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Yoga for lower body strength. Take a look at the Artistic Yoga way to a strong and toned lower body. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv


00:00Namaste and welcome to the Bharat Takur Artistic Yoga.
00:15Today we have one of the senior teacher Mr. Manish Pole.
00:19The first posture to strengthen the lower body is called Uttakatasana, awkward pose.
00:26Start with your feet shoulder apart, bring your arms straight out in front of you and
00:32press your palms together, exhale and squat, bend your knees and push your butt towards
00:39the floor like you are sitting into a chair, come down until your thighs are almost parallel
00:46to the floor, hold the pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing normally, contract
00:55your abdominal muscles to protect your back, after a minute come out the pose and start
01:02pulsing to tone the lower body 10-15 times.
01:12The next posture is called Natarajasana, stand with your legs slightly apart and the feet
01:18pointing outwards, slowly lower the hips and bring the thighs parallel to the floor, hold
01:25for a period of 30 seconds to 1 minute while tightening the muscles of the thighs and the
01:31buttocks, breathe normally, contract your abdominal muscles to protect your back, after
01:40a minute you can start pulse again to tone the groin, tone the quads, 10-15 pulse there.
01:54Next posture is for thigh and hamstring, it's called Virabhadrasana, warrior pose, standing
02:02straight step forward with one of the legs, then bend at the knee on the front leg, in
02:11this position raise your hands directly over your head, as your physical tension is being
02:18released you will automatically breathe more deeply, after remaining in this position for
02:2430 seconds to 1 minute do the same with the same opposite leg to tone the muscle, again
02:31we are starting pulsing up and down 15-20 on each leg.
02:39Next posture for the buttocks is called Vyagrasana, tiger pose, kneel on all fours, hands directly
02:49below the shoulders, knees directly below the hips, push the spine upward arching the
02:56back, lower the head and bring the ears near to the shoulder, raise the right leg and foot,
03:06bend the right leg at the knee and keep the knee above the hip without turning the hip.
03:13After holding Vyagrasana for 30 seconds to 1 minute immediately starting practicing 15-25
03:21Vyagrasana on each side, 15-20 pulse to tone the butt, gluteus muscle.
03:32Next practice for the calf, Tadasana, palm tree pose, stand up straight with both feet
03:40at hip width, turn your heels a little and let your weight rest on your toes, raise your
03:47arms and interlock the fingers keeping the palms facing upwards, breathe in and raise
03:54the body upwards so you are on your toe, hold for 30 seconds to 1 minute while breathing
04:04After holding Tadasana for 30 seconds to 1 minute immediately start practicing 15-25
04:10calf raise on each leg, and sit in Vyagrasana to stretch to loosen the thighs, close your
04:30eyes to relax your mind your body, take a deep breath, slowly exhale.
04:40Visit www.Flydreamers.com for more.
