• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “Le sfide del tax director oggi sono quelle di abbracciare il cambiamento, evolvere, cambiare il rapporto fisco-contribuente rendendolo più collaborativo, di far fronte alle esigenze interne, sempre più pressanti, di affrontare una questione sui costi e di affrontare una crisi di reperibilità di talenti e giovani collaboratori e qui è l’intelligenza artificiale può aiutare”. Sono le parole di Marco Magenta, Managing Partner di EY Studio Legale Tributario, in occasione dell’evento ‘EY Tax Update 2025. Riforma fiscale: sfide e opportunità per le imprese’, focalizzato, appunto, sulla riforma fiscale in corso.


00:00Today we are here to talk about fiscal reform and the implementation of fiscal reform.
00:10For the government, it is a priority to act, especially in 2025, to give further push to the implementation of the reform.
00:16For us professionals, it is a priority to study the reform and we have created a contamination
00:23between MEF, Agency of Entry, Finance Guards, associations, companies and professionals
00:30to talk about a topic of absolute relevance.
00:33The challenges of the Direct Tax today are to embrace change, to evolve at the same time,
00:39to change in a more collaborative fiscal-contributing relationship,
00:43to face increasingly pressing internal requirements, to face a pressure on costs,
00:49to face a crisis of talent and young collaborators.
00:54And this is where artificial intelligence can help.
00:57It can help in compliance, it can help in the replacement of tasks,
01:01freeing up time for the available resources and it can also help in the compression of costs
01:05in order to concentrate on following the change and revolve in the role of the fiscal function.
