• last month
Una asesora del hogar, que conoce a su jefa desde niña, es culpada de un robo que ella no cometió.


00:01Excuse me. Good morning.
00:07Beautiful, she is like my evil aunt.
00:10Only nutritious things, so that it improves completely.
00:14Oh, if I'm going to be fine, a little bit of stress I have.
00:18Mom, I'm going out, I need money.
00:20Money? And you know me.
00:22I ran out.
00:23Oh well, then there is no money.
00:25If you do not know how to manage the money,
00:27when are you going to learn to be responsible?
00:30You know I'm not going to give it.
00:32Oh well.
00:39Do not put that face anymore.
00:42You are raising him badly.
00:44No, you are very unobjective because you love him very much.
00:48He has to learn to be responsible, he is already big.
00:51Yes, but what a lolo.
00:53All lolos are like that.
00:55Yes, but he has to be responsible.
00:58I had been working for Laurita for many years.
01:01Before I had worked for her parents.
01:04So I knew her like the palm of my hand.
01:06She was like a daughter to me.
01:08And I was happy to see her happy.
01:10Although nothing was what it really seemed.
01:13She got up, but I would have helped her.
01:16Oh no, how can you think of it, I feel great.
01:19Hey, honey, have you seen my engagement ring?
01:22Oh, I can not find it.
01:24In the wardrobe, there I leave all the things I drop.
01:27No, no, no.
01:28You know what? I think I got it wrong at the clinic.
01:30But it's weird because every time I wash my hands,
01:32I take out the ring and the ring too.
01:34Because I have the ring now.
01:36I'm going to look for it.
01:37In the wardrobe.
01:38I thank you.
01:40I'm going out for a while with my friend.
01:42So that Jaime comes in case he arrives before me.
01:44Well, I tell you.
01:48I'll take care of the ring.
01:50I can not find it, I do not know where it is.
01:52Take care, Laurita.
01:54Take care.
02:02And you?
02:03Hey, what time is it coming?
02:06The face.
02:08Hey, at your friend's house there is no water?
02:10Oh, not to see.
02:11It's bad, it's bad.
02:12Oh, it's bad.
02:13Yes, I'm going to start getting to know your friends' parents better.
02:18And that girl?
02:21Did they lend it to you?
02:22No, it's mine.
02:24It's yours?
02:25Ah, look.
02:26And with what money did you buy it?
02:28With my money.
02:29One has to fix them if you do not give me there.
02:31Ah, look at you.
02:34Let's talk about it later.
02:37Have you already showered?
02:40Yes, clock.
02:41And you bathe well, huh?
02:42Already, thanks.
02:47Hello, my love.
02:48Hello, my love.
02:53Because it seems that I went out a lot today.
02:55Well, but the doctor told you the same thing, that you go out, that you get distracted,
02:58that you go out with the friend, that you go to the mall, that you spend the money.
03:01The de-stress, my love.
03:02That's the important thing.
03:03Yes, it could be.
03:05It could be.
03:06Hey, my love.
03:07Have you seen my ring?
03:08By chance.
03:09What ring?
03:10The ring, the commitment.
03:11No, no.
03:12The one that I called the clinic today and I thought it was there, but they told me that there was nothing to do here.
03:16No, you lost it.
03:17You lost it.
03:18You can't, you can't lose that ring if you don't even finish paying for it.
03:21Oh, come on.
03:22If I don't tell you that I lost it, I don't know, I just can't find it.
03:28Hey, moving on.
03:31I'm worried about Vicente.
03:34I don't know, he's so weird.
03:35He's kind of distracted.
03:36He's on the road.
03:38I'm afraid.
03:39He already spent all the money on the table.
03:40Oh, yeah.
03:42Oh, Vicente.
03:43The subject is Vicente now.
03:45Oh my God.
03:46Hey, let's see, let's see.
03:47Don't complain.
03:48I don't complain.
03:49I don't complain.
03:51What happens?
03:52I don't complain.
03:53What happens is that the other day he asked me for money and I told him no.
03:55He was getting angry and maybe that's why.
03:57Maybe he took out the ring and sold it.
04:00Normita, thank you very much.
04:02Leave it here.
04:03I'll call you if anything, okay?
04:04Go ahead, Normita.
04:10You're in a hurry.
04:11Seriously, what is that?
04:14No, it's not that I believe it, but Vicente has always been a boy full of rolls.
04:19Well, I don't know, this issue of the absent father, maybe it has affected him a little.
04:25Oh no, I don't believe it.
04:27Yeah, but don't worry, my love.
04:29It will appear in a moment.
04:31Calm down.
04:32I'm going to charge the phone.
04:34I'm going to leave the tie and the briefcase.
04:36Excuse me.
04:37Hurry up.
04:40Oh no, man.
04:41If I fix it quickly.
04:42I don't like debts.
04:44You have cash for dogs.
04:47Come on, man.
04:48Let's leave the tie and the briefcase.
04:58Everything is fine, my child.
05:02Because if anything happened, you would tell me, right?
05:07Because you know that I love you.
05:09Obviously, Nana.
05:10You are the only one who loves me here in the house.
05:12Oh, baby.
05:13Nobody loves you.
05:14Your mother adores you.
05:18Who were you talking to?
05:19Oh, but Nana.
05:20With a friend.
05:21Well, his name is Ivan.
05:24You don't know him, but he didn't want to bring him to the house either.
05:27Because you see, Jaime is not very nice sometimes.
05:31Take care of yourself.
05:33Because you know that at this age it is so easy to put the ...
05:39The paw.
05:40The paw.
05:41The paw, the paw, the paw.
05:43I love you very much.
05:45I love you very much too.
05:58Laurita, what's going on?
06:00Is Vicente in the shower?
06:04Oh, Norimita.
06:05I'm so worried.
06:07I lost some earrings.
06:08Very expensive earrings that Jaime gave me.
06:11I don't even want to think that Vicente ...
06:13But how can Vicente Jamari come up with something like that?
06:16Laurita, you know him.
06:19Let's see, Norma.
06:20And since when do you get into things that don't suit you?
06:23Let's see, Jaime.
06:24Don't talk to him like that, okay?
06:26Look, all I'm saying is that it's not fair to blame Vicente.
06:31Your beautiful.
06:33Now in this house the employee has an opinion.
06:38Just go, go.
06:41You don't have to treat her like that.
06:43Besides, she's part of the family.
06:45Not mine.
06:47My family is you, Vicente and me.
06:49Nobody else.
06:51Did you find anything?
06:53No, I didn't find anything.
06:54And you know what's the worst?
06:56I haven't told you.
06:59I lost 200,000 pesos that I had saved.
07:05We're going from bad to worse.
07:10Let's go.
07:20Look, I found your number on Vicente's cell phone.
07:23I needed to talk to you.
07:25And does Vicente know that we met?
07:28No, he has no idea.
07:30Look, I'm very worried because I know that Vicente is up to something strange.
07:36I think you should talk to him.
07:38No, I can't.
07:39Because he doesn't communicate.
07:40He's not going to tell me.
07:42Ivan, look, the other day Vicente came with a very expensive leather jacket.
07:45A jacket that you can't buy.
07:48Look, I'm not asking you to betray your friend, really.
07:52But I need to know what's going on.
07:53What are you doing?
07:58Well, I'm not very comfortable with this, but...
08:03Yeah, well, I'll tell him.
08:06What happens is that...
08:07But why didn't you tell us that a friend had lent you the money?
08:10But that was obvious, Mom.
08:11Otherwise, where could I have gotten the money from?
08:13But Vicente, I give you a table every month.
08:15What do you do?
08:16Do you give it to him?
08:18Well, yes, in a cart, in a cafe, I don't know.
08:20Inviting my friends.
08:21What's wrong with that?
08:22Oh no, that's nothing wrong.
08:24Put your foot down.
08:26If the bad thing is that I spent all the money in two weeks,
08:29then I'm asking for money in installments.
08:31Can I go to my room?
08:35Excuse me.
08:51I'm the worst mom in the world.
08:55How can I distrust you?
08:57Well, it's a possibility.
09:00The bastard doesn't talk, he doesn't say anything, he's erratic, he stays quiet.
09:05And you know what's the worst?
09:07The worst thing is that things keep disappearing.
09:10I don't know if I'm paranoid or stupid, I don't know what's going on,
09:13but I lost a very expensive bracelet, a gold one.
09:16Calm down, calm down.
09:17This stress doesn't belong to you anymore.
09:20Don't worry, things will appear.
09:22And after all, they are material things.
09:24Don't worry.
09:26And you know what?
09:28That if Vicente is innocent,
09:30then who is?
09:32Well, in this house there were three of us.
09:35You, Vicente and me.
09:38Ah, of course.
09:40And Norma.
09:42I knew Mr. Jaime was hiding something.
09:45Why did he look so much for a culprit for the things that disappeared?
09:50Why did he blame me if he knew perfectly how I was?
09:54Well, don't worry, I'm going there.
09:56See you later.
09:58My love, I'm going to have to go to the office,
10:00but then I'm going to go to that restaurant that you like so much, that Japanese one,
10:04and I'm going to bring you some sushi.
10:06A very tasty sashimi.
10:08I'll help you with everything.
10:10And don't keep thinking so much, my love.
10:12They are material things.
10:13Don't give it so much importance.
10:15See you.
10:31I love you.
10:57Why did you take so long?
10:59Did you go to the pharmacy? Did you buy him anything?
11:01I have to tell him something.
11:03Oh, I don't know how he's going to take it, but ...
11:07Oh, my girl.
11:12Oh, I found it.
11:16I found them.
11:18And do you know where?
11:20In your drawer.
11:25But Laurita ...
11:27You know me.
11:28You know I wouldn't do something like that.
11:30Let's see, but it seems that it is not enough.
11:33How could you do something like that to me?
11:35I trusted you, Norma.
11:37But Laurita, it's not me.
11:39It's Mr. Jaime, because I saw him come in.
11:41He's betting.
11:42That's ...
11:44Let's see, Norma.
11:45What are you saying, Norma?
11:48What are you talking about?
11:50He's ... I saw him.
11:51He's betting.
11:53Mr. Jaime.
11:56And ...
12:04I'm going to pay you.
12:06Everything that corresponds.
12:09But tomorrow you are leaving this house.
12:14I'm sorry.
12:26I'm sorry.
12:39I'll miss you, my boy.
12:42I believe in you, Nana.
12:43I know you.
12:44Yes, well I don't steal.
12:47I don't know why you are leaving, my love.
12:48You were wrong, Norma.
12:52Come in now.
12:53Take good care of yourself, my child, take good care of yourself.
12:57Jaime, take care of the horses.
13:00Take good care of yourself, I love you so much.
13:03I love you so much.
13:05Take good care of yourself.
13:16Thank you. Excuse me.
13:19I started looking for a job in the same sector.
13:23But I wasn't lucky.
13:26I don't know how they found out that I had been robbed.
13:31And nobody wanted to hire a thief.
13:36Is that your stepfather?
13:38Are you sure you want him to do that?
13:40Yeah, well, man, he doesn't know you. It would be too much trouble.
13:44You know, I don't know, maybe I find him a little grumpy.
13:47Like when you had a fight with my mom.
13:49No, it's not the same.
13:50What do you mean, no? They questioned me anyway.
13:53Come on, dog.
13:55Please, really, the only thing I ask of you, I'm not going to ask you for anything else,
13:58but I need to clear the name of my nanny.
14:00Do you understand what that means for me?
14:04Well, that's it, that's it.
14:06I'm going to do it.
14:08But, man, I'll never lend you any more money or clothes.
14:11Never again.
14:12Is that clear?
14:14I owe you one.
14:15Yeah, man, good.
14:16I don't know how I'm going to do it anyway.
14:20Hello, Nelson.
14:22Hello, how are you, buddy?
14:23Yeah, Skype.
14:25Hey, you know what?
14:26I have some super good news.
14:28And you know what?
14:29I'd like to see if you can lend me 50 bucks, crazy.
14:32Play it.
14:34Yes, man.
14:36No, I can't do that right now.
14:38At another time.
14:39But now I can't.
14:41Yes, man, that's why...
14:45Nelson, hello?
14:56Do I know you?
14:58No, but we have something in common.
15:00That we both like horse races.
15:04You're a kid.
15:06Yes, because that's the problem, that you don't let me in to play.
15:10But, you know, the truth is that I don't want to be mean to you,
15:12but I don't see what the reason for this conversation is.
15:16Look, I have 100 bucks.
15:19I have 100 bucks.
15:20If you bet on me, we go 40 to 60.
15:28Yeah, it could be.
15:31Well, I have some super good news.
15:33Come with me.
15:36I'm a professional.
15:38Can't you imagine all the things I've been able to play?
15:42I even sold some of my wife's things.
15:44In fact, I think I'm in the dentist now.
15:51Don't say anything else, Mom. I think you're crying.
15:55How can I lie to you like that?
16:00And Normita, I treated her so badly.
16:03Yes, well, she was the one who told me about Jaime when he left.
16:07I'm here.
16:09Hi, honey.
16:12Hi, Vicente.
16:14What's up?
16:17What's up, man?
16:28You sold my things, for what?
16:31To pay off your damn addiction?
16:34Blame yourself now, because I'm innocent!
16:39You blamed an innocent woman!
16:42Laura, it's okay, but it's just a game.
16:46It's nothing more than that.
16:47I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I'm not unfaithful.
16:51You're a liar!
16:55Do you want money?
16:57Tell me you want money!
16:59Here, take it.
17:01Sell the ring.
17:02Sell the ring!
17:04Why are you going to need the money?
17:05Why are you leaving right now?
17:08Get out of this house!
17:16Damn you!
17:32I had gotten a job outside, and one day I got an unexpected call.
17:39It was Laurita.
17:41She insisted on seeing me.
17:43I never stopped loving her.
17:46I just went.
18:01I miss you so much.
18:03I miss you too.
18:10Thank you for coming.
18:16It's just that I behaved so badly with you, Normita,
18:19that I thought you weren't going to answer my phone.
18:24I'm so ashamed that I behaved so badly with you.
18:32Forgive me, please.
18:35I forgive you.
18:41Laurita asked me to work with her again, and I couldn't say no.
18:46She and Vicente were my family.
18:49That's why I forgave them and came back with them.
18:53I'm sorry.
