• 2 months ago
00:00Now, you cannot start the show like this.
00:02Are we in black again?
00:03You cannot start the show like this.
00:05No, I'm just keeping it real, man.
00:08And it is Ernie Chavez that can help us out,
00:10but also Zuchy, man, because he's a super P1.
00:12But, Stony, we made the bet.
00:14UCLA, Maryland, and then you told me last week
00:17you would pay me Friday.
00:18You didn't.
00:19I didn't want to bring it up at the cafeteria.
00:21But forget all that.
00:22The Warriors had their biggest win of the year.
00:25I'm pretty sure you bet, Evan, and I was a bystander.
00:29This is how you see drinks out of this.
00:31I want some of that action.
00:32That was your verbiage.
00:33I want some of that action.
00:35Well, you lost the bet from last night
00:37because I had the Warriors.
00:39Because I've been more upbeat about the Warriors than you.
00:42And so, now we're even.
00:44Thank you, Evan.
00:45That hurts.
00:46People came at me in my men's and title care on Twitter.
00:49No, Goo, you called it.
00:50I said this has the ingredients of the biggest win of the year,
00:54and they got it.
00:56Anybody could say that before the game.
00:58But they didn't.
00:59The city's the best team in the league.
01:02Dude, what a win.
01:05Down 14 early.
01:06I'm standing up.
01:08And yesterday, we're in here.
01:10This is rock bottom.
01:12Rock bottom.
01:13They just beat the Thunder, baby.
01:15Yeah, drew down.
01:16Don't let them bring you down, Goo.
01:17I'm not.
01:18That was a big win.
01:19Try vice versa.
01:23That's how they got to do it, ladies and gentlemen.
01:25That's how they got to do it.
01:26Key word, they.
01:28Kavon Looney.
01:29Gary Payton II.
01:31If you could get that Wiggins every day.
01:33Good Lord, Stiney.
01:34Yeah, you'd be.
01:35Probably be fifth seed.
01:36Wiggins was incredible.
01:38He was good.
01:38And then Curry got hot, and he needed to.
01:42Boy, I mean, when I'm watching that game last night, I'm thinking,
01:46well, that's how they must have gotten to 12-3.
01:49There it is.
01:50Okay, how did they start 12-3?
01:52We didn't remember the last couple weeks.
01:54No, you're right.
01:55But now it's like, okay, that's how they must have started 12-3.
02:00And, you know, again, I forget the win they had three or four games ago where
02:08I felt like I said the same thing about this is how they got to win.
02:13I mean, they got to be able to win when Steph scores 20.
02:15Not 30.
02:16And he didn't have that last night.
02:18He didn't have a great first half last night.
02:20They hung around and like that is the recipe.
02:24It's plain and simple.
02:27Over-reliance on Steph is only going to get you short-term places, I think.
02:32But what was refreshing is when he gets open, Stiney,
02:36he's hitting like that was the Olympic Steph.
02:38Like they were big shots.
02:40And I know he was all of his last 13 early in the first half
02:44going back to the game before.
02:46But that's what like that's why I keep saying he's not done.
02:49What can we do to just and Looney setting the screens
02:53like we've been we've seen this movie before.
02:56But OKC and SGA was phenomenal.
02:59But I think that played into the Warriors hands.
03:01The fact that he was doing everything, Stiney,
03:03and then they start throwing bodies at him.
03:06Pod showed up.
03:07Gary Payton II, Looney and Curry and all this without Draymond.
03:13And Kaminga.
03:14And Jonathan Kaminga.
03:16You're right.
03:17You know what I was thinking?
03:18I'm on a high, man.
03:19You know what I was thinking?
03:21What do you say we make a pack today?
03:22All right.
03:24Warriors won last night was their biggest game of the year.
03:28Biggest win of the year.
03:30How we don't talk about Draymond at all today?
03:33Let's do it.
03:33I'm going to try.
03:34We got Bob Myers at 1045.
03:36Not because and I'll tell you why I'm going to.
03:38Because I'm looking at him over there on the bench last night.
03:41I can't stop.
03:42And I'm thinking I can't stop.
03:45I don't need to see him come back.
03:47Well, see, I'm not there.
03:49I mean, I'm not put it this way.
03:50I'm not chomping at the bit for Draymond Green to come back.
03:53Well, you're going to see Anthony Davis next week.
03:56So next Thursday, we'll have a watch party at Bay Street, Emmyville.
03:59You and I'll be there from 68.
04:01But maybe AD won't be in that game.
04:03But Stani, you need him.
04:04But it's about Rob Lowe.
04:05And this one don't hit like I want it to hit.
04:07One of great movies about last night.
04:10That was a great gutsy win, man.
04:13And I didn't see it coming when they were down 14.
04:15I'll say it.
04:18I mean, look, it's no secret that we got a trade deadline coming up in exactly one week.
04:22And we spent a lot of time talking about what this team could do, what they should do,
04:27what they might do, what they won't do.
04:31And I just, you know, sometimes you get lost and you forget.
04:35And you watch a game like last night.
04:37And again, it's just one game.
04:42Because people are on here like, Guru, Stani, don't let that game fool you.
04:45I won't let it fool me.
04:46I appreciate that.
04:47We're not.
04:48But I do wonder, we got Bob at 1045, Bob Myers, Stani.
04:52What if they go on a run before the sixth?
04:54Does that alter your plans?
04:56And I think if I were in the Warriors position, it wouldn't.
04:59It wouldn't.
05:00But because you got to think down the road, right?
05:03You got to think about what you've been thus far up into this junction to wear.
05:07And Anthony Slater, thank you, Evan Giddings, had a great piece in The Athletic just about
05:12what's going on in the Warrior building and the talk and the whispers around the trade deadline.
05:17We say we won't bring it up.
05:18But Stani, that was what you just said, the 12-3 team last night without two other guys.
05:26So we've been talking about this team because they've been 11-20 over their last 31 games.
05:36And now they win one.
05:37And again, it's like, it depends how you want to look at it.
05:41Well, don't let it fool you.
05:42Fool me into what?
05:43Thinking they're a title team?
05:45I don't think they're a title team.
05:47Fool you about what?
05:48About being a top-four seed?
05:49I don't think they're a top-four seed.
05:50No, thinking about not needing to make a move to make you better, wherever that takes you.
05:57I put that off to the side.
06:00And I look at a team like last night, and I say, well, how consistent of an effort could
06:05they give like last night?
06:07How sustainable is last night?
06:09Could that really be the way you get to 45 or more wins?
06:15And they needed to play a game like that because they hadn't played one like that in a while.
06:23So yes, that's why I think a game's important.
06:26Yesterday, I'm in here thinking, I don't know if they can beat any of the good teams.
06:32I mean, maybe they're destined to finish 35 and 47.
06:38But they go, and they play a heck of a game last night.
06:41They beat OKC, and you see what it can look like when it's good.
06:46And they're not a bad team.
06:49No, no doubt, man.
06:50They haven't been playing well the last, you know, two-thirds of this season so far.
06:54But they're one game over 500, and they're going to keep playing games.
07:02And if those guys play like that, they're definitely going to get it.
07:08They'll definitely end up in the play-in if this is their MO.
07:13And that's a start.
07:16And I get excited, too, when I look at the standings.
07:19Donnie, you can tell me what you think of this.
07:21You know, we can do it.
07:22I think it's fair.
07:24But you look at the fifth seed, and the Warriors are only three and a half games behind the
07:29fourth and fifth seed.
07:31Four and a half behind Denver in the fourth seed.
07:33So it's still there.
07:34And I know it's not baseball.
07:36You don't play 162.
07:37But Steve Kerr said something.
07:38I'm watching Bonte, Mullin, and Fetze after the game.
07:41And they go to Kerr, Stine, and he said what you just touched on.
07:46In this association, you kind of don't fluke your way into 12 and 3.
07:51Something was going right then.
07:53And you're right.
07:53Maybe they tapped into that last night, and that bottle is back full.
07:58But man, if somehow...
08:00I mean, that's two in a row, right?
08:03Utah, whatever.
08:05Utah's Utah.
08:06But it's a game on the schedule.
08:08And now you got one at home against KD.
08:11And somehow they can start getting hot.
08:15888-957-9570 is the number.
08:20So let's say you're a Warrior fan.
08:21And I know you are because you're listening to this show.
08:24And we talk a lot of Warriors.
08:26And you've heard us talking about Butler, and Levine, and Vucevic, Zion,
08:31and anybody else who may be available.
08:34When you see a game like last night, does it change your opinion of this team?
08:39Does it lessen the urgency in your mind?
08:43Oh, we got to do something.
08:45And I firmly believe that after watching a game like last night,
08:50it at least shows you that they can be successful if they play a certain kind of way.
08:55And guys play to a certain level.
08:58And we haven't seen that, it feels like, in weeks.
09:02So they played a hell of a game last night.
09:04And they're feeling good.
09:06And the trade deadline's a week away.
09:08And you got to make decisions.
09:10But in the meantime, you have a win to build off of.
09:13And you should be feeling pretty good about it.
09:15But 888-957-9570 is the number.
09:20Just asking Warrior fans how they feel about last night's game
09:24and whether it just peps them up a little bit after,
09:26you know, started being worried about this team for so long.
