• 2 months ago
This video isn't a Mathmatazz video but that show aired on PBS Kids and Qubo for a long time ago and this is my 1st upload video to feature Theodore Tugboat.
Synopsis: Theodore is very excited that it is his week to welcome arriving ships to the Harbor, but he has forgotten to check his oil, so everyone has to wait while he goes to the oil dock. They are annoyed that the delay makes them miss their chance to swap stories with the news, C, Clementine same thing happens the next morning, but the other tugs don't w this time. Theodore feels especially bad when his friends return to the dock with stories of the things he missed. By the third day, Theodore has learned his lesson.
YouTube Video Credit goes to Yami Tay for uploading this Theodore Tugboat episode.
Theodore Tugboat belongs to Cochran Entertainment not me.


