• 2 months ago
00:00We're gonna go back to the calls in a second
00:02But first we go live to the other room where the champ Mark Grandy has this rant. Oh mark mark angry
00:08Hey, how's it going guys? What's going on? Why are y'all ticked off?
00:12so I
00:13Get where you guys are coming from in terms of information
00:16Gathering and use the next three weeks to figure out really who you are and what you might need and maybe you don't need to
00:21Make a move at all and and maybe you learn that you do and maybe something presents itself and you have a better ability
00:26to make that move then I
00:28Just I don't think there's anything that this team will do over the next ten games that can possibly change my opinion that they're just
00:35Simply nowhere near good enough
00:37we've had two and a half years of evidence that suggests they are a mediocre at best basketball team and
00:43This year it's been even worse than the last two years and you know
00:47Yeah, coming it could come back, but they were also pretty darn average with coming in the first place. I
00:53Okay, go ahead finish up. I
00:55Feel like we're headed to another situation where the Warriors are gonna say well, you know, there was no right opportunity
01:01There was no perfect opportunity for us to make a move at this trade deadline
01:04So we're gonna keep our optionality open and hope that something comes about in the offseason
01:09Which is the same exact thing they've done for the last two years and nothing has worked
01:15You're not going to have this magic pill that fixes all of your problems. There's no home run here
01:20You're gonna have to take a chance take some sort of risk to get yourself out of this situation
01:24I just want them to take that risk. So okay, that's fair. But now we understand
01:30These comments that were made at the beginning of the week mark. They were directed at you
01:36they were talking to you and
01:38others who share your opinion and
01:41This would be my response to that while I get where you're coming from and dibs
01:46I don't know speak for you. You are I don't know what you think
01:49while I get where you're coming from
01:52I'm not in this mode of like the Warriors need to as you put it
01:59Take the next week or two weeks three weeks to learn who they are
02:04We know who they are
02:06We know who they are and I understand that that does not mean in my opinion
02:12You should do something stupid and I think so if we go back to the comments at the beginning of the week
02:18Where Steph spoke about the responsibility that he feels toward the organization and that Steve Kerr talked about not
02:26being irresponsible
02:28Just because you want a deal doesn't mean that a good one
02:34presents itself
02:36So what about that like the answer that you hate that they've given the last two years?
02:41What if I told you it's a fair answer?
02:44Like finding a star in the NBA is not just snap fingers
02:49Give first-round picks now
02:50We have a star like it's not it doesn't work that way and I agree with the first
02:5580% of your rant and you're spot-on and you and I are absolutely in lockstep, but the last part of it for me is
03:02Therefore don't make a trade don't make a big swing because I'm with you Grandy
03:07I don't think that what we've seen over the last two and a half years is
03:11Remotely good enough, but I also don't think that there's anything out there in the next three weeks. That is worth a
03:18Big swing if you want to make a small swing like a ground ball to the right side to move a guy from second to
03:24Third I'm here for that sort of an at-bat. What if we gave you your Twitter fingers back?
03:29So go ahead. What do you want him to do? Well, I've been very vocal about this
03:33I think Zion Williamson is the home run that this team can make and you're gonna have to get lucky and you're gonna have to
03:39Hope that one you can make the money work and the Pelicans want to get off of him and that he stays healthy and that
03:43He takes care of his body
03:44But if those things work, he becomes a player that helps you now and he helps you post stuff
03:50but if we forget about more like specific specific moves or
03:54Specific players just talk more so about the feeling the Warriors are giving me
03:58It feels like they care more about the future post stuff than the rest of the time with Steph
04:03Yeah, I don't really irks me. I don't agree. I think that you are
04:09This is me now. I don't understand me saying that probably if they were to hear that would piss them
04:15That's how I feel and that's fine and you're allowed to feel that way, but I do think you made that feeling up
04:20I don't think they told you that
04:23You may have heard that that's just how I feel based on the way that they're attacking this situation
04:27You don't even know how they're attacking this situation
04:30They're attacking it with patience and still trying to figure out who we are for all
04:34You know, they're trying to lower the price on something right now with all these comments
04:39You could go two and eight in your next ten before the deadline and then you get to a point where it's like hmm
04:44Maybe there's a move that could help us this year, but we're already six games under 500 and we're not good enough anymore
04:50So why even try now that's out of their control. That's the basketball
04:54You got to go make shots and play the games and beat other teams that are also trying to win
04:59but it feels to me like you're talking about strategy as
05:03If the Warriors clearly like they care more about 2028 than they do 2025
05:09I don't agree with that at all. And just because they're talking
05:14Just because their lips are moving
05:16Does not mean that they're actually telling you what their plans are. Do you know what I mean?
05:22But I do think that if they go to an eight over the next ten
05:26Which is how many games you have before the deadline then it informs them more on
05:31What any sort of a move would do if that's 22 and 28 at the deadline or
05:3728 and 22 I do think that you can be
05:40Motivated in different ways to make a move that might help you this year
05:44I do kind of take to heart what you said about maybe they're more interested in life after Steph
05:49I don't think that they are I do look at where they are and think and
05:53listening to Steph and Steve and I think that they might be more interested in next season and
05:59Next offseason making a big swing as opposed to the next three weeks
06:02Which frustrates me about that is because they said the same thing the last two trade deadlines about about that
06:08They we're gonna prepare ourselves for the optionality the flexibility of a big star asking out
06:15And then the big move they made was trading Jordan pool away getting Chris Paul in here
06:19We got optionality with Chris Paul's contract. They let it expire. You got nothing as a result of that
06:23Yeah, but but I see I'd argue from a financial standpoint
06:27You didn't get nothing out of it, and I know
06:30Behind the scenes by the way that they would argue that
06:33They would argue that it like what if I said it to you this way Grandy you want Jordan pool on this team
06:41They'd be a better player with Jordan pool on the scene right now say bye-bye to your boy cominga. I'll let him walk
06:47Can't Fordham Nick Freddell says they should trade him anyway. Well, that's fine
06:51but again
06:51I like I just all I would ever ask is or or or the way
06:56I think at least is think about that stuff think about
07:01Think about what X means when we get to Y
07:05Like I I understand where you're coming from I completely do
07:10Like oh would Jordan pool fit on this team, or you hate the way the Jordan pool situation went down sure
07:16But just because it didn't turn into something. That's like clearly tangible
07:21Doesn't mean that doing it the opposite way would have been perfect or would have fit
07:27It doesn't mean that like they got money that they're not paying Jordan pool is allowing for them to reset
07:35the tax and
07:36Potentially attack this in a different way over the remainder of Steph's career
07:41And you could say it's also part of the reason why they were 500 basketball team right now you could argue that yes
07:47So maybe that's again the point where they care a little bit more about life after step then they care about life right now
07:52I just wonder what like can or could be done and we can look at the the Laurie marketing experience and think about
07:59What it might have taken to swing Danny age to make that trade and would that have made you a markedly better team?
08:06And I also look at what they were able to do with clay Thompson
08:08They were able to make clay into a sign in trade. It was a what five or six team
08:14Extravaganza, I think six and it netted just slo-mo and it also netted you buddy healed and you also were able to get the Anthony
08:21Melton on the mid-level so I do think
08:24Incrementally they got better now
08:25It hasn't totally worked out and Melton turned into Schroeder and healed has been hot and cold shout out Katy Perry and slow
08:32Mo has been I think a little underwhelming totally
08:36He's had a lot of periods of time where he doesn't even play and you know so far
08:40There's been a grand total of two trades this NBA year and the Warriors have made one of them
08:45So you can't really say that they've been totally inactive, right?
08:49Yeah, they've made they've made half the trades in the league of everything. You're saying there's at least three now dibs
08:55Suns acquired a big man. I actually and then the Schroeder. I'm trying to remember what the other Lakers got
09:02My fault yes only a third of the trade I think the warriors but
09:06Trade is actually the most significant of the three also
09:10But here's what I'd say
09:12I don't think anything that you're saying is is talking crazy the one area if I was to zero in on one thing
09:19I I do not buy that they care more about the future than the now and I do not buy that their behavior
09:27says that
09:28Simply because they haven't taken this quote unquote big swing because that's not entirely up to them
09:35You can't just walk into the room and be like here for a big swing
09:39Where do I give my five dollars so I can take a big swing?
09:42There's got to be another team that wants it you have to put play in on
09:47All of the players involved, you know, you mentioned the clay Thompson situation. That was largely based on clay's emotions more than anything else
09:56So, how do we factor that into the whole thing?
09:59Like this is a very very complex thing and I would not
10:03Argue that the right thing to do is to take big swings just to take him
10:06You said Zion Williamson helps you now and in the future. He's never helped an NBA team in his life
10:14That's a fact
10:16He has never helped an NBA team in his life
10:21Just because of his draft status and big name
10:25Why is that suddenly gonna change and I'm not saying that you're that it's a bad idea
10:31But come on
10:32That is that is filled with risk and all kinds of twists and turns might be a guy though that you can
10:39Buy low based on maybe based on his contract situation as well
10:43I do believe that there is an out clause
10:46Based on I'll look at that based on the fact that he hasn't played
10:49Enough games and they I don't think that he's made all of his weigh-ins
10:52Bobby Mars essentially said the rest of his contract is not guaranteed, right?
10:56So and if New Orleans really wants to get out of it
10:59You might be able to get Zion for a lot less than you otherwise would have now
11:04I'm not in favor of bringing it because he's not he's not
11:08Available enough for me. Although I know he's now been starting to actually I don't know play basketball of late, which is exciting
11:15He has played some yeah, he's got three more years on his deal
11:18I'd be interested to learn more about the non guaranteed portion of it
11:22But even if it's non guarantee and then you just were like, oh, let's clear the books and we'll let him go
11:29We've got a bunch of money to spend on who?
11:32On who and now to make that happen
11:36Wiggins is definitely gone and and more and more like I don't know is coming in that deal
11:41Like what's New Orleans or all of your first-round picks?
11:45I'll put it in the trade machine
11:47That's a big swing. If one of your thoughts is and we can get rid of him if he's not good. Whoa
11:53You you just gave up a bunch of assets to then give him up to
11:58That's a healthy risk. No doubt. That's a healthy. I just don't see a lot of great
12:04I don't see any great options. I think that is the best sure
12:07We all agree on the best potential option out of a group of options that are
12:12Average if not below average across the board
12:14Let's just say that the Warriors on a scale of 1 to 10 relative to the NBA. They're 20 and 20
12:20They're probably a 5 right now as currently comprised
12:23Maybe there are 6 depending on where you see him if you can go from a 5 or a 6 out of 10
12:29To a 6 or a 7 out of 10 that to me is the kind of trade
12:33I'm interested in because it won't cost you a bunch and then in the offseason if you can go from being a 6 or a
12:397 to a 7 or an 8 now you've got a chance to make a swing
12:43next year that to me is much more feasible than trying to go from being a 5 or a 6 right now to being a
12:497 or an 8 at the expense of a lot and getting Jimmy Butler for a ton of money and maybe he won't work out or
12:57Zion Williamson and maybe he doesn't want to stop eating or you can pick whatever other big big star you want
13:02That was Fidel's first comment yesterday is like that man is huge
13:06Yeah, huge and does not play a lot of basketball missed a plane last week
13:10I mean, I don't know man. I know that it lacks definition and in this day of social media
13:16We all are supposed to define big trade. No trade this that the other I
13:21Really think you have to just take each one of these on their own merits and decide are they smart?
13:26Is it a smart thing to do and I don't think right now any big deal
13:32It looks smart and I think that they agree which is why they said what they said
13:36But there's also three weeks to go and things can change very very quickly. We love it when sister Agnes calls
13:43From Charlotte and that's exactly what she's done. Hello sister Agnes
13:49Happy New Year to you as well
13:52Thank you. I just I watch a lot of
13:56clips of
13:58You know like Clay Thompson when they first started out and Steph Curry and
14:03Clay says that it took them three years to actually build chemistry and
14:07What Curry said last night after the game is he said we're a unique group
14:12We have to play off each other and I think what they're doing right now. They I
14:17Agree with mark that they need another piece
14:20sure, they need another piece they need another big but
14:23They're they've got important pieces kind of like the 22 championship and I think they're trying to build that chemistry
14:32Buddy healed, you know Steve keeps putting him in in dire situations. So he'll he'll perform he
14:41What's his name and Edwards last night was was trying to describe that the whole team
14:48Knows how to play with Steph Curry, so you don't want to break some of that chemistry up you don't want to
14:55You don't want to throw out the baby with the bathwater
14:57So I just I think listening to Steph really made me go back and listen to some of those classic
15:05Clay Thompson dream on green
15:08Interviews where they tell you how they built that chemistry and that that's what I sense here
15:15Yeah, they need another piece they need another big but they've got that Otto Porter kind of person
15:20They've got that Sean Livingston kind of person
15:23so I really appreciated curry saying what he did even though it was probably the
15:30the most angry that I've heard him speak to
15:33to all of us Twitter fingers, but
15:36You know, it was good. It was good for me to hear it
15:39And I think we just have to there's another point that he made and that's the trust of the organization
15:45This Warriors organization is special and they they are built on trust and they just don't play
15:52throw players under the bus and
15:54So I think I think we have to appreciate it. Even if it's even if it's kind of moving into another phase
16:02That's a great call. Mr. Agnes. Yeah. Thank you very much Douglas
16:06yeah, I mean she's talking about Curry's comments and and let me ask you this and
16:12Grady can weigh in on this later, too
16:14Because this is I think sort of a this is parenthetical to the conversation that that we were just having
16:20So Steph Curry earlier this week says I've got a responsibility to the Warriors. I don't want to crater the team world goes crazy
16:27It's waving a white flag
16:29Then he comes out and goes not waving a white flag
16:32I couldn't be more intense on this particular group
16:37We want to figure it out
16:39Stop tweeting about a trade and now we go crazy because we're like Steph
16:44Why won't you demand a trade or why won't you speak the way what do you want Steph to say?
16:51That's my question
16:53What do you want him to say you want him to say?
16:56Hey front office get me help we're 20 and 20 and darn it. We're not good enough
17:01I need more good players because you see these bums around me. I'm out on that guy
17:06I see that guy all over the league and I don't want him
17:10I want this player in this player is never gonna say that and so all he said last night is
17:16Put down your trade machine. Give us time to figure this out. And yeah, you got 20 days Steph
17:23You've got 10 games and if you go 8 and 2 well
17:26then now we're cooking if you go to an 8 over the next 10 and we get to the deadline and you're
17:3222 and 28 then what are we even talking about? So yes, you need some time to
17:37Figure it out and you haven't had dream on and you haven't had pods and coming is out for at least another week or two
17:43maybe three so he's trying to figure it out with Lindy and ghee and trace and
17:49You know Dennis who's new so yeah figure it out Steph, but the clock is ticking we want to go to Sabrina, too
17:55But granny, yeah, what do you want him to say?
17:58Similar to what did I want? I want Steph Curry to be so maniacal about
18:05Winning this year the rest of his career and I and I think he feels that way
18:09But I just disagree when he says and we have the utmost confidence that we can beat anybody right now. Do we have?
18:16Piles of evidence that suggests no you you can in fact lose to everybody
18:21But how do you know that when he says give us a minute to figure this out?
18:25He's not just talking about the 12 people on the bench. He's talking about the entire
18:30Organization. I don't he didn't say anything yesterday that dismissed the idea of a deal
18:35No, he didn't it seemed me to me though. It suggests that there's confidence in the group at the moment
18:41I mean, what's he gonna say, but yeah
18:4412 more 10 more games three more weeks 21 more days to figure this thing out
18:48They've had two and a half years and they've just kind of been toiling in the middle ground the whole time
18:53I totally get that frustration
18:55I just I do not take any of that reality to mean so go do something stupid and
19:00I know you're not saying that either, but that's clearly what they feel has been presented to them so far
19:07Stupid that's what the marketing offer was. Well, that's stupid and I do think that they see as
19:13Stupid a like a three or a four for one to bring in Jimmy Butler if you're Steph and you see
19:19Yeah, there's a terrible you and Kavon and Wiggins and you're thinking all three or you are gonna be gone for Jimmy Butler
19:26Who's a good player? He's a competitor. He's a winner
19:29He's gonna come in and fight but you're gonna take three of your veterans who you've rolled with
19:34For championships in a long time to bring in a 50 million dollar question mark
19:38I buy depth and your three best players are all hurt and in their mid-30s, right?
19:42I mean Sabrina in the city. Hi Sabrina. Thanks for the call. What's up?
19:47Hey, how you guys doing today? We're good
19:51Good I'm just gonna add on to you Willard as far as like the panicky move
19:56I think panicking is for the teams that are not just two or two and a half games out of six or six
20:03I haven't looked at the standards today, but I believe they're not that far from that position, right?
20:10What the Warriors
20:11Two games. I mean like why would you make a panicky move?
20:14We knew what the Warriors were when they first started everyone was excited. The team was excited
20:20They came out there were fresh legs, buddy. He'll was shooting out of his mind. We saw chemistry. We saw Bob woman
20:26We saw no turnovers
20:28We saw a high defense in place
20:30So we know what the Warriors can be the only missing factor is that you got guys that's out of rotation right now when coming
20:36Uh, who's your slasher?
20:38He's your guy off the bench that brings energy you got Draymond and then you had the Anthony Milton, right that missing piece
20:45So if you want to make a move
20:47Why don't you just make a move like that a glue guy that could move the ball that could hit the the three?
20:53When you need it because we know Gary Payne's been having some issues in that in that, you know section
20:58So just knew that don't go out and try to make a home run right away and like women
21:03You know what what the other callers have said now you make some messing up your chemistry all together
21:09Give the team a chance to figure it out. Let Kurt figure it out
21:12I mean, he's been having to play around with his rotation off season
21:16That is difficult for a team going into the into the second half
21:21Sabrina, thank you. Yeah, it's a good call and I think we'll talk more about it coming up, you know
21:26And and don't forget I I would love to see Jonathan coming to continue what he had started before he got hurt
21:33Those last five games when he was scoring a lot of points and they won three of those games including wins over Memphis and Phoenix
21:39Like I'd like to see that get rebirthed