• 2 months ago
00:00I think there's going to be a late buyback here with the Buffalo Bills.
00:03I think Bills backers are sort of, you know, maybe wishfully thinking that it's going
00:08to get to two, and especially teaser players are going to step up and enlarge here.
00:15We're playing a waiting game.
00:16I don't know how much longer we're going to wait.
00:18I will say, though, like clearly the so-called pro and sharp money came in on the Baltimore
00:25Ravens in this football game.
00:27I think the casual money is going to come in on the Buffalo Bills on Sunday, because
00:32the fact of the matter is most casual bettors, they don't bet the last game on the board
00:37first, right?
00:38There's going to be a lot of people that are going to bet it after like the Eagles
00:41and Rams game or on Sunday morning.
00:43They're going to try to win some money first.
00:47It's sort of the pro bettors that move the numbers earlier in the week, as we've talked
00:51The late movement is basically the public.
00:54People like, you know, oh, look, there's a late move here.
00:57It's not sharp money.
00:58The sharp money is the early money.
