• 2 months ago
Awareness to Beggars: కుటుంబ సభ్యులు గెంటేసి ఒకరు, ఆర్ధిక ఇబ్బందులు తట్టుకోలేక మరొకరు. ఇలా పలువురు విజయవాడ నగరంలో యాచకులుగా మారారు. ఇంకొందరు అన్నీ ఉన్నా యాచించటమే వృత్తిగా మలుచుకుంటున్నారు. యాచించటాన్ని రూపు మాపేందుకు మినిస్ట్రీ ఆఫ్ సోషల్ జస్టిస్ ఆధ్వర్యంలో ఆపరేషన్ స్మైల్ ప్రారంభించారు. యాచకులకు పునరావాసం కల్పించి, వారికి చేతి వృత్తుల్లో శిక్షణనిస్తున్నారు. దీంట్లో భాగంగా విజయవాడను యాచకులు లేని నగరంగా చేసేందుకు మున్సిపల్ అధికారులు, ఆపరేషన్ స్మైల్ పీడీ సంయుక్తంగా ప్రత్యేక డ్రైవ్ చేపట్టారు.


00:00I am from Guntipally. I have a problem with my hair.
00:05I am getting my hair operated.
00:07My wife is suffering from TB.
00:09At that time, I had some money.
00:12I came here to ask about it.
00:14I said I will go back to my village.
00:18Earlier, I used to work as a coolie.
00:21Now, I don't have money.
00:23I came here to ask about it.
00:26I am a carpenter from Pingalwangai village, Battalapalli.
00:29I had to come to Vijayawada.
00:32If the government can help me,
00:35I lost my Aadhaar card.
00:38I am in a very bad situation.
00:40If the government can help me, I will be able to live.
00:43I don't have any other source of income.
00:45I don't have any other source of income.
00:47My sister and other people pushed me to work.
00:50They used me.
00:52They stole all my property.
00:55They pushed me and beat me.
00:58My sister beat me.
01:01I came here to ask about it.
01:04It's been two days.
01:06I came here to ask about it.
01:09I came here to ask about it.
01:12I came here to ask about it.
01:15I came here to ask about it.
01:18We have a project called SMILE
01:21related to Vijayawada Municipal Corporation.
01:24This project has been going on since November 2023.
01:27We wanted to create a free city.
01:30We have started the project around 25 cities
01:38including Vijayawada Municipal Corporation.
01:42We have 50 people from each side.
01:45These 50 people come to the Shelter Home
01:48for counseling.
01:51Once there is counseling,
01:54We will talk to the people who can help us, and we will arrange free of cost training for them.
02:03If you have any intention to donate, please do not give money to them on the road.
02:12You should know where their shelter home is.
02:16We will also inform you about the phone numbers related to it.
02:21You can contact the concerned NGO and ask them to donate food, clothes or anything to the shelter home.
02:30If you see any street beggars, please inform us.
02:36We will come and take them.
02:38We will come on behalf of our organization.
02:40We are doing this program on behalf of the Health Care and Social Welfare Society.
02:44The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment and the Government of India are providing us financial support.
02:52We are being monitored by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment.
02:59Our chairman is also on the banner.
03:03If anyone of us calls, we will immediately respond and shift the person to the shelter home.
03:11There are separate shelter homes for men and women.
