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Yoga for good circulation. Get your energy flowing with some Artistic Yoga postures to kick start your blood ciculation and energise your body. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Namaste and welcome to Artistic Yoga Session. Today we are going to look at certain yogic
00:15inverted poses that help us with our blood circulation. It's imperative that the whole
00:21body receives adequate amounts of blood circulation and in these inverted positions we direct
00:27the blood from the heart back towards the brain, easing out with all mental faculties.
00:34The first pose that we take is called Sharnagat Mudra. To do this, come onto all fours. Now
00:42gradually drop your buttocks onto your heel so that you are sitting comfortably. Take
00:49in a deep breath, raise your arms up. As you exhale, drop the body down, reaching onto
00:56the floor. Sharnagat Mudra helps directing a lot of the blood supply to the brain, enhancing
01:04both mental faculties as well as facial features, wrinkling and even graying of hair. After
01:12holding for about 30 seconds, come back to the start position. If you have a weak knee
01:20or weak ankles, please avoid or else check with a doctor before doing this. The second
01:27posture that we do is the classic yogic pose called Parvatasana or Mountain Pose. To do
01:33this again, come onto all fours. Now from here, slowly start to raise your hips up and
01:40straighten your knees. You are trying to flatten your heels on the floor and to bring your
01:47upper body inwards as much as possible. In this mountain-shaped pose, blood is again
01:53directed towards the brain. You are able to do a wonderful inversion without risking any
02:01of the joints. After holding for about 15 seconds to about a minute, come back to the
02:08start position. If you have high blood pressure, please ensure that you don't do these poses.
02:16The next yogic position that we take on is the classic pose called Viparitkarni Asana
02:21or Inverted Posture. To do this, lie down on your back. Gently raise your legs up, raise
02:33your hip up and support your hips with your palms. This posture redirects the blood flow
02:40towards the brain and also relieves the heart, allowing it to pump at maximum efficiency.
02:47Hold for about 15 seconds to a minute, depending on your capacity. If you have weak cornea,
02:57retina or high BP, avoid this posture and come back to the start position. The next
03:03position, Sarvang Asana or Shoulder Stand, is done in the same way but with a little
03:10bit more effort. First, come up to the previous posture. Now bend your knees. If you do this
03:18posture, there will be a glow on the face and you will enjoy a lot of de-stressing time.
03:25Again, people with high BP, avoid. The final pose that we take on today, we are going straight
03:32from this posture into Halasana. Halasana or the plow is done like this. Begin to drop
03:39your legs behind till they eventually touch the floor. At which point, just stretch out
03:49your arms and relax the body. As you can see, it puts a little bit of an effort in the neck
03:56area. So if you have a cervical problem, avoid this. Highly beneficial for training
04:02and relaxing the spine. After about 15 seconds to 1 minute, come back out of this. Bend the
04:12knees and come back slowly to the start position. Relax yourself here. We have created a thyroid
04:24or a throat lock which we need to unlock. For that, we do Matsyasana. Come onto your
04:30elbows and drop the crown of your head onto the ground. Keep moving your elbows downwards
04:40towards the waist till your head touches. This releases all the strain that the throat
04:46would have experienced. After this, for a few seconds, relax in Shavasana. In a lying
04:54down pose for a few seconds. I hope you have learnt from these yogic positions. I hope
05:00you do enjoy this work. Thank you so much for watching. Namaste and enjoy your yoga.
