• 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - In questo numero: Desideri della Sapienza, per la misurazione dell’ipertensione attenti a effetto camice bianco Forte l’impatto del virus respiratorio sinciziale sulla qualità di vita delle famiglie. Lo studio Mele della Soi, ‘occhiali strumento sicuro per correggere miopia’ A seguire lo Speciale Salus Tv dal titolo: Minelli della Lum, colon irritabile e sibo conseguenze di un microbiota intestinale alterato


00:00In this video, we are going to show you how to use the SalusTv app to improve your immune system.
00:12Desires of wisdom for the measurement of hypertension, watch out for the white shirt effect.
00:18Strong impact of the respiratory and syncytial virus on the quality of life of families, study.
00:23Mele de la Soy, safe tool to correct myopia.
00:28Follow the SalusTv special from the title
00:30Minelli dell'alume, irritable colon and SIBO, consequences of an altered intestinal microbiota.
00:42With the passing of the years in the collective imagination, it seems almost normal that the blood pressure also increases,
00:47a pathology that suffers in Italy about 18 million people.
00:50However, the prevalence of this disease goes from 56.2% between 65 and 74 years to 63.7% of over 75,
00:58and it is higher among women 62.4% compared to men 56.7%.
01:03The growth of blood pressure values expose elderly people to an increased risk of having a myocardial infarction or cerebral ictus,
01:09with all the consequences, even fatal, that these events involve.
01:12In fact, it is estimated that hypertension is the cause of about 240,000 deaths per year.
01:17Why does blood pressure increase in older people?
01:20We asked Gianbattista Desideri, professor of internal medicine and geriatrics at the University of Sapienza in Rome,
01:25national secretary of SIMI, the Italian Society of Internal Medicine.
01:28Over the years, we have seen a certain evolution or evolution of the cardiovascular system,
01:35fundamentally represented by a progressive loss of the elasticity of the wall of our arteries,
01:42the big arteries that are born from the wall.
01:46This composes, this stiffening, a gradual and progressive increase in blood pressure,
01:52so that as the years go by, it becomes more and more frequent to have higher blood pressure values.
01:58If we go to evaluate the frequency of hypertension in the population, we see that this tends to increase with age.
02:04Be careful, it is not completely normal to have an important increase in blood pressure over the years,
02:11because even in the elderly, hypertension is a risk factor.
02:15So the fact that it is frequent does not mean that it should be left elevated.
02:20And how should it be done then?
02:22Keep in mind that pressure, especially in the elderly, but not only in the elderly,
02:27very often resents emotional stress.
02:30So when we measure blood pressure in an elderly person,
02:34we realize that part of the blood pressure values that we are measuring
02:38could simply depend on an alarm reaction.
02:41It is called the white-coat effect, which in the elderly is quite frequent.
02:44It can involve an increase of 30-40 mmHg.
02:47And this is an important aspect to consider when remodeling the treatment,
02:52because if we refer, to remodel the treatment, to those pressure values,
02:57we run the risk that when the patient returns home, in a quiet environment,
03:02he takes powerful drugs to reduce blood pressure, falsely increased,
03:07and this can obviously lead to a problem.
03:09So what is the practical advice?
03:11To measure blood pressure at home and share the results with your doctor.
03:16At home pressure, today more than ever,
03:18is something that can be easily done with automatic tools.
03:22It gives us very valuable information
03:24and allows us to best set up the most correct therapy for our patients.
03:31What is the impact of the virus on children?
03:34So far, the knowledge of the impact of serious infections
03:37by syncytial respiratory virus, or RSV, in small children,
03:41on the need to receive hospital care,
03:43and on how this influences the quality of life of affected families,
03:46was somewhat limited.
03:47For this reason, the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants
03:51launched the Rescue Family study,
03:53which was disseminated through social media and in hospitals
03:56during the 2022-2023 season,
03:58in four European countries, France, Germany, Italy and Sweden,
04:01which faced this problem.
04:03But what is it about, and what is it about in particular?
04:06Raffaella Nenna, a pediatric professor at the University of Sapienza in Rome,
04:10and a member of the EFCNI study group,
04:12the first European organization and network
04:14to represent the interests of newborns, also premature, and their families.
04:18The syncytial respiratory virus
04:20is the first cause of infection of the lower respiratory tract
04:23in a child under one year of age.
04:25It is an important infection
04:27that affects very small children,
04:29generally between three and six months of age.
04:31It can cause hospitalization,
04:33sometimes in a pediatric intensive care regime.
04:36The impact of the infection on the child is very important.
04:41Less studied is the impact on the family context.
04:44In the end, a study was conducted
04:47involving 138 families from four European countries.
04:52The results of this study
04:54underlined how there is a lack of awareness
04:56about the infection
04:58and a lack of awareness
05:00of the possible preventive strategies
05:02associated with a sense of guilt
05:04on the part of caregivers
05:06who were not able to prevent the infection in their child.
05:10Among the participating caregivers,
05:12almost half were not aware
05:14of the consequences of hospitalization of their child
05:17in the event of a WRS infection before recovery,
05:20and almost half lost an average of about 29 hours of work
05:23precisely for this reason.
05:25Italian participants then also poorly evaluated
05:27the support received.
05:29Almost a caregiver out of two
05:31referred to not being informed
05:33about protective measures
05:35to prevent future infections.
05:37In addition, in the period of the survey
05:39conducted during the epidemic season 2022-2023,
05:41which concerned children affected by WRS
05:43with an average age of 3 months
05:45for a stay in the hospital for an average of 6 days
05:47during which almost everyone received
05:5080% needed additional oxygen
05:52and some even requested mechanical ventilation,
05:55and the knowledge of this disease
05:57was significantly lower
05:59among the Italian population of the study
06:01than in other countries,
06:03while 50% ignored
06:05the preventive measures available.
06:07In addition, 79% of the Italian participants
06:09stated that they were not sufficiently informed
06:11about psychological support services,
06:13and although a slight improvement
06:15was observed in the follow-up survey
06:17conducted 6 weeks later,
06:19the quality of life of the participants
06:21remained significantly influenced by this event.
06:23And this is particularly worrying
06:25as parents have continued to suffer
06:27from emotional stress even after weeks,
06:29which can have long-term effects
06:31both on the care of the little ones
06:33and on family life.
06:35According to the authors of the study,
06:37the prevention of the WRS
06:39is therefore particularly important.
06:41A need, that of a universal prevention strategy
06:43of the WRS disease for all newborns,
06:45has long been supported
06:47also by the main Italian scientific societies,
06:49gathered on the board of the Calendario per la Vita.
07:01Glasses still represent
07:03the safe and reliable system
07:05for the correction of myopia.
07:07There are various types.
07:09The important thing is that the correction
07:11and the prescription of myopia
07:13is done as soon as possible by the ophthalmologist.
07:15Luigi Mele of the department
07:17of ophthalmology of the
07:19Operative Complex Unit of Ophthalmology
07:21at the University of the Studies of the Campania
07:23Luigi Vammitelli
07:25is a member of the Italian
07:27Ophthalmological Society
07:29on the occasion of the ECM-FAD course
07:31on myopia, the myopic eye pathology
07:33from childhood to adulthood,
07:35carried out with the contribution
07:37of the scientific partner
07:39Italian Ophthalmological Society
07:41in collaboration with Fielman.
08:11There is also the instrument
08:13of the contact lens.
08:41It is possible to slow down
08:43the progression of myopia?
09:11We are mainly talking about children.
09:13I have started positions,
09:15started work distances
09:17are causes of stimulation
09:19to the progression of myopia.
09:21So when we understand
09:23that myopia has a multifactorial
09:25character, a multifactorial genesis,
09:27to try to slow down
09:29the progression,
09:31it will certainly be necessary
09:33to act on these factors.
09:35So behavioral factors,
09:37environmental factors, food factors
09:39through the ingestion of healthy substances,
09:41a healthy balanced diet,
09:43technology currently
09:45provides us with lenses,
09:47temporal lenses and contact lenses
09:49with particular geometries
09:51that are called, with geometries
09:53that exploit the concept of de-focus
09:55which, as reported in the literature,
09:57have a positive effect
09:59on the slowdown
10:01of myopic progression.
10:09If the increase in weight
10:11is the most obvious consequence
10:13of the great snacks and drinks
10:15typical of Christmas festivities,
10:17it is possible that by doing so
10:19we have gone to alter the peaceful
10:21and constructive coexistence
10:23between that set of microorganisms
10:25that live in our intestine,
10:27known as microbiota,
10:29able to perform numerous functions
10:31for the health of our entire organism.
10:33But why is it important
10:35to avoid altering the balance
10:37of the microbiota?
10:39Let's say that the microbiota
10:41can influence, if altered,
10:43a fairly broad series of pathologies,
10:45certainly intestinal pathologies.
10:47One of the most common pathologies
10:49is what is called the irritable colon,
10:51or, even more frequently,
10:53the so-called SIBO,
10:55which stands for
10:57small intestinal bacterial overgrowth,
10:59that is, a bacterial overgrowth
11:01of fermentative bacteria
11:03in the tenuous intestine
11:05or even acid substances,
11:07which, by going up,
11:09can simulate a gastroesophageal disease,
11:11which, however, it is not,
11:13because it is a SIBO.
11:15And this pathology,
11:17often being confused
11:19for gastroesophageal reflux disease,
11:21is treated with gastric protectors,
11:23which in that case, instead of SIBO,
11:25are completely contraindicated,
11:27on the contrary, favor the insurgence of SIBO.
11:29Then there are different
11:31intestinal diseases due to dysbiosis,
11:33obesity, diabetes,
11:35conditions also related to
11:37fat imbalance,
11:39that is, hypercholesterolemia,
11:41rather than hepatic steatosis.
11:43The famous non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis
11:45identifies its primary cause
11:47precisely in an intestinal dysbiosis.
11:49Neurodegenerative diseases,
11:51and here there are really many,
11:53which could be investigated,
11:55pathologies such as SLA, for example,
11:57or multiple sclerosis.
11:59So there is a wide range
12:01of neurological diseases.
12:03Immunological diseases,
12:05such as allergies, for example.
12:07There are some bacteria
12:09that have proven to be able
12:11to lower the cells
12:13capable of implementing
12:15the emergence of allergic diseases.
12:17And then again,
12:19musculoskeletal diseases.
12:21There is a pathological framework
12:23called enteroarthritis,
12:25that is, inflammatory pathology,
12:27which does not have typical markers
12:29of other pathologies of this kind,
12:31but which starts from the production
12:33by intestinal bacteria
12:35of inflammatory and toxic substances,
12:37lipopolysaccharides in particular,
12:39capable of generating
12:41musculoskeletal or muscular problems.
12:43If one of these problems were to be verified,
12:45what should be done?
12:47It would be useful to investigate
12:49the composition of the intestinal microbiota.
12:51In this case, the microbiome is studied,
12:53that is, the microbiota
12:55are the bacterial cells
12:57that we have in the intestine.
12:59The microbiome are the genes
13:01of those bacterial cells.
13:03Keep in mind that the human genome
13:05is made up of 23,000 genes.
13:07The bacterial genome,
13:09that is, the microbiome,
13:11is made up of 1 million genes.
13:13Now, the microbiome,
13:15when combined with the human genome,
13:17forms a composite set
13:19called holobiont,
13:21which defines the phenotype
13:23of each of us.
13:25We don't have to rely on our genome
13:27to define our person,
13:29but we also need to know
13:31the bacterial genome,
13:33which somehow conditions
13:35the functions of our genome.
13:37Knowing these characteristics,
13:39it is possible, of course,
13:41to identify the alterations
13:43that have been verified.
13:45Once you understand the situation,
13:47how can you intervene?
13:49By identifying the missing bacteria,
13:51by identifying the excess bacteria,
13:53by identifying the dysfunctions
13:55or dysregulations
13:57that can be verified
13:59with respect to a healthy control,
14:01the so-called eubiotic control,
14:03we can identify
14:05those bacterial cells
14:07that, more than others,
14:09can lead to the normalization
14:11of the eventually studied dysbiosis.
14:13All this could lead
14:15to normalization,
14:17only, of course,
14:19in adequate dietary patterns,
14:21because the intestinal bacteria
14:23are our guests,
14:25they are commensal,
14:27so they feed on what we introduce,
14:29along with the appropriate therapeutic profiles,
14:31as well as the assumption
14:33of therapies
14:35that should allow
14:37the intestinal bacteria
14:39to reach the active foci,
14:41because we must be careful
14:43that the probiotic we take
14:45does not always arrive
14:47intact in the foci
14:49and therefore we need
14:51to use probiotic profiles
14:53that, in turn,
14:55use types
14:57of assumption matrices
14:59such as capsules, dairy products,
15:01yogurts, etc.,
15:03that can allow the living and vital
15:05bacteria that are in the probiotics
15:07to actually reach those sites
15:09in which the probiotics
15:11will have to perform their function.
15:13This was our latest news.
15:15To contact us,
15:17you can write to us at
15:21Thank you for following us
15:23and see you in the next episode!
