• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Con le nuove rimborsabilità, abbiamo la possibilità di utilizzare il parp-inibitore, olaparib, in prima linea e in associazione a una terapia ormonale di nuova generazione. Questa combinazione è risultata in grado di ridurre il rischio di morte, rispetto al solo abiraterone, del 71%”. Sono le parole di Orazio Caffo, direttore Oncologia all’Ospedale Santa Chiara di Trento, in occasione della conferenza stampa ‘Tumore della prostata: la terapia mirata cambia la pratica clinica’, organizzata da AstraZeneca e Msd sulle prospettive offerte dalla terapia mirata nel trattamento del tumore della prostata.


00:00Prostate cancer is the first cancer in terms of incidence for male subjects.
00:11It is estimated that in Italy there are about 41,000 new diagnoses per year,
00:18so in the last year, in 2024, and we consider that, fortunately,
00:23prostate cancer has a 5-year survival rate of 91%,
00:28we have a large number of subjects who have undergone prostate neoplasia
00:33during their lifetime and who we can often consider cured,
00:37and we are talking about numbers around 480,000 people.
00:42The symptoms of prostate cancer are rather, how to say, subdued,
00:47because they are very similar to those of prostate hypertrophy,
00:50which is one of the most frequent pathologies linked to prostate aging,
00:54so an increase in the frequency of nocturnal mention,
00:58an increase in the feeling that the bladder has not completely emptied,
01:03so the important thing is not to underestimate these symptoms,
01:06to talk about them immediately with the general practitioner
01:09and possibly to have an urological visit.
01:12The urologist will then evaluate, first he will do the rectal examination,
01:16but then he will also evaluate whether the use of the PSA is indicated or not.
01:21In terms of prevention, certainly the most important thing is the lifestyle,
01:26so an active life, avoiding overweight,
01:29but a very important thing is not to underestimate the symptoms,
01:32if they occur.
01:34It is typical of an advanced age group,
01:36we are talking about subjects over 65-70 years of age,
01:39the incidence and presence of a diagnosis of prostate cancer
01:43in the younger stage is really very rare.
01:45The hormone therapy of the old generation,
01:48the therapy of androgenic deprivation,
01:50has represented for many, many years
01:52the main therapeutic strategy,
01:56because we are going to remove the fuel from the tumor cells.
02:00Unfortunately, these tumor cells at some point
02:03have resistance mechanisms,
02:05that is, they manage to escape, to detach from this block,
02:09and it is then that the disease is defined as resistant to castration.
02:12Until yesterday we had strategies
02:15linked above all to new-generation hormone drugs,
02:18to chemotherapy,
02:20and at a minimum percentage of cases,
02:22we are talking about about 10%,
02:24the possibility of using the so-called inhibitor PARPs.
02:27We used them from the second, third line,
02:30in those few subjects,
02:32we were talking about 10%,
02:34that present mutations of genes
02:36that regulate the repair of DNA damage,
02:39mainly genes of BRCA1 and BRCA2.
02:42Now, with the new refunds,
02:44we have the possibility of using
02:46the inhibitor PARPs that we could use until recently,
02:49therefore Olaparib,
02:51primarily and in association
02:53with a new-generation hormone therapy.
02:55And this combination has been able to reduce
02:58the risk of death,
03:00compared to only Abiraterone,
03:02by well over 71%.
