• last month
On It’s A Hard Knock Life with Siu Lim, we’re getting real about a topic that’s often swept under the rug—PERIODS!


00:00The biggest feminist of all, there's six of us, right? My dad, my mom and the four of us girls, sisters.
00:07But the biggest feminist of all is my dad.
00:15Welcome to the new podcast of my, you know, big adventure called It's a Hard Knock Life with me, Su Lim, as your host.
00:24Yeah, and with me today is Leah.
00:29Hello, everybody.
00:30And she's here with me today to talk about...
00:33That oh so taboo subject.
00:37I don't want this.
00:41Okay, well, we'll jump into it.
00:44You have daughters.
00:45I do.
00:46How many daughters do you have?
00:47I have two and they're twins. So it's like...
00:50How old are they?
00:51They're 15 this year, but we're at the end of the year. So I suppose they're inching towards 16. Oh my God.
00:57I don't know what...
00:58You have two of them. I have one going on 16. I am so scared of her. I'm going to be very honest.
01:04Because when she goes on her period, I'm like, was I like this?
01:10Dude, I've got double...
01:11I know and you have double.
01:13Yeah, because they're twins. So it's like on a good month, there'll be like a day or two, like ahead of each other.
01:21And then the other one joins in. But if, you know, cycles tend to go crazy with hormone changes and all that.
01:30So sometimes one gets one like a week before or two weeks before and then the other one.
01:36So it's a whole one and a half weeks of crazy hormones.
01:41And then I get a bit of a lull and then the other one goes through it.
01:45The premenstrual symptoms and then the menstruating and then the post.
01:50And then you have to go through it yourself too.
01:52I know, right? I'm like, I'm 41. Is it like closer to the end or no?
01:57Well, I can do without. I mean, I suppose I don't want to do without, but then I don't want this.
02:05Yeah. I mean, I think we all agree that being a woman is not easy at all.
02:10I mean, and then on some more, we have to raise our daughters to be the woman that we, you know, hoped.
02:18I have been once upon a time.
02:20And basically, I want to know, when was your earliest memory of period anything?
02:28I think I was 10. Was it 10 or was I 11? I was 10. So it's pretty early, I suppose.
02:37Yeah. And I had already had a bit of an introduction to it.
02:43My mom and dad were really great about it.
02:45Oh, really? How did they talk to you about this?
02:48I think it was, we were in, I was in primary school. So at the time, it was just me and number two, my sister, Amani.
02:56So what she started to talk to us about was sex and how the baby is made.
03:03Did they actually said the word sex?
03:05My mom sat us down and she said, okay, so the act is called sex.
03:08And what it is, is like there's a little egg and then there's a, it's like a little flower and something or other.
03:13I can't remember the details, but it was not awkward.
03:16But at the same time, it wasn't like detailed, like, you know, okay, what's going to happen is this and that.
03:22No, it didn't get weird at all.
03:25So yeah, it was so, it was so comprehensible and so easy that my sister actually then at the time she was in kindergarten.
03:34So she told her teacher that's what she knows about it.
03:38And the teacher's like, that's really good. Can you tell the class?
03:43And she was fine.
03:44And she was fine with that.
03:45So we've always had this healthy conversation about, yeah, the whole thing, the sex and our bodies,
03:51the understanding of our bodies and what it does and what it should not do.
03:56So just in case.
03:57So these periods are normal.
04:00So yes.
04:01And they're healthy.
04:02Yes, they are.
04:03And especially you grew up with a whole bunch of sisters.
04:07I did.
04:08How many sisters do you have?
04:09Well, I am the first of four.
04:11So I have three sisters.
04:14And you were basically, you know.
04:16I was the boy.
04:17You were the boy.
04:19But regardless, you still had to go through a period.
04:21Yeah, definitely.
04:22I was that boy, the one with hormonal changes at 14 or 13.
04:28Yeah, but I got my period at 10.
04:30And that was all good.
04:32Everything at home was great.
04:34But then in school, I shared a car or something.
04:36And I'll always remember this guy.
04:38He was a junior by two years.
04:39But we were in a carpool.
04:41He was part of the carpool.
04:43And there was one day that I couldn't make it to a prayer class.
04:51That happens after school kind of thing.
04:53We had to stay back to learn how to pray properly, right?
04:56Camp solat or something like that it was called.
04:58And I couldn't make it.
04:59So I went straight home.
05:01Somebody asked me from outside the car,
05:02Why are you going home?
05:03We have this camp.
05:04And this guy is like, Oh, you got period.
05:08Did you feel embarrassed?
05:10A little bit.
05:11But more for him.
05:13Because it's like, Wow, that's it?
05:16That's the only reason?
05:18I'm not dirty, you know?
05:20Yeah, I think that's another taboo.
05:23When women have periods, it's a dirty thing.
05:27Yeah, we're not.
05:28And it's not even thought that in our religion.
05:30It's not.
05:31It's whatever leniency that we get is that.
05:35It's a leniency.
05:36It's a gift, actually.
05:38He's so kind to us that I made you like this.
05:41So this is the time where you get to rest.
05:44So for those who you don't know,
05:45usually in Islam, when we are on our periods,
05:48we get kind of like,
05:50Some people mention it as a forecast.
05:53Or some people say holiday.
05:56And that's the week or so that we don't have to pray.
06:01Or we can't fast.
06:05But in saying that,
06:06you were the eldest out of four.
06:10Did you tell your sisters about sex and periods?
06:13Or did your parents do that?
06:15We left that to my parents.
06:17Because the age gap was such that.
06:19So there's me and Amani.
06:21And then I was 10.
06:23Amani was seven.
06:24That's when Alaysia came along.
06:26Number three came along.
06:27So she's a whole decade younger than I am.
06:30But still, you know, a decade does not a parent make.
06:33So I'm like, you know,
06:35my parents leave it up to them.
06:38I'll leave it to them to get the details out.
06:41But then over the years,
06:43when she finally went through it and everything,
06:45it was more.
06:47It's okay.
06:48What do you need?
06:49You know, because I've been there.
06:51I've done that.
06:52I felt the pain.
06:53Okay, what do you need?
06:54I'll get it for you.
06:55I'll get it done.
06:57So you basically you grew up opposite of me.
06:58I didn't have sisters.
06:59And I didn't have a family
07:01that was very open about sex.
07:03Everything was, you know,
07:07So the word sex was not sex.
07:09The word penis was not penis.
07:11The word vagina was not vagina.
07:13It was like, you know,
07:14I forgot what they used.
07:16Some weird consonants and syllables put together.
07:20And then I didn't,
07:21growing up I didn't get it.
07:22And then when I got my period,
07:23so the first time I heard about what a period was,
07:25was at school.
07:26So in America,
07:27I went to school in America.
07:28They had a sex education.
07:31So they talked to you about,
07:32spoke to you about sex at that time.
07:34So you were maybe about 9, 10, 11.
07:36Around this point.
07:37I got my period when I was 10.
07:39And when I got it,
07:40it wasn't a shocker,
07:41but yes, I was scared.
07:43And when I told my mom,
07:44I remember going,
07:45I was in the bathroom when I went,
07:46I told my mom.
07:48I was kind of scared.
07:49I was kind of like,
07:52I would say confused.
07:53I didn't know what I was doing.
07:54Of course.
07:55Then when I told my mom,
07:56she was like,
07:57oh, get a pad.
07:58Oh, there you go.
07:59And that was my experience.
08:01I'm getting my period.
08:02I had no one to explain anything to me.
08:05And you know,
08:06we obviously,
08:07at that time,
08:08we didn't have internet.
08:11So I didn't have anything to look up.
08:12I couldn't Google anything.
08:13I just had to go through it on my own.
08:14Don't disclose so much,
08:15our generation.
08:17Was I lost?
08:18Yeah, I was very lost.
08:19Period cramps.
08:20I mean,
08:21do you have period cramps?
08:23every cycle.
08:24Every cycle.
08:25So bad that when I first went into labor,
08:27I didn't know I was going into labor.
08:30Because the doctor had to tell me,
08:31did you know that you were like,
08:32two centimeters dilated?
08:33I'm like,
08:34no, I didn't.
08:35This is not normal.
08:36And for those who've never given birth,
08:38that's exactly what it's like,
08:39you know,
08:40like the labor pains are just like your period pains,
08:43but like worse,
08:45like a thousand times worse.
08:47You went with a thousand.
08:50I did natural birth.
08:51So I'm like,
08:52no epidural.
08:53So I'm like,
08:54I felt everything.
08:55But yeah.
08:56So in saying that,
08:57how do you think this experience affected
08:59how you raised your daughters to learn about sex
09:02and period and everything?
09:04I don't know.
09:05It was,
09:06it was very helpful.
09:07I mean,
09:08because it was such a,
09:09you know,
09:10a running joke.
09:12we have a group chat,
09:14You have to understand in this equation,
09:15there has always been the biggest feminist of all.
09:16There's six of us,
09:18My dad,
09:19my mom,
09:20and the four of us girls,
09:22But the biggest feminist of all is my dad.
09:24And he,
09:25but of course,
09:26every time of the month,
09:28he would,
09:29he will voice his discomfort
09:32when we're discussing things like this
09:34in the group chat.
09:35The thank you,
09:37you know,
09:38the dawn of the WhatsApp era.
09:39Everything is discussed in the group chat.
09:40We tend to forget that he's there
09:41when we discuss things like this.
09:43And he's like,
09:45thanks guys.
09:46But he would make it,
09:47he doesn't make it awkward.
09:48He'll joke about it like,
09:51you know,
09:52when I get my period also,
09:53I feel like that.
09:54And like,
09:58We get it.
09:59We're getting too far.
10:00But yeah,
10:02so that kind of support,
10:03it really does pay off in the long run,
10:06in the sense where now I don't only have
10:09my two daughters.
10:10I have two sons.
10:12Who are so comfortable with the word period,
10:14who completely understand when mommy needs
10:17the hot water bottle.
10:18And then like,
10:21are you done?
10:22Because Aza needs the water bottle.
10:25Are you guys okay?
10:26You know,
10:28Ali is 10.
10:29Is he 10?
10:31he's nine.
10:32He'll be 10 in January.
10:33That's why,
10:35We have Ali,
10:36who is this wonderful,
10:37sensitive soul,
10:38who's obsessed with football,
10:40but at the same time,
10:42really understanding when it comes to that.
10:44So my daughters feel very comfortable when,
10:46you know,
10:47we have the surprise entrance,
10:49a surprise show kind of thing.
10:51It's like,
10:53we're not scheduled.
10:54We're supposed to be a day later,
10:55but we're here,
10:56kind of thing.
10:57And my daughters feel comfortable enough to like,
11:00scream from the bathroom.
11:03can you go in my room and get there?
11:05And he knows exactly what to get.
11:07That's so cute.
11:09That's teamwork there.
11:10It is.
11:11It is.
11:12And I'm thinking later on,
11:13I mean,
11:16when he finds his person,
11:18his lady,
11:19his wife,
11:20and if they have daughters,
11:22I'm saying that.
11:24I don't know.
11:25I don't know what's PC nowadays.
11:27But you know,
11:29when he does get married,
11:30and then if he has daughters,
11:31I'll be completely,
11:33I'm good.
11:35You know,
11:36you know what to do.
11:37You know how to.
11:38When was the first time?
11:40Do you,
11:41can you remember as far back
11:42as the first time you explained
11:44what a period was
11:46with your daughters and son?
11:49Or did they kind of do it together?
11:51I think it was about the same time,
11:53I suppose,
11:54because the girls got it like
11:55a few weeks.
11:57One of my daughters didn't get it with me.
12:00I mean,
12:01she wasn't with me
12:02because they're from my first marriage.
12:05So they were away for the weekend
12:06at their dad's.
12:07And then one of them
12:08got it while she was there.
12:13my ex had remarried as well
12:14and his wife is amazing as well.
12:18you know what I mean?
12:19How did he handle that?
12:20He's also very understanding.
12:22He's got,
12:23he comes from a family of eight,
12:25four girls,
12:26four boys.
12:27So, we're good.
12:28My husband,
12:30also comes from a family,
12:31a huge family.
12:32Even the father,
12:34stepfather situation
12:35is also very understanding
12:36and very supportive.
12:37Oh, good.
12:40but once they came back,
12:41the other one followed,
12:43got her period.
12:44And then,
12:47there were questions with Ali.
12:48I suppose with Ali,
12:49he wasn't,
12:51all there yet.
12:52He was still pretty young,
12:53about three,
12:55He's about two,
12:57like that,
13:00like that.
13:02he was like,
13:04not here,
13:05not there,
13:06kind of thing.
13:09he's absorbing some information
13:10and not.
13:12we just went through the whole,
13:14this is why it happens.
13:16your body is now telling you
13:17that you are of a certain age
13:19You know,
13:20it means that you're healthy
13:21and you're normal
13:22and everything's going to go great.
13:23You're going to start feeling pain
13:24and everything,
13:27I suppose,
13:29because it's talked about
13:30so openly
13:31between the girls,
13:32between the ladies,
13:33with their aunts as well
13:34and their grandmother,
13:35when you hear it,
13:36you know,
13:37as a background noise
13:38kind of thing,
13:39you kind of just,
13:41It's a natural thing.
13:42It's a natural thing.
13:43And you just naturally absorb it
13:44and it becomes something
13:45that just happens
13:46for the boys.
13:48You know,
13:49much like my dad,
13:50I don't think he came into the
13:51whole being a father thing
13:53knowing that he's going to have
13:54these really uncomfortable
13:56and the discussions happening
13:57like in front of his eyes
13:58or around him.
14:00But I suppose,
14:01when it does happen that way
14:02in an open and comfortable
14:03and respective environment,
14:05it just becomes
14:07naturally absorbed
14:09and understood.
14:10Has there ever been a time
14:11where everyone had their period
14:12at the same exact time?
14:14all the time.
14:17How did your dad deal with that?
14:18My dad,
14:19just that,
14:23all nonsense,
14:25And he just,
14:28it's that natural.
14:31it seems like you have
14:32a very open,
14:33you have open conversations.
14:34Your whole family
14:35is very comfortable
14:36with this.
14:38whereas my family,
14:39you know,
14:40from my parents,
14:41they weren't comfortable.
14:43I had to actually change
14:44that whole situation
14:45and I ended up
14:46kind of converting
14:47into a very open family
14:48where now my whole family,
14:50you know,
14:51we talk about it
14:52like it's normal.
14:53My eldest son
14:54will buy pads
14:55for my daughter,
14:56for me,
14:57you know,
14:58and it should be
14:59a normal thing.
15:00What advice
15:01can you give
15:02to families that,
15:03you know,
15:04there are families out there
15:05that tend to feel
15:06a bit shy
15:07or they feel like
15:08it's taboo still
15:09and they sway away from it.
15:11What do you,
15:12what's your advice
15:13on something like this?
15:15where they still call it,
15:16like for example,
15:17they're scared to say
15:18it's period and blood
15:19and they still call it holiday,
15:20you know.
15:21Do you realize
15:22that we've been doing
15:23that thing?
15:24We've actually
15:25been hesitating.
15:26Every time we want to say
15:28we take a pause.
15:30In fact,
15:31when you said pads,
15:32you went,
15:33you know,
15:34buy pads.
15:37I was like,
15:39I thought we've evolved.
15:40I guess not.
15:41But yeah,
15:42I understand
15:43that it does get
15:45very uncomfortable
15:46for some people,
15:47especially if
15:48you've been in the opposite
15:49of my family,
15:50like all boys
15:51and mum is the only lady
15:53and then you proceed
15:56to get married
15:57and then have all boys
15:58and then have all boys
15:59and then like
16:00two generations later,
16:01then it's like,
16:05Apa itu period?
16:07You know,
16:08my wife never spoke
16:09like this in front of me.
16:11Why would she?
16:12She's not going to tell you
16:13like, okay,
16:14I'm cramping.
16:15Okay, you know,
16:17when period comes,
16:18it's just like,
16:19just don't touch me
16:20tonight, please.
16:21I just need space.
16:22That's it, right?
16:23Okay, so,
16:24but with the girls,
16:25you need to be a bit,
16:26you have to be,
16:28you just have to be
16:30a bit more open
16:31because this is it,
16:34you know,
16:35this is the body
16:36that's going to take
16:37your daughter
16:38to that next level,
16:39to that level
16:41that you will be proud of,
16:42that you will be,
16:45that you can brag about,
16:47that at the end of the day,
16:49that that body
16:50and that soul
16:51and that human being
16:53is what's,
16:54you know how they like to say it in Malaysia,
16:56saham akhirat?
16:58You know,
16:59it is quite literally
17:00your investment
17:01for the akhirah,
17:02for the next life, right?
17:05why are you shaming her now?
17:10You know,
17:12you got to put in first.
17:14And it's also important
17:15that the boys know about all this.
17:17because they will,
17:19in return,
17:20start respecting
17:22the people in their lives,
17:23the women in their lives as well
17:24and that also will become
17:26your saham akhirah.
17:29at a very young age,
17:30you need to tell your children
17:32to be proud
17:34and protective of their bodies.
17:36And that's what builds
17:37their confidence too.
17:38It does, yeah.
17:39And it's like,
17:40it's normal,
17:41it's healthy.
17:42You know,
17:43you need to love what it is,
17:44you need to protect
17:45what it is that God gave you.
17:47You need to look after it
17:48and you need to pamper it
17:49every now and then.
17:50And for girls,
17:51you know what?
17:52You get a week every month
17:53to pamper your bodies.
17:56you can do that
17:57and it's fine to do that.
18:00and the boys will also understand
18:01later on that,
18:03that's fine
18:04because they're going to go through
18:05a whole lot more later on, right?
18:07So, one week a month,
18:08they're going to have wives
18:10you know,
18:11eventually they're going to,
18:12you know,
18:13have to,
18:14you know,
18:15lie on them.
18:17And also,
18:18you know,
18:19these are your wives,
18:20that body,
18:21the ones who become wives,
18:22that's also the vessel
18:23that will bring your name,
18:25you know,
18:26that will bring your generation,
18:28that will
18:29make your community bigger,
18:32you know?
18:33So, yeah,
18:34I mean,
18:35How do you handle it
18:36when your daughters have cramps?
18:37Like, really bad cramps?
18:39like every other Malaysian mother.
18:42Put something hot,
18:43hot pack, hot pack.
18:44Yeah, yeah, yeah.
18:45Ah, yes.
18:46I mean, like,
18:47I mean, do you,
18:48I mean,
18:49we all know
18:50that we have to be understanding.
18:52But, you know,
18:53when, let's say,
18:54if they don't want to go to school,
18:55do you?
18:56If it gets really bad,
18:57I'm really okay.
18:58I'm not,
18:59I've never been that strict
19:01or like,
19:02I have to go to school like that.
19:03Yeah, yeah.
19:04My mom was like that.
19:05She's like,
19:06it's part of life.
19:07Get over it.
19:11The whole period thing is part of life.
19:12But the pain,
19:13I think you can get a day off.
19:15But one day,
19:16you know,
19:17the period doesn't last three weeks.
19:20If it does last three weeks,
19:21you need to go and check it.
19:22It's weird.
19:24It's weird.
19:26So, do you have any final advice
19:29you know?
19:30I think,
19:31maybe more for the dads.
19:33Because moms,
19:34you know,
19:35we go through it.
19:36So, basically,
19:37we know how to tackle whatever.
19:38Like, you got pain,
19:40we slap on something warm
19:41or, you know,
19:42drink hot tea
19:43or something like that.
19:44But for the dads,
19:45especially first-time girl dads,
19:48I get the panic.
19:50I get the whole,
19:54Why me?
19:55You know?
19:56Why me?
19:58But keep in mind that
20:01you are their first level of defense.
20:04Your daughter's first level of defense.
20:06You are the first man they'll ever love.
20:08You are the first man
20:10that they will think of as heroes.
20:12You're the first line of defense.
20:14You're their protector.
20:16So, this is the best time
20:18to remind them of that fact.
20:21You don't have to go out of the way
20:23and bring them on like spa dates
20:25or anything like that.
20:26That's just,
20:28as a woman,
20:29spa dates during my period is gross.
20:32I don't like being touched
20:34during my period.
20:35I can't use a massage.
20:37Do you not like being cuddled or anything?
20:40I like my hot water bottle.
20:42I cuddle my hot water bottle.
20:43That's it.
20:44Okay, bye.
20:45Not touchy.
20:46But, you know,
20:47if they do want it
20:48and you can afford it,
20:49why not?
20:50But it doesn't have to get that bad,
20:51that extreme.
20:53You can just make them a hot drink
20:56or, you know,
20:57like with my dad,
20:59if you get so uncomfortable,
21:01make jokes about it.
21:02You know,
21:03and like,
21:04just be there for them.
21:06Just understand.
21:08Just understanding
21:09and being there for them
21:10already makes such a big difference.
21:13And it's such a big help
21:15because let's just remember
21:16you're one person.
21:17The rest of the world
21:19is just going through the whole
21:23You're used to it, right?
21:25You have it every month.
21:27I can't believe you're still not used to it.
21:29No, we never get used to it.
21:31This is 1,000% true.
21:33I want to say, yeah,
21:34the dads,
21:35be a little bit more empathetic.
21:37Kind with words,
21:39you know,
21:40because this is,
21:41yeah, like you said,
21:42it's going to be
21:43the rest of our lives.
21:44And then,
21:45let's not get through the whole,
21:46you know,
21:47we got to go through menopause
21:48and everything.
21:49That's another episode.
21:50I'm not going to get there.
21:53If I'll ever get there.
21:55I'm done,
21:56quite done with periods by now.
21:59But I want to thank you very much
22:00for coming to my,
22:01you know,
22:02It's a Hard Knock Life.
22:03You know,
22:04we get our periods,
22:06Thank you so much
22:07for joining me
22:08and talking about this.
22:09Thank you for having me
22:10on the first episode.
22:11I feel like,
22:12you know,
22:13I love this girl.
22:14I love this girl.
22:15I love you too.
22:16I'm so glad that we're here.
22:17You're such an inspiration.
22:18I hope you know that.
22:19No, I don't.
22:20Well, you are.
22:21You are.
22:22I love you.
22:24Thank you very much.
22:25And thank you guys
22:26for joining us
22:27in our first episode
22:28of Hard Knock Life.
