• last month
00:00One of the big things that that actually bothers me about all-star weekend is not all-star weekend
00:05But it's the way that we act like this whole like showboating not trying thing is brand new
00:11I'm sitting here watching clips right now of Shaq Vince Carter
00:16Jason Williams Colby Bryant, we're all doing the exact same thing alley-oops with no one else in the key
00:25Showboating turnaround dunks with nobody trying to stop anything I
00:29I've been alive for 50 years. I really wish we would stop acting like the all-star game 30 years ago was some sweaty
00:36Just showdown where this time it counts and everybody showed up with their chest out and and ready to play some actual D
00:45Bull bull bull bull bull it has always
00:51been an absurd
00:55The only difference was that in a little bit at the end of the game you go. All right. Let's D up now
01:02Yep, six minutes. My gosh stop acting like this is a new revelation. It's not what's not isn't it's not but
01:10now it's gotten to a
01:12farcical level not only this year
01:14But in previous years last year the winning team had more than 200 points the losing team almost had
01:19190 and that was not enough and last year if you want to look at the box score and the
01:25Number of threes that were taken and this to me mark is a bigger
01:29issue when you talk about the NBA and we can look at the all-star game as a
01:35one-off example
01:36but the problem with the NBA in general is that it's become a three-point shooting contest and look at last night and
01:44You know the all-star game games, uh, it was all about like who can pull up from
01:5126 28 30
01:5334 36 and it's a make-or-miss league and no one was contesting and if you happen to like
01:59Wander in and get an offensive rebound you got a dunk at least these old
02:03NBA all-star games that you're talking about were like an alley-oop or like a breakaway
02:10360 dunk or a windmill or something that you could watch and be like, whoa, that's cool. I've never seen that
02:16Yesterday if you want to look at all the baskets that were made
02:2080% of them were either threes or
02:24Stand-alone, like I'm just gonna put it in
02:26Dunks, I mean I can't argue that the three the three-point shot has become a huge huge huge
02:32Huge part of the game and you can say I'll say it go and say it
02:36It's ruined the game and and I'm sorry, who who is the face of that?
02:42It doesn't matter who the face is. It does. No, it does it. Well, no, I don't think we can separate these two things
02:48We can't see you guys on over Steph Curry the way we do and then get mad
02:52That the NBA is falling in love with the three-pointer
02:55I'm not mad at it
02:56The whole world is falling in love with the three-pointer because they fall in love with stuff, right?
03:00But how many times does Steph stand in the corner and shoot a corner?
03:04Never ever so he's the face of the revolution
03:08But the revolution is such that once he started making that many threes and clay as well and the Warriors did what they did
03:16It's like oh my god a jump shooting team. We'll never win the title. Yeah, Charles. You're wrong four times you clown and
03:23Until you want to own up to that live on this airwaves
03:26I'm gonna continue to bury you because you're a buffoon
03:29But what happened after that is that the three-point shot everyone realized oh my god the corner three we can have some big
03:37Stiff who does nothing else but stand there and wait for the ball if he can shoot 36%
03:44He's more valuable than somebody who actually drives to the hoop and makes a really tough to and so yeah
03:50Steph was the one who started it, but Steph doesn't do what the biggest problem with the NBA is now
03:57Boston shoots 52 threes a game. It's unwatchable mark
04:01And I mean you you watch as much NBA as me or anybody and you know
04:06Every single person who watches the NBA you watch the same thing. I beat my guy off the dribble
04:12I drive into the lane and if I can't get it easy guaranteed 90% to I'm gonna throw it out to somebody and hope
04:21That he makes a three
04:23Unwatchable just because you brought his name up before we go to the phones
04:27And you may not like this, but I'm gonna say it like I want to give no say cuz I love it
04:31I want to give a ton of love to Charles Barkley. Yeah, Charles Barkley
04:35Who has obviously used the warrior organization and the city of San Francisco as a heel for his?
04:46value through the last few years
04:48Really as he came in the NBA all-star weekend did an about-face
04:53And I don't care if he goes on TV and says I actually like San Francisco
04:58Okay, you could actually say that and change your tune a little bit, but he actually put some action into it
05:05I know he spent a lot of time this weekend
05:08actually trying to help
05:10Whatever ails the city of San Francisco same stuff that ails a lot of major cities
05:15But went on outings to help feed the homeless this weekend
05:19Changed his tune completely about his feelings with the city of San Francisco
05:26Know a lot of us and if you listen to these shows you're gonna come away with it like the NBA all-star weekend was some
05:32Sort of a disaster
05:33I think that the television product and the way they do this is obviously in the middle of an evolution that needs to change
05:39but as far as the city of San Francisco I
05:44Thought that side of this was a win like if you turn your TV off if you turn your social media off if you were
05:51out and about at any point during the week last week I
05:56Thought that that this was a good week for the city of San Francisco with regard to that
06:02Yeah, and and Charles had a lot to do with that. He deserves some credit
06:05He did and he does and he donated I think a hundred thousand dollars was the number that I saw of you know
06:11Actual his own money to the city and so that's great
06:14It's funny that that you mentioned that because I was interviewed for a story three or four days ago about Charles Barkley and his
06:22Hatred of the city and all the comments that he made and all the rest of it and I gave comments and I said, yeah
06:28It's disappointing and I don't like it and all the rest of it
06:32And then I think that the story might have died based on what Charles did and you're right, right?
06:37He deserves credit for you know showing up and you know, I don't know if he actually put words to it the recanting
06:45I know he went out there and put boots on the ground and he gave money and that's worth anything
06:50Much more than actual words that he would have given. Let's go to Ritchie and Queens 8 8 9 5 7 9 5 70
06:58How did this whole thing hit you?
07:01Obviously, there's a lot of feelings about it
07:04That have a lot of different levels I did not think this new format works at all
07:10But I just think that that a further evolution is needed
07:14You're not going to ever get NBA players again to try you're just not so this needs to be something completely different
07:22You know what? I mean the NFL did away with the Pro Bowl now. It's just a big old
07:26Clam bake great make it the NBA clam bake. There are things that you can do
07:30I thought the kid with the glasses in the mullet went in 100k over dame
07:33Lillard was hilarious and a ton of fun. Let's go to Ritchie in Queens. Hey Ritchie. Thanks for calling
07:39Hey boys, how are you? What's going on?
07:42That's been a while. Um
07:44Yeah, the NBA, you know just to preface it
07:47You know East Coast here, Pennsylvania as of right now, okay
07:51And we had the same feeling that the NBA and we've lost a lot of people. I got to be honest guys
07:57I just don't watch the NBA anymore. But the people that are real diehards like myself really felt disappointed with stuff
08:04It just made no sense at all and came to get the MVP. No, the argument was
08:09Maybe gonna get hurt. He's injured or whatever and then he plays the game and he made a comment to like, you know
08:15We like the format no matter what that's what counts and we that we the players like it
08:20I don't know if you brought that up because I just jumped on a little while ago and
08:23And then and kind of left the fans out because the fans don't like it, you know guys I I go back to
08:291966 the first one I remember was Adrian Schmidt and that's for your time
08:33So I don't expect you to remember it 60 years ago
08:35And he was the first time all-star and he won the he won the MVP and and he talked about it when he was 80s
08:4188 now and what it meant to him and because they played really hard they played tough, you know
08:47And I know the injury fact that comes in and what's happening with the NBA all-star game before a game
08:53They're number four now
08:55It's just all number four and and I think they're almost and to be behind the NFL at this point
09:01You know to me the baseball is still number one the pitchers thrown on a miles an hour
09:05They hit it once to get the hit, you know, maybe they don't run as hard or fast, but at least it looks competitive
09:11People that really enjoy the game watching these elite guys jump up and down and maybe they think it looks great and in the dunks
09:19And and and and whatever they do 40 sport foot, you know, that three-point is I don't know guys
09:26I agree. I don't know how you bring it back. I don't know what you do to get people interested in it again
09:31To me the three-point is a real highlight because I know my wife loves it and people love that
09:37So I think that's the highlight of the weekend, but everything else. I don't know what to do to make it better guys
09:43I really don't know. It's it's really taken a real big step
09:48Backwards and and and they're not they're gonna continue to do it because they get the advertising money and the TNT pays, you know
09:55millions for it so
09:57But they get to a point which they don't care what the fans think and they're gonna just do what they want
10:01I'd like to see them do something better. Well, Richie. Thanks. Appreciate it so much
10:06Listen I want to figure out how to how to say this
10:10If you're 45 or 55 or 65 or 75, yep
10:15You all of us I am we get to feel how we want to feel
10:20but to me whenever you hear yourself saying, you know back in the
10:28hard stop like I mean
10:32Listen when I sit down and watch TV, I wish there was one remote
10:37Remember that and turn the TV on and then there was the TV and it was channel this channel that channel that and channel that
10:45And I could figure it out and I knew where the hell we were going now. We got a HDMI this we got a figure
10:51Oh, well now we're gonna remember my Hulu password and then all somebody flipped it over to Netflix
10:56But the other person wants to do HBO max and this burns got their iPad out laptop out phone out
11:02But it's all over the place and I got to pay for 17 subscriptions and I don't even know what the hell I own anymore
11:07Now I could do that and I could sit here and scream at clouds
11:11Because that's not the way that I wish it were simpler, but that's not how this works
11:18It's just not how it works right and I look at the NBA All-Star Game through the same lens
11:24I'm not gonna tell you you're wrong for wishing that it is the that it was the way it used to be
11:31But it's not gonna be doesn't make sense for these players
11:34Doesn't make sense for 18 year old fans. And so my only point is not to tell anyone that they're wrong
11:41But why don't we start thinking about and the NBA start thinking about ways to make their product?
11:49entertaining to the audience that is
11:51Still there because I'm here to tell you that yes, the younger fans are on YouTube watching this stuff
11:57But guess what? They're not watching the game and they're not watching it live. Yeah, they're not watching it live
12:02So yes, I mean you're 50 and I'm 56 and Richie is probably
12:0865 plus maybe 70 who knows and you know
12:12Rick Barry was in the audience and all the rest of it and we could talk about
12:15The old heads and how it used to be and you're right and you mentioned the remote control
12:19And I go back to a time where there was no remote control
12:22Of course, you know what the remote was it was your older brother saying get up and change the channel
12:27It was me as the little brother getting up there and kick on the knob and you know
12:32Or the slider and the first ever box that we had but that's neither here nor there
12:37The bigger point is who's watching this and I haven't seen yet TV ratings for the game, but I would imagine they weren't
12:45Super duper high. No, they weren't going up against anything. So I really don't know
12:49I know when you look at it and even the
12:53Halftime show which was not halftime and I love the artist
12:57But I'm 56 and it was e40 and too short and then they brought out
13:02Sweetie, and they brought out en vogue
13:04and if you want to look at those artists en vogue was popular when I was in high school shout out the 80s and
13:10Too short and e40 in the early Oh Oh's
13:15Late 90s even earlier. Yeah, I mean I lose track and Saweetie is you know over the past like 10 years
13:21So you brought out this show and I wonder who you're trying to reach because like your kids for example
13:28Who are all in their teens all three of them are 11 year old Jude coming up on Tuesday?
13:34Yep, shout him out, but I don't know if they're looking at that going
13:38Yeah, I can't wait to lock in on the the e40 in the too short halftime. I don't think so
13:44I don't think so. It's all about the way that it's consumed
13:46Oh, and then one other point with with Richie and Richie again, you're allowed to feel this way. I don't really get it
13:53You came down Steph Curry's road now. I said on Friday. I'm I'm
14:00That he opted of all of the things that he did over the weekend
14:03It appeared that he was out and about doing stuff the entire time
14:07So why choose the three-point contest is the thing that you can't do that's confusing to me
14:13At the same time you will hear none criticism from me. That guy was everywhere
14:20Everywhere all weekend long doing humanitarian stuff doing basketball stuff rooting on teammates
14:26He was at the three-point contest rooting on buddy healed. Why the hell wasn't he out there? I don't know
14:31He was out there when glasses and mullet went and won his hundred K. He was front and center. Come on
14:37I I don't that you can be confused by it
14:41I was confused by that one act, but I will not criticize Steph Curry
14:46He was front and center the entire weekend, right? He did his job. Sure. He did his job
14:50He did his job
14:51But the one thing you want to see him do is the one thing he didn't do sir
14:55And you know the one thing you want LeBron to do
14:58He didn't do and the one actually two things you want LeBron to do one thing
15:02He's never done the dunk contest. You are six eight. You are an unbelievable force in nature yet
15:07You've never done the dunk contest and now you get to a spot where the NBA is
15:14Beset by a lot of questions about load management and LeBron an hour before game time or two hours or whatever
15:21I was actually listening to you and and he from I hadn't heard about it until you on your Sunday show
15:26You're like, yeah, just broke it an hour ago
15:28You said an hour ago LeBron said he's not playing and I was like wait what?
15:32LeBron's not playing and you know Steph didn't shoot the three and LeBron's not playing and all the rest of it
15:37So again, it goes back to what you and I talked about on Friday
15:40And you mentioned it yesterday on your show a little bit and you know
15:44I I was kind of reminded of what our discussion was on Friday
15:47Where if the league is telling you that it's not important to them. Why would it be important to us?
15:53Well, that's the thing that to me if you don't care, why do I care?
15:56This is the this is the problem and and I don't know that they've fully grasped this yet
16:01which is the messaging that they're sending to people and it feels constant and
16:06Sometimes it's actually
16:08Very subtle, you know
16:10I pointed to when Steve Kerr last week was mad about a late game in Dallas and then having to apply to Houston the next
16:16Day, I don't know if one of our veterans can play because we just played now
16:20we're gonna get in late at night and it's like you have a point but I
16:25Don't know that it's gonna help to do a press conference over it because the league it's not gonna change anything number one and number two
16:32That's what a press conference is for press conferences so that the media can show what you're saying to the public
16:37So you're talking to the public and you're telling the public we don't want to play tomorrow
16:43How's that help you you can have a point all you want but how does that help you we are
16:49Bombarded right now by the NBA messaging of we don't want to be here
16:53And and if that's your messaging then it's I think it's very hard for an audience to be like well we do right
16:59Right, no, I want you to want to be there and then I'm gonna want to be there
17:03I want you to be having fun and then I'm gonna be having fun
17:06And so when Dame Lillard and glasses, I'm gonna keep bringing up glasses with with mullet
17:10Dame Lillard and glasses with mullet are laughing at each other and the players are having a blast and the fans are like
17:17Oh my god
17:17This guy might win 100k and then he splashes one with two seconds left on the clock and the whole place went crazy
17:24I was like, hello
17:26Are y'all not noticing your billion-dollar athletes are running around staring at each other?
17:31Nobody cares, but this kid with glasses came out of the stands and 100k. We're all eating it up
17:37Do that
17:39With Dame Lillard, right? That's perfect. And no one's getting hurt. No, it's not taking a lot of time
17:45There's no pressure. No stress. No, nothing
17:48Let's go to Pat and Foster City. Hi Pat. Thanks for calling
17:52Yeah, hey, thanks for taking the shit to call, you know, it sounds like
17:57You know, you guys are a little well more than a little jaded about it
18:01It kind of reminds me of the guy that goes in the comedy club in a bad mood and crosses his arms and says, okay
18:05Make me laugh. Try to make me laugh that that seems a little bit like
18:09How you might be looking at this game because I really enjoy it and I was at the game
18:1425 years ago when they had it here and I found this way more enjoyable than the experience
18:19I had 25 years ago and even mark you touched on a couple things
18:23But my list of things that I liked about it. I thought it did a really great job a showcase in San Francisco
18:29It had some great images of the city. I thought Barclays Barclays turnaround and donation of
18:35250 grand actually to glide I thought was great. Nice
18:37I thought that I thought the long shot that the fan made was great
18:41I really liked buddy held in the first round hitting the threes that he hit
18:45I thought that was it was exciting even at the end where he almost pulled it out
18:48I like the skill sets. I like that. The Warriors were in first place after round one
18:53I like how Moody played great both round one in round two really showcased him
18:59I thought the dunk contest was a lot of fun. I thought Matt showed all the tricks in the world
19:05I thought Castle showed all the legit dunks. They were one and two. I thought the all-star game itself
19:12Did a better job of showcasing
19:14Lesser-known players and you guys probably know guys like Stefan Castle, but I follow the league pretty closely
19:19I've never seen him. I think I may have heard the name
19:23He was yeah. Yeah. I mean some of these younger guys that they showed
19:26I thought was really fun and eye-openers and I thought other than LeBron the best players in the world played
19:32It wasn't like 18 guys are out injured that we got to see these guys out there and I thought the passing was fantastic
19:39I mean, maybe some of that was lap of defense. No question about it
19:43But I thought the passing was fantastic and I like the rounds. I like the fact they had multiple rounds it added
19:49I won't say drama because you know, it's hard to say that this could add drama
19:52But at least they add a little bit of intrigue to what was going on
19:56I thought that was kind of a good thing to do
19:59You know, the kids long shot was fantastic and you know, I thought it was a really nice thing
20:05Overall, I thought it was just a positive, you know, it's never going to be competitive like a playoff game
20:10It's never gonna be that right? No a Pat awesome. Thank you, Pat. If you had a great time wonderful
20:17Well, he nailed exactly what you're talking 85% of what you talked about was stuff that was other than the game
20:23Well, he got to the game in point number eight
20:26Yeah, he did seven things and then he got in the game itself, by the way the games
20:31So maybe that speaks to what you're talking about because he went through seven other things before he got to the game
20:37He got to buddy in the first round and Moses and the skills first three things
20:41He talked about weren't basketball at all. Exactly. It was like I like the way the city was presented
20:46I like what Charles Barkley did sure
20:48And that's what I'm getting out when I'm like stop with the like get rid of all-star weekend
20:54There's too much going on here for a dodgeball. Well, maybe
20:58Okay, like nine-hole mini-golf. I don't like let's play cornhole. I don't have all this
21:03Giannis and when Bonyama in cornhole, I'd watch it. Yeah, when B in cornhole would be hilarious
21:09It would be I like they can reach out and dunk it
21:12I mean, did you watch any of the cockamamie Pro Bowl NFL stuff? No, not a thing
21:18No, so you wouldn't watch this either be honest. You don't know that be honest with me
21:23I am being honest with you if what you put up Steph Curry and James Harden in a bowl off
21:29Maybe I just I mean you're not watching it. I don't know again
21:33I have it on in the background throughout the weekend because I wanted to know what it all looked like and
21:40There were a few things that caught my attention
21:42None of them had to do with the actual game on Sunday night and that that's that's it
21:48That's part of the problem, but I'm not here to tell you the weekend was a loss
21:52I'm not here to tell you that the weekend should go away and I'm not here to tell you that there's no answer
21:58I don't have the answer, but I would start trying things that are further outside of the box
22:04We're still stuck in this phase of like well, what if it's USA versus the world? What if we play one-on-one?
22:11No, what if we turn our shorts around backwards? No stop
22:15playing a
22:16Game thank you. They're not gonna stop playing a game, right?
22:19but but do other stuff that is basketball related and fun and interactive with the people and
22:27consumable on social media
22:28That's where your answer is in my opinion
22:32and I wonder what the the
22:33Pro Bowl games are like as far as the the rating versus when they actually had a game
22:38Which has now been what three or four years since they actually had a game and you know more and more
22:44These things like you said are
22:48YouTube consumable and you know, mr. Beast and the three-point shot younger people are gonna be like, yeah, I know mr
22:54Beast and so I want to see that I want to see some kid in glasses
22:57Try to win 100 grand and he did and he did right was a ton of fun