• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - È disponibile in Italia una nuova terapia mirata per i pazienti con carcinoma della prostata metastatico resistente alla castrazione e con mutazioni Brca1 e 2 , in cui la chemioterapia non è clinicamente indicata. In questi pazienti, l’Aifa, Agenzia del farmaco, ha infatti approvato il rimborso per il Parp inibitore olaparib, terapia orale di AstraZeneca e Msd, in associazione a abiraterone e prednisone o prednisolone come terapia di prima linea. Di questo si è parlato in un incontro con la stampa a Milano, durante il quale sono stati presentati i risultati dello studio clinico PROpel che mostra come il rischio di morte si riduce di oltre il 70% nei pazienti trattati con olaparib-abiraterone.


00:00The patients with metastatic prostate carcinoma resistant to castration with BRCA1 and BRCA2
00:09mutations, in which chemotherapy is not clinically indicated, have today at their disposal a
00:15new therapeutic option.
00:17It is the one based on the Olapariv Association, a pioneering therapy of the class of Parpinivitors
00:23of AstraZeneca and MSD, with the hormone therapy Abiraterone, usable in the first line of
00:29treatment and to which you have given the way to reimbursement.
00:59of the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.
01:02Now, with the new reimbursement, we have the possibility to use the Parpinivitor,
01:07which we could use until recently, therefore Olapariv, in the first line and in association
01:12with a new generation hormone therapy.
01:15This combination has been able to reduce the risk of death, compared to Abiraterone alone,
01:22by 71%.
01:24Of fundamental importance for these patients is therefore the access to the genomic test.
01:29Today, in the presence of a metastatic disease, in a prostate tumor, we can not
01:35neglect to do the test.
01:37Before we do it, it is better.
01:40So do not hesitate, do not delay.
01:44The Italian territorial situations are very different and this is more than understandable,
01:49but even more, since sometimes the times may not be short, in the advanced disease,
01:55do not wait to ask for the test.
01:59Let's do the test as soon as possible.
