• 2 months ago
Presiden Prabowo Subianto menanggapi usulan Ketua DPD RI,yang mengusulkan dana zakat digunakan untuk mendukung program makan bergizi gratis. Terkait usulan tersebut, presiden pun menegaskan bahwa pemerintah telah menyiapkan anggaran untuk memastikan seluruh anak Indonesia mendapatkan makanan bergizi pada 2025.


00:00We continue with the first piece of information, President Prabowo Subianto
00:08assumed the position of the Chairperson of the DPRI, which collects tax money used to support free food programs.
00:16Regarding the position, the President also affirmed that the government has prepared a budget to ensure that all Indonesian children get free food in 2025.
00:28Despite this, the Chairperson opened opportunities for various parties to contribute to support this program, including the regional government and other sectors.
00:38There was also a former Chairperson of the DPRI, Sultan Bin Najamuddin, who encouraged people's involvement in the implementation of free food programs,
00:48one of which is provided through funding sourced from Zakat.
00:58It is clear that the government and the central government are ready to provide free food to all Indonesian children in 2025.
01:10For efficiency?
01:12Yes, the DPRI also wants to participate, the governors and regents also want to participate.
01:21Anyone who wants to participate can.
01:24As long as it is efficient, as long as it reaches the target.
