Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) membuka suspensi perdagangan saham PT Raharja Energi Cepu Tbk (RATU) hari ini, Jumat (17/1/2025).
RATU diketahui kena suspensi Bursa pada perdagangan Kamis kemarin karena harga sahamnya melonjak signifikan. Saham anak usaha PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) itu sudah melonjak lebih dari 200% sejak listing perdana 8 Januari 2025. Bahkan saham RATU sudah menembus auto reject atas (ARA) selama lima hari beruntun.
RATU diketahui kena suspensi Bursa pada perdagangan Kamis kemarin karena harga sahamnya melonjak signifikan. Saham anak usaha PT Rukun Raharja Tbk (RAJA) itu sudah melonjak lebih dari 200% sejak listing perdana 8 Januari 2025. Bahkan saham RATU sudah menembus auto reject atas (ARA) selama lima hari beruntun.
00:30Indonesia opened the box of PT Raharja Energi Ceput TBK or RATU stock after a pause or suspension on January 16, 2025.
00:40Head of the Transaction Management Division of the Indonesian Stock Exchange Yulianto Aji Sadono and Head of the Trade Management and Operational Division Pandemade Kusuma Aria
00:49in an announcement written stating that the suspension on the trading of PT Raharja Energi Ceput TBK stock in the regular market and the cash market was reopened.
00:58After a pause on January 17, 2025.
01:02After the suspension was reopened, the RATU stock was seen to exceed 1,070 points or 24.71% to the level of 5,400 rupiah per share.
01:12At the beginning of the trade, the increase again touched the level of auto rejection up or down.
01:17At the current price level, the RATU stock has jumped 369.56% of the IPO price at 1,150 rupiah per share.
01:26The price increase was achieved only within 7 trading days since the listing in the Indonesian Stock Exchange on January 8, 2025.
01:35Previously, the Indonesian Stock Exchange decided to suspend the RATU stock.
01:39The suspension of the RATU stock trading was carried out in the regular market and the cash market
01:44to give time for the market players to carefully consider the information in the decision-making of the investment in the RATU stock.
01:51The Indonesian Stock Exchange asks the parties who are interested to always pay attention to the open information
01:56conveyed by the investors.
01:59Various sources of IDX Channel.
02:06Yes, viewers, during today's trading, the RATU stock experienced auto rejection again,
02:11especially after the suspension was reopened and after the opening of the first session this morning,
02:16the RATU stock fell to 5,400 and experienced a strength of 24.71%.
02:22Let's go straight to the first graph, the movement of the RATU stock during today's trading,
02:27where at the opening session, when the suspension was lifted,
02:31it seems that the response from the investors is still very positive and the RATU stock is back on the hunt.
02:37And today, the RATU stock recorded an auto rejection of 5,400.
02:43The position is very far from the IPO price at IDR 1,150 per share on January 8th.
02:52Let's move on to the next graph.
02:54We will try to see the movement of the RATU stock from the IPO price to today's trading.
03:00Let's go to the next graph, viewers.
03:02It seems that the strengthening continues and the strengthening is also quite significant.
03:08And this is also one of the considerations of the Indonesian Stock Exchange
03:12because it suspended for a day on the 16th and then today it was reopened
03:18and the strengthening continues.
03:21From IDR 1,150, the stock is already at the price of IDR 5,400.
03:26What about the valuation, viewers?
03:29With some indicators for the RATU,
03:33Let's move on to the next graph.
03:34The price to earnings ratio is at IDR 60.34, the PSR is at IDR 15.96,
03:42the PBV is at IDR 43.04 and the PCFR is at IDR 185.79.
03:50Yes, a combination from the fundamental technical side and also from the valuation side
03:54and hopefully it can be one of the references for you.
04:03We will be back, viewers.
04:05After this, we will review how the trading is going on throughout the day
04:08where the Indonesian Stock Exchange, the strengthening is more prominent,
04:12especially in the last minutes of the trading closure in the second session today.
04:15We will be right back.