• 2 months ago
00:00And Minnesota won
00:0215 now back to Stiney and guru on 95 7 the game
00:07Timmy Roy on the call last night on the warrior flagship
00:117 the game and that's a guy that's done four championship seasons
00:17Didn't get too high after that win last night. Probably a little nervous
00:22nail-biting time
00:24But look Minnesota tied it up
00:26It's the NBA
00:28It's the NBA, Minnesota. You might want to guard a guy that wears number 30
00:33How did he get that lick in the car Nas read? What were you I would have cussed him out
00:39Well, like that's what happens. That's how the Warriors won title
00:43Those chaos, but Nas went to go to help somebody else would know you stay with 30
00:49We'll lose it another way curry like curry man
00:53After a shot goes up and it's hard to stay with him in that situation
00:58But here's here's what I was thinking last night
01:01I'm watching Kavon loony
01:05Should I say it I'm gonna say is Kavon loony
01:10Becoming a better Draymond green than Draymond green Wow
01:15That's interesting Stiney. I mean, he's got more girth at least when loony gives the ball to curry. He gives it to him right away man
01:21He's not holding it man
01:24Think the ball moves better without without Draymond green. I got a couple text messages in Dre. We love you
01:31I'm just keeping the real self, but some were saying did they miss Dre last night?
01:35Stiney was the ball moving a little better cuz I told you I feel like
01:39When he's on the floor and brings it up, you kind of know where where they're coming from
01:43I didn't think about I didn't think about Draymond green last night. I'm not one time in that game like
01:49No, no, it's a dog man playing. Yeah, but I mean the reality of situation is I wasn't like oh boy with it
01:57If Draymond were here with Draymond, we're here. What hmm like what?
02:01could like they've
02:03That's as a team
02:06They haven't played harder than last night. So they played every bit as hard as they normally do even though Draymond didn't play
02:14So I get it Draymond can be a dog, but he wasn't on the court last night
02:19And I saw a nine or ten dogs out there last night
02:23Can I read a text to you? Sure. It's to you four one five Stiney, please
02:28There's only one primary source of inevitable
02:31Inevitable Warriors trade talk and that's the media it started before this season and it's only gained more
02:38As the season has gone on and and I don't you don't need me to defend you
02:42But now Stiney that the Warriors started that like I've started that now you just in that cuz you're my partner
02:48Yeah, this is in fact on the day the day after the Warriors acquired
02:53Dennis Schroeder hmm
02:55Lakob was on a podcast with Kawakami and this is what Joe Lakob said. We're always looking to I mean
03:01I there's no difference between
03:02Now or we're always gonna be looking for the right deal
03:05This is the right deal came along at the right time was the Air Force in the for the taking
03:09We had the right pieces to make it happen
03:11You know, we're always looking for something else and if something really makes sense
03:15We'll do it if it doesn't we won't trades are hard and I've made this comment before
03:20This one was available for us at the right time
03:22Then we'll have hopefully another one might be a two if and if it turns out we can be better
03:26I think we'll be better. Obviously we keep losing. I'm gonna want to treat
03:30These are the guilt, but I I really do have faith in this team to play better than we have been
03:35Yeah, so it's not heard that in part not media created. No come on five. It's an organizationally, right?
03:42has been put out there and
03:45Look let's not let's not kid ourselves
03:48The Warriors have been open about getting another star for Steph. They've been open about wanting to get him a fifth ring
03:54they've been open about big fish hunting all that kind of stuff and when you talk like that you get people's
04:01expectations up and that's what's happened and you went out and got Schroeder and now you got three weeks till the trade deadline and
04:07You got to keep playing games and see where you're at
04:10If something comes up it comes up, but the idea that the media has created this I thinks you know I thinks not fair
04:17I think it's
04:19It's uh
04:20It's false. It's it's not a fact that the trade talk has come from the Golden State Warriors
04:26I mean hell I remember Mike Dunleavy saying that the way the Warriors payroll
04:30Situation has set up. They've got all kinds of flexibility
04:34That was the other than a flexibility to make a move flexibility to make a move so anyway
04:38It's the message was was was put out there by the organization
04:43I think that's that's obvious mm-hmm. I want to get back into curry and the big one from last night because I
04:50Mean this sincerely I've been asking people for help about a certain point of this
04:54But maybe you can help me because I was giving me an answer take them to all the Twitter fingers
04:59Who's got deals that they that we need to make?
05:01And kind of just shut up a little bit and let us figure this thing out like we we know we can be competitive
05:07We showed you know that that toughness tonight obviously every team is trying to find ways to get better and for us
05:12We've been great for a very long time
05:14This is just a unique year
05:16We have to be able to stay relevant and give ourselves a chance and just have some life in a playoff series
05:21And we have a whole lot of confidence that we can you know beat anybody so
05:25Yeah, that's it all right so about three things stuck out stuck out to me the part where he says
05:33This is a unique year
05:36We have to stay relevant I
05:40Gotta tell you like can somebody better explain what he's talking about like oh, why is it to my office?
05:46Why is this a unique year?
05:49Why isn't next year also going to be a unique year Steph's gonna be here this year next in the year after so why?
05:59the way I took it is we got to hang on this year because
06:03Some like the dams gonna break at the end of the year like everything's gonna be fine
06:08If we can get to the end of the year, that's the part. I didn't quite understand
06:11Okay, that's how I deciphered it starting last year was so
06:16basketball version of Macbeth for Steph Curry his brand and the Golden State Warriors of not playing basketball
06:24Into June he was nowhere to be found during the playoffs
06:29I'm taking the chef and deciphering those comments as
06:32Stiney we may not win a chip
06:35But in order for the Warriors to stay relevant and still hold on to that
06:402022 championship to have people and our fans think that's still a chance
06:45We have to qualify for the playoffs this year, and I feel like he I don't know why he didn't do it about 10 days
06:53Ago, but now he's saying goo Stiney be patient Evan. Let this thing play out
07:00We might not need another trade. We might be able to get hot and qualify for the postseason with what they have
07:08So to me, I know you think I'm crazy Stiney
07:11He's telling me there is no way they can withstand another
07:16No appearance in the playoffs because then the cat and the rat is on the table brought to you by atco
07:23Basketball think about it two years and back-to-back no playoffs then it's over
07:28There's no you could say whatever and hold the press conferences
07:31But the streets and the fans will know you guys aren't good enough to make it
07:35So I think that's where he's looking at like the minimum the bare minimum is the Warriors got to get a series
07:43Not to play in Stiney a series okay, and and then they get a series let's say they get bounced
07:51Okay, you but they made the playoffs okay?
07:53No, he had the playoffs, but they get bounced then they go to the lab
07:56Why don't operate from at least the Golden State Warriors or a playoff team all right before we go under this next surgery, okay?
08:03I I mean I look at my ears. Yeah, no. I I'm I I didn't understand it
08:11Because to me and I get it. I'm parsing the words. I would have said you know we're in a unique situation
08:18They are like I just don't understand that we're unique unique situation this year like I feel like they're gonna be in this
08:25Situation for a couple more years with Steph the leader of the team, but getting older, and they got to figure it out
08:31But you got to stay relevant, and I think two years of no playoffs tiny
08:36Like he knows that that means something maybe to the wrong people the Twitter people
08:41But the bottom line stunning is what what are we talking about with this warrior team if they go back-to-back not making it?
08:48Well still be loving the team, but the bottom line is this thing will look like it's really over well to me
08:54I mean, and I would I would counter that and say
08:58the following
09:01They didn't make the playoffs the year before they went to the finals in 2022, right
09:06Okay, so I mean I guess there's something to two years in a row
09:09But what I think is you know like their situation whether they make the playoffs or not make the play in or not
09:17Rise up to four or five or not like they still have they've got navigating to do now
09:23Yeah in the feet like so I do list. Oh yeah from here to Missouri
09:28Yeah, I I just don't think next year's gonna be any more unique. They're they're kind of gonna be in the same situation again
09:35Trying to figure out a way, but I guess you're right if they make the playoffs this year
09:39Then you come into the offseason saying how do we get back to the playoffs next year in a better spot?
09:44What do you make of this Steph's average in 28 9 and 4 without Draymond?
09:5128 9 and 4
09:53I'm not not there's no thesis. I just like he's a great player
09:58He's a great player with or without Draymond green, but we used to fight you and I we would you know on
10:04Because I always just got mad at the notion that curry wouldn't be curry without Draymond
10:10now I think we're at the end of that to where when they run that offense with Dre leading a
10:15And coming up to the top of the key like that stale that the teams have figured that out
10:20So last night you didn't know where you were getting Steph from Stiney the ball was popping. Yeah, I don't I mean
10:29Listen did was Draymond great for Steph during the hate during their heyday, of course
10:34he was but Steph was always Steph up and
10:37You know Steph is gonna get
10:3925 30 whether Draymond has been his teammate or not. I'm not discounting Draymond green, but I mean
10:47You know, he can get help from Draymond green. It doesn't make any
10:51make him any less of a superstar and
10:54Does he need Draymond green now, he doesn't need right well now that's obvious
10:59But even then and I've got to put some respect on Dre's name, but I'm all over Stony
11:04Just bear with me you and Evan a couple games ago Steve Kerr said into the microphone
11:10He doesn't know why
11:13DMPs come towards Looney's way
11:15But hearing you look at Looney or talk about Looney from a Draymond prism Stiney. He's a prototypical five
11:22He's a big-boned dude, he's strong he knows how to rebound
11:26Again, I'm not telling you he's Moses Malone before this warrior team
11:31There are nights when they don't play their best basketball that I do wonder. Can you and they're always small?
11:38Can you really afford coach not to play Kavon Looney?
11:43And I'm not saying you're gonna go undefeated with them, but kudos to Looney for never bucking up
11:48But Stiney it's imperative that when he gets the ball like last night to know
11:54Not even frantic or panicked to get it to Steph. That sounds so easy
11:58I know but I've said this without
12:01You know them winning the basketball game is it's kind of head-scratching is you could forget about Looney
12:08No, I don't think it is and I don't like I'm looking at his numbers. Yeah, he didn't play
12:11Sometimes the numbers don't tell the whole story 20 minutes guys like Kavon Looney's Donnie 20 minutes
12:1815 minutes. Yeah, 18 minutes 21 minutes. That's what he is. I mean you
12:24If you want to play trade that's better than zero because he's gotten he's been forgot about you know
12:29He's not gonna be forgotten about if Draymond's not on the floor. Then he's got to play but I mean
12:35If if you're going with Draymond at five and you want to play Trace Jackson Davis
12:39Then you do have an issue with Looney and it's a matter of how you want
