and teammates. Leroy and Marcos are furious of Tobin for not being more upset with Jimmy Butler.
00:00Jimmy Butler was in Dubai. Yeah
00:03Doing a tour or something like that for big-face coffee. Of course. He is of course side quest side quest Jimmy and
00:10He did a he did a stop by on a radio show there and we got a couple cuts here for yous
00:18Okay, first we have Jimmy Butler
00:21Talking about being with the Warriors. Would you move so much?
00:30Here is Jimmy Butler on now being a Golden State Warrior and how happy he is
00:35How's it feel to be on the west coast?
00:38In the States now obviously with the move. So what how's that feeling? It feels good
00:42I think uh, my pocket is gonna feel it from the taxes, but you know, the taxes were great and in Miami
00:49But I'm so happy over there organizations top-notch. Obviously, you know, I get to play with Steph. So I'm a fan of him just like
00:56Ninety nine point nine percent of the the world and you know a chance of winning the championship
01:01What more can you ask for and dream lines on the team?
01:05Get along quite well, yeah a lot of dominoes
01:09Fun as well. Oh, he's the best and you don't realize how great he is and to
01:14Actually get on his team and how smart and how he'll do anything to win and I respect that the most out of anything
01:21It's all about winning all the time with that, dude
01:23And uh, I'm learning
01:26All right, he's learning
01:29Good for him. I wonder how long it took him to
01:32To learn that eight points in a quarter ain't gonna win a game
01:37We school
01:40Did you learn that did are they gonna teach him about I bet you they don't know about third quarter there
01:47that courtesy of the Chris feed show
01:50Yes, which is Virgin Radio in Dubai
01:55He also then was asked by one of the co-hosts
01:59About the idea of facing the Miami Heat which is gonna happen in a little over a month a little over a month
02:06Here is what Jimmy had to say on that upcoming showdown
02:09I wanted to ask a question that I've always been curious about. I'm a basketball fan growing up watching but one thing always
02:16Left me curious was when you get traded you've been bonded with a team, right and then you go to another team
02:22Then you got to face your old
02:26What is that feeling like?
02:28I think it's a it's a great feeling because you know, everybody just like I know their game
02:33They know my name at the at the same rate
02:37But it's it's all love. I've been in the trenches with Miami for the past six seasons
02:43And like I tell everybody the way that they want to beat me and make sure that they beat the Golden State Warriors
02:48I promise you it's just as personal for me as well. But uh, love those guys over there great organization
02:55It didn't in the way that everybody hoped that it would in but uh, that's just part of the business of basketball
03:01I don't have anything bad to say about that organization
03:04Minus one for deception. Wow. There we go. Let him have it. Minus one. We've been had
03:10Hoodwinked. Run amok. We didn't follow on Plymouth Rock. Plymouth Rock fell on us. That's right
03:19He was trying to be cordial, you know, I mean
03:23Oh, really really trying to be cordial
03:26That's right
03:28That's right. That's right
03:30Oh, really
03:35You gotta learn to like let go of these bad
03:41He's a saboteur
03:44saboteur Oh Jimmy
03:49Dude, okay. Nothing but love he probably wait
03:54How can you have love for a team you take a one-footed three?
03:57Nothing says I don't care. Well, there's no love like a one-footed three
04:05Jimmy Butler
04:09Pat Riley's behavior was
04:13Well, it wasn't from him directly. I mean it went to use a report the kid. It's not yet a press conference
04:22Here I'll go
04:24I'll go
04:28And you know who started the fireworks Oh
04:32Mr. Fourth of July right there. Oh, no, dude. That's not fair. Oh
04:47Jimmy said if he was playing boss, I wouldn't have done nothing. Whatever you say Jimmy
04:54It's like punting that's you that was you
05:01You make me sound sniveling I wasn't sniveling
05:05Wait you hold on the only way you can go to
05:09another guy
05:10Talking about with somebody else said as far as he's concerned is sniveling when you went to pet Jimmy said
05:19Sniveling then when you go back to Jimmy is it Pat said that's sniveling
05:33Right, so you were doing all of the things to fuel this fire
05:40Jaysus may not have caused it
05:43But you made everybody aware of each other's conversations thus
05:49Lighting it Jay says I'm so disappointed in our Pope Petty letting this guy slide
05:55Yes, you are like I can't even look at you right now
06:00Face about to face gone after everybody
06:13He sabotaged your favorite team more than any other person
06:18But they should have known that they were in bed with a rattlesnake like it's it's it's almost like I'm you're getting
06:26Hurricane they helped the scorpion across the creek dude
06:29You were sitting here and you live on the coast and you're like, I don't think I'm gonna buy hurricane insurance this year
06:33It's like yeah, you know like look I I should be more mad at him. I understand that
06:41You've gotten more upset over people that have done a
06:46teensy-weensy bit of what Jimmy did
06:51No, yes you have like who yes you have me you fired me twice yesterday
07:00So wait, so wait
07:04How long did you carry the
07:07LeBron petty
07:11Probably till D Wade came back and and guess what?
07:15And LeBron didn't demand a trade he was just a free agent
07:19Well, I think that's what goes into it right like the behavior objectively if I was to look at this from 10,000 feet
07:25Okay, which you're not which you're not I think I am. No, you're not
07:30Objectively Jimmy's behavior much worse than LeBron's much worse. Then. Why do you hate LeBron so much?
07:36I think it was the surprise like it's always the way you leave not surprised by Jimmy's actions
07:42Do when he said I'm just go out new. I wasn't that surprised though. I wasn't that surprised
07:47Like what did you go? Did you go?
07:50That's exactly how I felt
07:54Court with that with the BG's I saw the guy's ankle snap
07:59But that was after the fact no, I'm saying we didn't know this was after
08:06This this was when he said he wasn't happy after that stuff
08:09I'm saying before when the season started when they were asking them about I know that but like and I thought there was a part
08:16Of me that definitely thought because I'm telling you like the vibes around the team were good
08:20I think that's why Tyler's been a little bit heard about it because remember him and Tyler like who's what who's what a you you you
08:27They were like loving each other and then all of a sudden Jimmy's like nah, that's up a ship
08:32So I should be more mad at him, I don't know why I'm not I think it's because you're a phony
08:41These actions deserve repercussions, what do you want me to do? I don't know but I don't want to say
08:56What you're doing this is what you know it I
08:59Can't quit you Jimmy
09:02He's just that's what you're doing
09:06Rascal you know, he's just having a good time. He said I got me in the taxes Riles
09:14I'm gonna listen. I hope that he beat him by 40. I do I wanted to get drop-kicked when they come here
09:22Maybe we'll be the new Minnesota. He didn't be Minnesota for a while. He didn't beat Minnesota for a while. That is true
09:41Hold on. I said from the jump that I would have paid them. They didn't okay when he pulled his antics
09:49I said from jump you can't bring him back. Okay, then they brought him back, which was ridiculous and then
09:54Whoa, great Jimmy tanked again, and then
09:58Finally, they came to their senses like oh, we can't bring him back. I
10:02Didn't like what he did to his teammates. I thought it was rotten you do that to BAM
10:06All those years you go to the finals with BAM on a bio right by your side
10:15Okay, best two-way player in the league out there best defender in the league like he wasn't there yes saddled us with Kyle Lowry I
10:22Mean took Goran's number from him with this fat point guard who won't score
10:29Won't take any shots
10:34And then he had a little
10:39And so we had no train is sour puss-ass for a guy whose neck lasted like three weeks
10:47All of these moves a catalyst because you wanted Kyle Lowry here Jimmy all of them
10:55And you still let him off the hook but 56 points do it I mean you still let him off the hood
11:01Hey, let me tell you something
11:04There's a there's a lesson to be learned in sports
11:08Yesterday's Jimmy ain't today's Jimmy
11:12You better hope you tend you tend to look at a guy that's had
11:18Moments of greatness and I'm not disputing that one bit
11:23And you take that as the norm forever
11:26Sometimes I think you treat Jimmy Butler like Jay Crowder. No, I don't know. I don't kind of feel like you know
11:33No, I don't
11:36Here's what I did I
11:39Tried to understand the situation
11:43For what it was
11:44That's with no bias towards Jimmy. No bias towards the heat and I understand Jimmy wanted his money
11:52But I understand why Pat wouldn't give it to him because we can't have you playing the amount of games
11:58You want to play to keep ending up in the play in?
12:02You can't do it
12:04so when the season started and
12:07Jimmy start talking about it. Well, I guess I'm gonna play all the games. It is what it is, right? Mm-hmm
12:14And Pat was like cool, but then he didn't
12:19So in this whole situation
12:22Pat should be furious
12:25Because not only did he lie, but he went out of his way to sabotage the whole situation
12:30Here's the thing. I would say that is is it's not the heats fault because obviously Jimmy was the unprofessional one here
12:37But what I what I always say with an organization is it's your job
12:42To know whether or not you really have a handle on something
12:46Right, and I keep saying that the heat should have traded him in the summer mate
12:51They had an arrogance about themselves with all of this thinking like they do it's not gonna do it to us and they keep
12:59getting their asses
13:01Beat because they're arrogant and they think we're the heat. We're a first-class organization. I understand it's earned
13:08Championships finals trips all that stuff developed
13:11two-way guys
13:13Into near conference champions. I'm not saying that they haven't earned some arrogance
13:18But you have to understand where that arrogance is blinding you sometimes and you guys thought that because Jimmy was older
13:25You guys had passed with Jimmy you had good trips with Jimmy. You thought Jimmy wasn't gonna be Jimmy
13:31wrong wrong
13:34Wrong. Here's what the heat did in the last six years
13:39They helped Jimmy across the river
13:43Then when he got on the other side
13:46They were the frog. Yep, and he was the scorpion. All right, and we know about frogs
13:53They're losers. No, okay
13:57But but again
13:59Even see in all of this. I think the only person
14:07Who was unprofessional was Jimmy you can say whatever you want about the heat and what they should have done
14:15But they don't owe anybody a contract past the current one, but he said he has love
14:22He's saying you know why he's saying that now that he's getting his money
14:28Like money make you feel better
14:31It don't fix all your issues
14:33But I tell you what to make you feel all warm and fuzzy and when you don't have to worry about stuff
14:38It would do a lot better for me
14:39If like he threw up a clunker like if the Warriors could just you know get their asses. Here's the other thing
14:46Here's the other thing you have to understand
14:49Jimmy is probably in a more comfortable role than he's been in in a lot of his career
14:58being that
15:00Everybody knows Steph is the guy and he's playing off of step
15:04He's getting the mismatches because they're concentrating on step
15:08So he has more room to operate than when he was the number one on any other team. That's fine
15:14But that's not a that's that's that's on the heat. That's not on Jimmy who they put around him. Yeah, I mean
15:23Sure break
15:26Got another big one coming up tomorrow get into that coming up next
15:30Previously on Tobin and Leroy they are who we thought they were and we let them off the hook
