• 2 months ago
Una mujer maltrata a su esposo debido a que perdió su empleo, lo quiere obligar a buscar trabajo en la empresa de su suegro ya que él es exitoso. La asesora del hogar escuchó la pelea y se quiere aprovechar de la situación y quedarse con el corazón del jefe.


00:00And what are you doing here at this hour?
00:03Lore, I have to tell you something important.
00:07Let me guess.
00:08Because of the boxes you brought here, I imagine you were kicked out of La Pega.
00:14That happens to you for not making an effort.
00:17I imagine you were complaining and complaining at La Pega, that's why you were kicked out.
00:22So, tell me, what are you going to do now?
00:24I'm going to go to La Pega.
00:26I'm going to go to La Pega, that's why you were kicked out.
00:28So, tell me, what are you going to do now?
00:30I don't know, I'll look for another job.
00:33Go to La Pega to work for your dad!
00:35No, no, no, no, no, that I won't.
00:37Look, you know what?
00:39I don't know what you're going to do now,
00:41but I'm warning you that I'm not going to lower my quality of life because of your laziness.
00:46Go to work at your dad's factory and get your act together sometime.
00:50But calm down, I'm not taking care of you either.
00:53Why don't I just tell you?
00:55I have to go now.
00:58Where are you going?
01:00Well, as usual, to the gym, yoga, and then I'm going to hang out with some friends.
01:07But Loretta, can't you stay so we can talk?
01:10Talk? What are we going to talk about?
01:14Look, I'm not interested in hearing your usual complaints.
01:21I'm not in the mood to waste time.
01:24We'll talk in the afternoon.
01:36Well, you haven't told me what you're going to do yet, if you're going to do something.
01:40I told you, Loretta, I'm going to look for a job.
01:42I have some contacts and I'll see what I can do.
01:45But I've told you so many times.
01:47Go to your dad's job.
01:49You have a job there for sure.
01:51But Loretta, again with the same thing.
01:53I told you, I'm going to do the impossible so I don't have to work with my dad.
01:56I want to develop, I want to grow up.
01:59And I can't do that because my dad is the only boss.
02:01But they would pay you very well there.
02:03But it's not all a matter of money, Loretta.
02:06For God's sake, you're tough, Esteban.
02:09For God's sake, we could have a much better life than this, but much better.
02:13If it weren't for your pride, your parents have money.
02:16Come on, again with the same thing, Lore.
02:17Always thinking about my dad's money.
02:19No, but you have the right to that.
02:21Right to what? If that money is not mine, it's theirs.
02:23You know what? You bored me.
02:26You bored me, so you better stay here alone.
02:29But Lore, Lore.
02:42Excuse me, Mr. Esteban.
02:43I come to pick up the cups.
02:45Thank you, Juanita. Thank you.
02:46Go ahead.
02:50Hey, change that face.
02:53I already told you.
02:55You're going to find a job that fast.
02:57Remember me.
02:59Thank you, Juanita. You do understand me.
03:02Look, the truth is, I don't know much about your problems and your affairs.
03:07But you know what I think?
03:08What reasons would you have not to want to work with your family?
03:12Yes, Juanita.
03:14I have a reason.
03:16So you have to be calm.
03:18Because everything will be fine.
03:20So change that face.
03:22And remember me.
03:24I want to see you happier.
03:26Remember me.
03:27Everything will be fine.
03:29Thank you, Juanita.
03:31We had a distant relationship with Loreto a long time ago.
03:35We didn't even have children.
03:37The truth is that I thought I would count on your support at that time.
03:40But it seems that I was naive.
03:42We were two strangers.
03:44Two perfect strangers.
03:48Mr. Esteban.
03:50I have to go out to buy some things.
03:52Do you need anything?
03:54No, Juanita. Thank you very much.
03:56I'm going and coming back.
03:58Excuse me.
04:30Hey, Juan, did Esteban arrive?
04:32Mr. Esteban went out to look for work, ma'am.
04:35But I think it's great.
04:38I also think it's great.
04:40Because that way we can be alone and we can talk about something
04:44that I wanted to tell him about the scene I saw on the street with his friend.
04:51I don't know what you're talking about.
04:53Please, you're just getting carried away.
04:55Carried away?
04:56No, I'm not getting carried away.
04:58Yes, I saw clearly what happened there on the street.
05:01It was super clear to me.
05:03Look, you know what? I'm going to tell you one thing.
05:06You're going to look good quiet.
05:08I told you to tell Esteban something.
05:10If not, I'm going to fire you from this house. Did you hear me?
05:13You are not in a position to demand anything from me.
05:16If you want my silence, you're going to have to pay for it.
05:19Let's see.
05:20We all have our price, ma'am. Just like you say.
05:24But in this case it's going to be very expensive.
05:28Hey, Juana, come.
05:31And tie your hair too.
05:44How are you, Mr. Esteban?
05:46More or less, Juanita.
05:48I've done a lot of interviews, I don't know how many exams with psychologists.
05:51And everywhere they tell me they're going to call me.
05:54I've gotten super busy with other jobs.
05:57Well, but don't get discouraged.
05:59You'll see that they're going to call you.
06:02Look, I understand, Mr. Esteban.
06:04I know you don't like working with your dad.
06:07You're going to find a good job.
06:09And moreover, that you like it.
06:11What you don't have to do is get discouraged.
06:13That's the most important thing.
06:15Thank you, Juanita.
06:17You are the only person who understands me in this house.
06:20Don't say that.
06:21Hey, tell me.
06:22Has anything come out of Loreto?
06:27Mrs. Loreto went out with some friends.
06:32Tell me.
06:33Has she always been super good to go out?
06:35Or is she going to avoid me now that I'm at home?
06:38Oh, no.
06:39If she's more of a bitch.
06:41Look, imagine.
06:43With her yoga, the gym, and the bunch of friends she has.
06:48It never happens in this house.
06:52Hey, I'm going to the kitchen because I have to finish the food.
06:56But if you need anything, go there and let me know, okay?
07:00Juanita, please.
07:01Change that face.
07:02What I least like is to see him sad like that.
07:05Okay, Juanita. Thank you very much.
07:13Aren't you going to ask me how I was today?
07:16And for what?
07:17If you had found something, you would have already told me.
07:21You don't care what happens to me either.
07:23Oh, please.
07:24Let's not start with the dramas.
07:26You have your life secured.
07:27If you're like this, it's because you want it.
07:29Come on, with the same thing, Loreto, please.
07:30You're always thinking about my dad's money.
07:32But I'll make it clear to you that that money is only theirs.
07:34And when they die, I'm not going to touch any peso.
07:37Did you hear me?
07:38Oh, my God, you're insufferable, Esteban.
07:40You know what else?
07:41I'd better go to sleep before we start fighting.
07:44But, Loreto, we have to talk.
07:46No, please.
07:47Look, good night, okay?
07:50But, Loreto.
07:59Hey, where are you going?
08:00To sleep somewhere else.
08:12Don Esteban.
08:14Don Esteban, wake up.
08:17Wake up.
08:18Can't you see that you're not going to make it to all the dates you have today?
08:20Hi, Juanita.
08:22Look, I brought you breakfast.
08:27And you?
08:28What are you doing here?
08:29Sleeping in the armchair?
08:32They fought again.
08:36Look, Don Esteban, forgive me for being rude.
08:40But I don't understand Mrs. Loreto.
08:42She's really stupid.
08:44Look how she doesn't appreciate the man next to her.
08:48Any woman would be happy to be with a man like you.
08:53I, personally, don't understand her.
08:58I'm flattered, Juanita.
09:00You're very nice to me.
09:02No, I'm just telling the truth.
09:05There, have some coffee before it gets cold.
09:09Excuse me.
09:18Sometimes we find support in the last person we can think of.
09:22During that period, Juanita made me see the positive side of life
09:25and became my best and only friend.
09:28Well, that's what I thought.
09:37I brought breakfast, excuse me.
09:40Leave it on the bed.
09:51And what?
09:53What you promised me.
09:57It's in the refrigerator.
09:59Take it out.
10:07That's not enough.
10:10I don't have any more.
10:11You'll have to settle for that.
10:12That's not my problem, that you don't have any more.
10:15You'll get it, ma'am.
10:16Or else, I'll tell everything to Don Esteban.
10:19So from now on, I want my money.
10:22Ah, okay.
10:23I'll have your money in the afternoon.
10:27It looks like you don't understand.
10:29Excuse me.
10:30Hey, wait, wait, wait.
10:33I need you to wash this clothes.
10:34I need it for this afternoon.
10:52No, no, no.
11:13Motel ticket.
11:22Motel ticket.
11:38Don Esteban, look at that face.
11:41Juanita, you know I'm dead.
11:44I haven't gotten any results.
11:45None of the job interviews have called me at all.
11:48I don't want to go back to where I was.
11:50I swear I don't want to.
11:51Okay, but don't worry.
11:53You have to be calm.
11:55A good job is going to appear.
11:58And what if you go back to work with your dad?
12:02It's going to be for a while, mom.
12:03Until you find the job that you deserve.
12:06Oh, Juanita.
12:08Okay, but change that face.
12:11I don't want to see you sadder.
12:12Don't you see that you are the joy of this house?
12:15But I haven't worked for more than two months.
12:17And what does it matter if you are a strong and healthy man?
12:20So you're going to find a job at any time.
12:25You're good to me, Juanita.
12:27Because I want it.
12:29That's why I'm good.
12:30Because I want it.
12:31I understand it.
12:32Not like...
12:33Like Lorete was going to say.
12:36Don't worry about us.
12:37We haven't been well for a long time.
12:41But things are going to get better.
12:44All I want is for you to know that you are not alone.
12:47That you can count on me for everything.
12:51For everything you want.
13:21I don't know.
13:22The only thing I remember is that with Juana I felt things again that I had already forgotten.
13:27We became lovers.
13:28And for a short time I forgot my problems and learned to enjoy the simplest things.
13:39Oh, Esteban.
13:40But the onion doesn't get spicy like that.
13:43It's not going to get spicy like that.
13:45The onion doesn't get spicy like that.
13:47It's not going to get spicy like that.
13:48But it's fine.
13:49Yes, it's fine.
13:50But I'm going to show you because this is much finer.
13:54Let's see.
13:56First you take out the peel.
13:58And then you have it like that, fine.
14:00There we go.
14:01Oh, you burn fast, huh?
14:15Juana, how's the food going?
14:18And you?
14:19What are you doing here?
14:22I was talking to Juanita.
14:25Look, for God's sake, you're excited.
14:27Did you bump into each other?
14:33I just feel good.
14:34That's it.
14:38Look at you, huh?
14:40Hey, Juana.
14:41I'm going to go change my clothes and I'll be right back.
14:44Well, if you want to go downstairs, go ahead.
14:47But I warn you that you have at least 20 minutes left for lunch.
14:5220 minutes.
15:15Yes, we had a great time the other day.
15:18No, no.
15:19We're going to repeat it.
15:23Anyway, I told you.
15:25Yes, we're going to repeat it.
15:32Loreto, what does this mean?
15:37I don't know what you're talking about.
15:39I don't know what that paper is.
15:41I don't know.
15:42The ticket is from a motel, Loreto.
15:43From a motel.
15:44Are you cheating on me?
15:45Hey, please don't talk to me like that.
15:47You offend me.
15:48I don't know.
15:49That ticket must be from Juana.
15:51Who else?
15:52From Juana.
15:53From Juana.
15:54Do you think I'm an idiot?
15:55Do you forget that I work for numbers?
15:57This ticket is paid with a credit card.
15:59With a credit card.
16:00And I think Juana doesn't have a bank account.
16:03Well, I don't know.
16:04The lover must have paid it.
16:06His lover.
16:07His lover.
16:09His lover.
16:10His lover.
16:12When is she going to have a lover?
16:13She is all day and all night with us.
16:14She doesn't have a lover.
16:15Since when are you cheating on me?
16:17Since when?
16:18Well, it's okay.
16:19Shut up.
16:20It's okay.
16:22That ticket is mine.
16:23And since when am I cheating on you?
16:25Well, since I realized that I married a failure.
16:29With a poor man like you.
16:31And I looked for a real man.
16:33I did that.
16:34Shut up.
16:35I don't want to see you anymore.
16:38I don't want to see you either.
16:41If you never respected me, you didn't love me.
16:43Hey, please.
16:44Respect is earned.
16:45And you haven't done much for that.
16:47Let's see.
16:48Stop it, Loreto.
16:49You know I'm going to look for a job tomorrow.
16:50And when I come back, I don't want to see you here again.
16:52Did you hear me?
16:53Come on.
16:54All your things and you go.
16:56That's going to be impossible.
16:57I'm not going to leave here.
16:58Don't even dream about it.
17:00If I don't have anything to dream about, trust me.
17:02Because this house, if you don't remember my parents,
17:04I'm going to adopt you.
17:07You were a bastard.
17:10You were never good for anything.
17:14Come on.
17:45Look, bitch.
17:46I'm going to pay for this.
17:47Hey, let me go.
17:48What did I do to you?
17:49Don't touch me.
17:51I treat you as I want.
17:52And you are no longer worthy of my boss.
17:54Hey, I know perfectly well that you were the one who put the tickets there
17:56so that Esteban would find her.
17:58I don't know what you're talking about.
18:00Look, if you liked to be playing two fans,
18:02you should have been more careful.
18:04Hey, that ticket was more than two months ago.
18:06You left it there for him to catch me.
18:08I have no idea what ticket you're talking about, Loreto.
18:12Look, the only thing I'm telling you,
18:14pack your bags, grab your things and go.
18:16Because Esteban is going to arrive and he's going to kick you in the street.
18:20Shut up, stupid.
18:23Look, you're really silly at the end of the day, huh?
18:26You embarrassed yourself.
18:27Now I'm not going to be giving you the money I gave you
18:30so that you would stay quiet.
18:32Do you think I care about that money?
18:34That money for what?
18:36If I already have the big prize, the big prize.
18:39What are you talking about, please?
18:41Of Esteban, yes.
18:43Your husband and I are together.
18:45No, no, that's not true.
18:47Of course it's true.
18:49And I'm sick of that man being happy with me.
18:52Hey, I'm not going to put up with you.
18:54Did you hear me? I'm not going to put up with you.
18:56Let me go. What do you have to put up with?
18:57You, grab your things and go.
18:59If you went to the tarantala, impatient.
19:02Instead, I, who have all the patience in the world,
19:05I'm going to be here, quiet,
19:07waiting for Esteban to receive the money from his parents.
19:10And I'm going to live like a queen.
19:12Did you hear me?
19:13Instead, you, you were left with none.
19:21Juana, be kind, grab your things and go.
19:25No, Esteban.
19:26Let's see, no, no, no.
19:27Shut up, I see you a lot.
19:37What do you want?
19:38Esteban, what do I want?
19:40Aren't you going to give me any explanation
19:42for messing with that maid,
19:44with that woman, with Juana?
19:46Don't be ridiculous, Loreto, please.
19:47Are you going to argue about that?
19:48Okay, look, listen to me.
19:50I can forgive you for cheating on me.
19:52I can forgive you.
19:54Loreto, please.
19:55I don't have to apologize for anything.
19:57But you were cheating on me.
19:58You know, Loreto, understand me one thing.
20:00This is not a tie.
20:01And you and I have not been married for a long time.
20:03So please leave me alone.
20:04I want to be alone.
20:05Get out of here.
20:07Get out of here.
20:12If that's what you want.
20:16Give me the car key.
20:19The car key.
20:20Did you forget that the car is my dad's?
20:23I'm going to give it back to him,
20:24so you're going to have to go on foot.
20:28How ironic.
20:29Without even proposing it,
20:31I fell in front of two women
20:32for whom I was a check to date.
20:34But the problem was not hers,
20:36it was mine.
20:38I was so scared
20:39that they would choose me for my father's money
20:41that I didn't learn to choose.
20:43Any sign of affection made me fall.
20:46Now I'm alone, yes.
20:48But I'm young.
20:49And I learned my lesson.
20:50I must love and respect myself.
