• last month
00:00Want to make sure this is clear. All I said was stand on it. Well, yeah, I am diminish
00:07For now
00:08Like give him a look give him a breather. It's kind of like in baseball. We're like, yeah, we're we're given
00:13We're giving him a day off take or just watch the game for a second. This is all
00:19starting to roll downhill in the in the wrong direction and
00:23And yes, but he healed might come out and hit five threes tonight
00:27I'm fully I'm really aware of that, but let's not act like I'm reacting to just last night
00:33The the fan base has been frustrated with buddy healed for many moons. Yeah, this is multiple weeks that went back to
00:412024 frankly a bigger point that you've made and I'm not trying to like rate your points against your other points
00:48But the body language and some of the non-verbals we're seeing on the court from the likes of Steph and Draymond
00:54Jimmy's new I don't think that he's even
00:56Reacting like that, but as a fan
00:59I look at buddy healed and I look at you know
01:03Three good games in a row and then two bad games in a row after that and I also think about what Steve Kerr has
01:08Said when he talked about clay Thompson and buddy is not clay
01:12he'll never be clay, but when you have a shooter and that's what buddy is and
01:17He'll never be as good as Steph or clay
01:19But when you have a shooter
01:21The only thing you can do with a shooter is let them shoot their way through it and shoot their way out of it
01:27But he's 3 of 14 from 3 the last two games
01:31But before that he was 12 of 26, which is better not elite
01:36But better than he has been the last two games and last night was a little bit more than just missing shots
01:41You're that that's no turnovers like I'm having turnovers. Yeah, if he's not making shots
01:47What good are you if you're not making shots the other stuff starts getting more eyeballs and the other stuff
01:52Let's be real is not buddy strength. Well, none of it is that's what I'm saying. He'll fence passing
01:59positional defense or presence
02:01Decisional IQ decision-making all of it like buddy is really good at making shots
02:07And if you're not doing that right then what are we doing? Right? What are we doing? Right?
02:12So anyway, I get that they're caught in a little bit of a spot because they don't have a lot of great options at to
02:17Garden Jonathan coming is hurt and then here's buddy. He'll doing this and on certain nights. It feels like he's killing you
02:26Joe and San Jose. Hi Joe. Thanks for calling. What are the dibs? Oh
02:30My god, thank you guys for taking my call
02:32First of all, that was a very good game last night very entertaining and a warriors fought hard
02:37It came back. So the mag so basically what you guys are saying is that the Warriors beat themselves last night?
02:43Um to a degree there they were I rebeat him Kyrie beat him the refs didn't help
02:48But yeah, they didn't help themselves. Where's my stripes?
02:52Okay. Now my question to you is I agree with you on buddy
02:56He'll and did those but you know those mistakes did you got to clean that up?
03:01I mean when it's crunch time down gone and trying to make the playoffs they have to be cleaned up
03:07so my question to you guys is
03:09Isn't this the Warriors cultural those turnovers in this stupid plays turnovers?
03:16it's just that's a reflection on the coach or
03:20Because they've been having these problems long before buddy here got here and not a margin of error is really on the spotlight
03:27I think you just can't make those mistakes
03:29So, what do you guys think about that? Is it is cuz Kerr has to take some blame for this, too
03:34You can't just you know, give him a free ride on this too. Is that it's the Warriors culture or what?
03:40Is it because that that been a problem for a long time?
03:43They've been able to shoot their way out of it. Now. They can't so what do you guys think about that?
03:48Yeah, Joe. I mean, it's a fair question. I'm not big on the word culture in that conversation
03:55That's just me. Like I don't think turnovers are part of your culture. I would refer to it as tendencies
04:01I think the Warriors through the years have often had a tendency
04:05To do that and you're right
04:07They had the talent in previous years to overcome that but I also think it's part of the way
04:13That's a Steph Curry offense runs. It's just
04:18That's part of it and and Steph Curry is still running the offense and he's not as good anymore
04:24So you're right
04:26There are gonna be nights where that bites you maybe more so than in the past because you can't just overcome it with
04:32Overwhelming talent. So does that mean it's on Steve Kerr? I
04:37Guess of course, he has to shoulder some of the blame
04:40I also think though like you only really come down a coach's road for something like that if you're like
04:45Oh, here's this other thing that you could do that would make all of that go away
04:50Steve Kerr has been on our show for two years screaming about turnovers. I
04:54It's not like you're not telling him but Steph Curry straw stirs drink, this is his way
05:00I don't mean he's trying to turn the ball over but the style of a six foot two
05:05190 pound superstar is gonna lead the ball movement and extra passes and different things that yes
05:13Open you up to more turnovers agreed
05:15I think that last night for me if you want to look at Steve Kerr and
05:19You and I've had this debate about whether or not, you know a coach can go in the locker room and say, you know
05:24We're gonna give him hell. We're gonna hit him now. We're gonna hit him
05:26Hi, we're gonna hit him low. Whatever the motivational rah-rah crap is that a coach can do
05:32I look at this team this year and they've come out in many first quarters and they've been a little bit flat
05:38So they've been some nambulant which is another word for sleepy and last night
05:43I'm looking at the game log right now, and I'm trying to find when they had the lead
05:48Other than when they were up six to four
05:50They led six four and beyond that they trailed in the first quarter the second quarter the third quarter and you know
05:57Teddy KGB from rounders. They kept hanging around and hanging around
06:02You're better than Dallas when they're depleted even though you're on the road you're rested
06:07You're better and you never took that game by the scruff of its neck
06:12And then you got to the fourth quarter and now you're down 10 or you're down 12
06:17and now you're ready to try and rally that for me becomes more of the the part of the culture that I'd like to address where
06:24These are games where you should jump on a team get up early jump on them
06:29You're better show that first quarter urgency and you didn't yeah
06:33That's all fair you and I have had this debate before and I don't necessarily
06:38Know if there's a way to get to a right or a wrong answer in
06:42Professional sports. Yeah. Yeah, I don't really look to the coach for rah-rah motivation
06:49That's just me. I've never been a professional athlete
06:52So, I don't know but when you're in youth sports high school sports
06:58Even college sports. I do think it's different than professional sports. Okay, Steph Curry is about to be a
07:0537 year old man with with multiple kids and multiple rings
07:09I don't think the four of each by the way, I don't think he needs to be told like oh my god
07:15I was kind of not really feeling it
07:17but then Steve Kerr who's been talking to me for over a decade he came in here and he went, okay, and
07:24he threw
07:26Craft services on the floor and he said here's what we're doing at night
07:29And it was only then that I decided to be motivated for this game. I just don't see it that way
07:35I agree with you in professional sports. It is on the player, right?
07:40So that's how I feel the player or the players
07:43They led six to four and the next time they led
07:46They came from ten down with six minutes left and they fought all the way back to take a lead
07:51102 101 on a Steph Curry three with 330 left last time they had the lead
07:57So if you wouldn't have had to fight back from ten down, maybe you would have had more energy
08:02Maybe you would have had more of a wherewithal to close that out not have the refs job
08:08You not have Kyrie take you over and whatever else happened that to me becomes a bigger issue
08:14It's not about Steve, you know, we're gonna hit him high. We're gonna hit him low and rah-rah-rah
08:18Sisboomba, it's about the veterans on the team
08:21showing up in the first quarter and making an effort to
08:24Have the lead because we know the Warriors are very good at front running and they're not good at coming from behind
08:30Kind of like the Niners although although
08:33Yesterday that was like it's one of the reasons I walked out of yesterday like super frustrated
08:39But then an hour later, I'm like, okay. Okay. Look that there's still a better basketball team than they were two weeks ago and
08:49Rally that little ten nut and run or whatever it was there in the fourth quarter
08:55We've seen very little of that this year
08:57But last night we did and so I was like that was good
09:00You got yourself to the final minute. You gave yourself a puncher shot. It didn't go your way
09:07Not a moral victory
09:08But I like you're right. They're not great at coming from behind, but they were last night. It came from behind
09:15To take a one-point lead. Yeah, and that's my point
09:18It was a 13 to 2 run and then from that point where you got the lead
09:22Dallas closed you out on a 10 to 5 run and you lost the game and I guess that for me
09:27Mark is where I sit because the Warriors have played more clutch games than any team in the Association
09:33Last night should not have been a clutch game. You were better than Dallas. They were depleted
09:37And yeah, Kyrie give Kyrie 45 give him 50 whatever and clay added a clay at a game
09:44He's fine. He had 17 on like 15 shots, whatever
09:48but those are the games that frustrate me because you should be better than that and
09:54This kind of leads me to my bigger point about the Warriors and Steph Curry is that Steph is not good enough anymore
10:01To carry you night in and night out and last night Steph Curry
10:05He needed 23 shots to get 25 points. That's not very efficient. No Steph Curry was not great
10:12He needed 23 shots to get to that point and you know, Jimmy Butler
10:1721 points on 17 shots and the rest of the team
10:20Didn't contribute a ton and you lost a game that you shouldn't have lost
10:24I'm 8 8 9 5 7 9 5 7 in the number again
10:28The knockout keyword and Warriors live are all gonna be tucked in together here in about 45 minutes
10:33Glad you're with us. Steve Kerr said something on the podium last night that I think
10:38We we just have to address it
10:40We will hear in a minute, but let's keep talking to you Dave in the city is here with Willard and dibs
10:45Hey Dave, what are you doing?
10:47What's up fellas kaboom?
10:52Didn't want to say
10:54Once we get coming back, I think we could slide Moody into that to guard position and just leave him there
10:59I think buddy is way better off the bench
11:02If you look at his numbers, he's way better off the bench actually
11:06I think I think though that they need to give Pat Spencer a little bit more time instead of buddy
11:11I just put a pot cuz positive miss a layups left or right yesterday and maybe call up
11:18Knocked out of the G League to give us a another shooter on the bench
11:22The past yeah. Yeah, Dave. Thanks very much the Pat Spencer thing. I heard
11:27It came up on the morning show too, and it's just it's easy to like chuckle at it
11:33But I do have some sort of odd curiosity about Pat Spencer
11:37I'm I certainly don't think he's gonna put a cape on and come in and save the Warriors
11:42I don't think that but every time you watch Pat Spencer play you do walk away with
11:48That's actually an NBA player because he does not come in that package
11:53Like like he you're like what who brought this guy and then he plays and you're like, oh
11:59All right. You're not afraid and
12:02And you athletically you're fine. You're fine. You can do some things. I don't know
12:08I mean look he's still he's a bench player right now. He's a garbage time player
12:13But if buddy healed continues to do stuff like he did last night
12:18I wouldn't I wouldn't shy away from giving him a few more minutes
12:23Yeah, I mean, he's not that's not the answer answer. I
12:26He's not and you know, the more I think about it
12:29It just kind of hit me and you'll love this comp on who he is. It's a cross sports comp
12:35He's Mikey stransky
12:37Pat Spencer is 28 years old in his second year in the
12:42Association, that's good. You know that Pat Spencer's history is as a lacrosse player, correct?
12:47He was like a four-time All-American or like three-time player of the year athlete
12:52I'm amazing athlete and the guy who kind of came to basketball a little bit later and the fact that he's
12:57Almost 29 his birthday is July 4th. So by the time you get to next year
13:01He will be 29 and yet he's played in only 28 games in his career
13:06So it's easy to look at Pat and go. Yeah flavor of the month
13:10But if you look at how many games he's played meaningful minutes, it's not a lot. It's almost none
13:16Yeah, no to me. That's like that's a band-aid and it's probably a generic brand
13:23But yeah, I'm not like again, that's not the answer
13:26But if you keep if guys are getting frustrated with buddy healed
13:30I wouldn't hesitate on a given night to be like dude Pat get in there
13:35Listen I there were moments in my high school career
13:38You know how when you're in your high school when you're in the yeah
13:41When you're in the earlier year of your two-year run like on frost off and you're a freshman and on varsity
13:48You're a junior. I would know and so there are guys ahead of you and
13:51And they're gonna get most of the playing time. I've had years where I was Pat Spencer and
13:57Here's what I mean by that. Not that I was an amazing athlete like Pat Spencer
14:01What I mean is is I was the guy on the bench who the coach would say go get into the game when I'm ticked
14:07off at the starter
14:08Like with you're gonna be out if you're gonna start throwing the ball all over the place
14:12And you're gonna miss your defensive assignments
14:15You're gonna do it two or three possessions in a row
14:17The coach is gonna stomp the ground with his foot and he's gonna turn I roof still remember what he would do this sometimes
14:22And he'd look up and down the bench. I have options. I have options damn it
14:26I don't have options, but I'm so mad
14:30Get in there and you go in there and you run around for three minutes with
14:33Cuz you're like I'm in the game. I'm in the game and then you'd be like, okay, that's enough get out of the game
14:38Right, and that's what we would do. You could do that with Pat. You could do that with Pat
14:42You're allowed to you're not gonna lose the game cuz of it Pat Spencer in his career or actually in this year
14:49He is 2 of 14 from 3 actually, that's his career. I'm sorry
14:53He was 2 of 12 this year 2 of 14 for his career
14:56So if you're looking for him to go in there and replace buddy, oh and stretch the defense
15:01I'm you're looking for Pat Spencer to go in there and commit two or three fouls and mess it up
15:06Oh, I'm actually looking for him to not mess it up. That's kind of the point
15:10You're looking for somebody to go in there and just just go in there make the right decision for a few minutes
15:15Just like that's what he Santos does really? Well, just go in there. Well, he can rebound
15:20I know but he makes winning plays and I do think Pat is again
15:24We've seen very little right, but when you watch him, you're like, oh like he's like he does good things
15:29I'm not saying knockdown shooter, but go in there and like don't throw the ball away. How about that?
15:36Can we do that fine go in there and don't remind you that buddy heels had no turnovers yesterday
15:41I understand as we're looking at buddy a lot of this is about buddy. That's a stat though
15:45He also he leads the team in stink eye
15:50He leads the team in stink eye from the from his team agreed
15:53but if we're gonna get in, you know for the remainder of our hour and ten minutes today if we're gonna do Pat and Gee and
16:01I mean Quinton and I mean, what are we doing if we're gonna really get to this point?
16:06Well, this is what this is where we are where we are
16:10My gosh where we are when post is starting some of these games, right and Quinton post last night didn't play, right?
16:16He barely played and you know, if you want to talk about TJ D fine
16:20He's a guy who has at least a little bit of a track record and we're not gonna sit here and talk about
16:25Jackson Road to the rescue
16:26I mean if that's what we're doing, then let's start talking about the mock draft in the lottery again
16:32I'm not the answer. No, and I and I think I said that right off the top
16:35My point is is in a moment, you know, like buddy healed needs. I don't want to say to be checked
16:42He has a great attitude
16:44But but if the rest of the team is starting to stink I am because they don't understand the moves and the plays that he
16:50Keeps making then. Yes, at least in a moment. You have to be able to stick somebody else on the court
16:55He's getting too many minutes right now buddy healed needs to be
16:59Featured get buddy some good looks get him some clean looks let buddy eat
17:04I if we're gonna go to Jackson and Pat and Gee and and like some of the various other two-way guys
17:11I asked for authenticity. I asked for authenticity. I can always tell you that you know, you're not buddy
17:17You do not believe that buddy cook. Let's know. Let's let Telmo eat Telmo in the minute. Come on, Telmo
17:23What are you doing?
17:26Tell us listen
17:28Every how many years has it been now that want to Skano?
17:32Anderson or this guy or that guy has a good two games and all of a sudden it let him get more run
17:38And we keep doing this like wow, we're gonna do this to the ends of the earth with just infinity times
17:45Like to Dibbley's play. He's running. He's running a little material right now with the buddy thing
17:51But come on, we can't do that needs to be consistent
17:55You can't just put Pat Spencer in there to teach somebody a lesson
17:59This is a 10 billion dollar franchise not a not a high school JV team
18:04Because a little Timmy showed up for practice late
18:12I'm not gonna let you do that to people who have jerseys
18:15They've earned these things and I'm not talking about teaching a lesson
18:19But if you're gonna if you're gonna say look, this is a billion dollar industry. We don't have play time in the sandbox
18:24Well, then what is it that you call it when buddy healed is out there making unthinkably bad decisions like to me
18:31That's that's the same point with what we don't have time for this
18:37Mike Dunleavy just said today on this station that that felt like two losses
18:41we don't have time for one and nine and I don't know where to pass the ball in a big moment and
18:47And and Pat Spencer's not doing that
18:49Quentin Post is not doing that but he healed is doing that
18:53You don't have time, but you have time. Oh, let's throw Pat Spencer in there for four minutes and see what happens
19:11And you're and you're and you're talking about buddy healed we know buddy healed hasn't had good run
19:16But he got up good shots yesterday watching the beginning of the game
19:20There were shots that literally rolled around the rim twice and came out. They weren't necessarily bad shots
19:26It's just a game of makes and misses Steph Curry had a volume night wasn't great
19:31They deferred to Jimmy Butler at the end. He's taking a two-point shot with ten seconds left on the clock
19:37That doesn't make any sense if he scores that right there and they tie the game you still give Dallas ten seconds back
19:45The point of this thing is like you could be there's a number of decisions
19:49But by a by most of the team yesterday that led to that loss and it wasn't on buddy healed
19:55And if we're gonna talk about think I look at how much think I come in there
19:59Gets on oftentimes when he's on the court and making terrible decisions. I don't think coming against all right tell me
20:06I don't think coming against any stink eye and I want to reiterate my point because you're making a bunch of points that are fair
20:12But they're not
20:13Reiterating or they're not going against what I said. I'm not making this all about last night
20:18There's no way if you're a warrior fan
20:20You could sit here or look me in the eye or have a conversation when you're on the radio
20:25And tell me right now that you're loving watching buddy. He'll play for the last two months. You can't do it
20:31You flat-out can't do it. You're not loving a lot of it. That's fine. You know you watch pods last night
20:36He missed two layups, but your pods isn't very good
20:39So if you take buddies minutes away
20:41You're giving them the pods pods been really good since he got back from the injury. He's been better really good
20:47I wouldn't say that he's been really good and you're looking at his buddies small sample, and I think that's my point
20:53Games look at all three games before he was really good dibs. I'm looking at the large sample
20:59You cannot make a case to me that in
21:022025 and quite frankly since before the holidays the buddy heels been playing good basketball
21:08It's shocking to me that there's some of you out there that want to defend this like I I don't care that he shot the ball
21:15Nine times I'm not mad at him for missing shots that just barely went in and out last night
21:20This is a larger issue right now, and it is clearly one well the larger issues
21:25I mean well for a long period of time
21:28And you've got a lot of guys who aren't playing well like oh like Brandon look at Brandon Podjamsky inside of five feet the guy
21:35He misses at least two layups every single game and a podjamsky since he came back from injury has
21:41Absolutely looked like the guy who made the all-rookie team last year like no question. He's been fine. Yes
21:48No, that's what we're talking about and that's got he's been hot and cold and the last couple of games
21:55Cold and then hot and then cold and cold and cold yeah, I think you're looking at any smallest and again
22:00You're the one who pointed this out. I'm not
22:03Focusing even on the shot. I'm
22:06Looking at body language and his teammates look annoyed
22:09And I don't see that with anyone else
22:12That point that Telmo made right there at the end that coming doesn't get stink eye from step
22:17Well, he was a couple months ago for sure when all the time Jonathan coming up. He was getting some stink eye absolutely
22:24Maybe not
22:26Got last night, but I don't you know I think it's easy to look at last night and look at a one-for-nine performance
22:32But I would not blame last night on buddy
22:37How many times let's just say this I'm not saying you did
22:42Last night and saying that buddy healed lost him the game
22:45Nor am I nor am I I am I am on this day
22:50February 13th
22:51Based on last night and many many many many nights in a row before it
22:57Saying that way more often than not buddy healed is not
23:02Performing the way he needs to and now appears to be getting to a point where he is bothering his teammates
23:07That's the point. I'm trying to make I don't care that he went one for nine last night
23:12That's not I'm not guys have bad shooting nights guys have bad shooting pods over to yeah
23:19Yeah, and three for his last 15 for three yeah
23:22Yeah, although he does all kinds of other stuff on the court that are really really heady plays six for his last 25 from three
23:30Right that's bad. Yeah, it is