• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Oggi, in presenza di una malattia metastatica, in un tumore alla prostata, non si può prescindere dal fare il test” genomico. “Prima lo si effettua, meglio è. Pertanto, è importante non esitare o indugiare”. Lo ha detto Giuseppe Procopio, direttore del Programma prostata e dell’Oncologia medica genitourinaria alla Fondazione Irccs Istituto nazionale dei tumori di Milano, all’incontro con la stampa ‘Tumore della prostata: la terapia mirata cambia la pratica clinica’, organizzata da Astrazeneca e Msd per approfondire le prospettive offerte dalla terapia mirata che associa abiraterone e olaparib, recentemente rimborsata da Aifa.


00:00The study PROPEL, a large randomized phase 3 study, has validated a combination of abiraterone
00:10and olaparib compared to the monotherapy constituted by abiraterone.
00:14The combination is superior in free survival from radiological progression, and this is
00:21very important information, in all patients, but the subgroup analysis shows us that in
00:27patients who have the BRCA1 and 2 mutation, the difference in this goal is really relevant,
00:37and it is also in terms of global survival, where we have a reduction in the risk of
00:43progression or death that reaches more than 70%.
00:47This means an important clinical relevance in disease control and in terms of life expectancy,
00:55in particular in those who have a BRCA1 and 2 mutation, which is what AIFA today allows us to have as reimbursability.
01:08First line, metastatic disease resistant to castration.
01:13Today, in the presence of a metastatic disease, in a prostate tumor, we cannot do without doing the test.
01:21The sooner we do it, the better.
01:24So, don't hesitate, don't hesitate.
01:28Italian territorial situations are very different, and this is more than understandable,
01:33but even more, since sometimes the times may not be short,
01:37in advanced disease, don't wait to ask for the test.
01:43Let's do the test as soon as possible.
