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Artistic Yoga shows us some useful asanas to strengthen your abdominals and core. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv


00:00Namaste and welcome to Artistic Yoga.
00:15In this session we are going to talk on how to work on your abdominal area.
00:22Slowly lie down on your back with your hands close to your waist.
00:28Raise your both feet up to 90 degree.
00:32Hold this for 10 seconds.
00:37Then slowly move your feet down to 60 degrees and again down to 30 degrees for 10 count.
00:46People with back pain should always keep their hands under their lower back.
00:52Next posture is the plank.
00:55Slowly come on your hands and on your knees raising your both knees up.
01:02Please make sure your wrist is in line with your shoulders and your shoulders are in line
01:08with your waist.
01:10Hold this posture for 30 count.
01:13The next posture is the dolphin plank.
01:16In this posture begin with the plank pose and slowly bring your fingers close to each
01:26Interlock your hands and your knees are off the floor.
01:30Just relax your elbows on the floor and breathe normal.
01:35Hold this posture for 30 seconds.
01:39The next posture is knock asana.
01:42Slowly lie down on your back.
01:45Raise your upper body and your feet up.
01:49It will be great if you can raise your toes in line with your eyes and your hands should
01:55be close to your knees.
01:58You can see in this knock asana it is a V shape.
02:03Hold this knock asana for 30 count.
02:06Now after all this core strengthening we have to work for the strengthening of the back.
02:13So lie down on your stomach with the hands next to your chest and feet.
02:20Rest your forehead on the floor.
02:22Slowly raise your head, neck and shoulders.
02:25Arch the back and look upwards.
02:28Breathe in while coming up.
02:31Hold this for 10 count.
02:34After this let's do a counter posture, sharanagat mudra.
02:39Sit on your knees and stretch back your waist to your heel.
02:44Let your head rest on the floor.
02:46The kapalbhati kriya.
02:48Inhale a deep breath and exhale continuously for few count.
02:53Kapalbhati kriya, the exhalations are active and inhalations are passive.
03:01Keep continuing exhalations.
03:05Again make sure your whole body is relaxed.
03:09This was today's session for artistic yoga or how to make your stomach flat and working
03:17on the abdominal area.
03:19I hope you enjoyed this session.
