• 2 months ago
👉 Una madre y su hija han estado hostigando a sus vecinos en durante ocho años. Las amenazas verbales, físicas y con armas de fuego llevaron a los vecinos a denunciar repetidamente. En 2023, la justicia intervino con un allanamiento que resultó en la detención de la madre, mientras que la hija sigue prófuga. La violencia vecinal es atribuida a problemas de salud mental no tratados y falta de habilidades para resolver conflictos.

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00:00and it's a story that's eight years old, yes, yes, it's a story of violence, of harassment
00:06between neighbors that is eight years old and that is here in Guilde. What is it about?
00:10Let's tell them. This house that you see there, which has so many plants in front of it,
00:17is a house where a mother of just over 70 years lives and her daughter of approximately 40.
00:24Well, eight years ago they started harassing the neighbors. The neighbors began to denounce this
00:30and, in fact, two years ago, in the year or a little more, year 2022, our cameras with our channel
00:37were also here taking the testimonies of the neighbors who asked the justice to do something.
00:42This woman threatened with firearms, with verbal threats, they even say that she even hit
00:49a neighbor here in La Vuelta. Well, what happened with this? Last year, 2024, in the month of June,
00:57the justice disposed of a raid. They raided the house, found firearms there,
01:03and both the mother and the daughter were arrested. Days later, they committed themselves to the justice
01:11to change their attitude. They were granted the possibility of remaining free with a perimeter
01:18for their neighbors and also with a commitment to go to the prosecutor's office to sign regularly
01:24to be entitled. Well, that's how a few months passed, but it seems that, according to what the neighbors say,
01:31these women continued to harass the people who lived next door, around, in front.
01:36And yesterday, with the active arrest warrant, because it was revoked from these new harassment,
01:43a neighbor says, there goes the lady. They went and found her and the oldest lady was arrested.
01:50The daughter is now on the run.
01:52Well, let's see, and there is a ... Well, this is what happens to many of the neighbors, right?
01:58In this case, it is a house, that you, inside everything, inside everything, are not living in the same place
02:05as in the case of Avenida Corrientes, with this man. But still, having a violent person
02:12or with some psychiatric problem and so on, how do you do to solve it? If it is not with justice, Diego, right?
02:21Totally, because the neighbors, the first thing they wanted to do was try to solve it through dialogue.
02:27When the dialogue becomes an impossible way to have a satisfactory arrival, well, they go to justice.
02:34But the justice took a long time, it took until mid-2024, where it acted.
02:39And well, it took a reasonable measure, to ask the women the commitment not to continue harassing.
02:44But they did not take this commitment and, according to the neighbors, the threats were doubled and so on.
02:51I have to tell you, Javier, that when the operation was carried out last year here in this house,
02:55the justice found firearms that this woman and her daughter have.
03:00And now, why did they harass the neighbors? As they say, because they felt threatened by their neighbors.
03:05Evidently, some psychological issue that the justice will have to deal with in the next few days.
03:11If now, miraculously, Diego, they are not talking about different stories, because if these firearms were inside the house,
03:19they had them in their domain, miraculously, that harassment came to take them away.
03:24Because the threats end up with insults, insults that increase their volume and end up, perhaps, in a much stronger discussion.
03:32And something much more serious could have happened.
03:36Yes, totally. It could have led to a situation, perhaps, irreparable.
03:41I don't know if you can show the video, I don't know if we have it, from the moment this lady was arrested.
03:47Yes, we are seeing it.
03:48We were seeing it.
03:48Because, as you can see, when the police arrive, the lady still has a hostile attitude towards the police.
03:57Ah, on top of that, the police also harass them.
03:59Yes, yes, yes.
04:01She harasses them, and in the audio she says, what are they going to do with my house now?
04:05Are they going to sell it?
04:06A situation like this, harassing and harassing the police.
04:10But let's go to the other fact that we referred to a little while ago.
04:13The daughter is still a fugitive.
04:14Aha, of course.
04:16And in another of the videos, we are seeing how she runs or chases a neighbor and then throws the garbage at her.
04:24There we are seeing just the moment in which, I don't know, she kind of breaks some branches there of the place.
04:32And now they are going to see how she also throws the garbage, which is there in that sector, in that corner.
04:41And I say, let's see, you go out to the street and you run into this woman.
04:45And what do you do?
04:46Do you have to call the police?
04:48You can't go to the beatings or anything like that, unless you defend yourself from her beatings.
04:54But also a woman who was, as Diego says, armed.
04:58Well, that's another question, right?
05:01Yes, but you don't have to lose sight of the mental health situation, the little attention that there is.
05:06Because if the complaint is made, what else can a neighbor do other than a complaint?
05:12And what else can the police do other than intervene at the moment?
05:16This has to have an attention and a follow-up, because if it is a person with mental health problems,
05:22we have done a thousand cases where they end up being much more violent and they have even found death.
05:28So you have to have a follow-up and give it real attention, because surely they are people who do not identify that they are going through a problem.
05:37They are not going to go alone to ask for help.
05:39So, in the face of a situation, they are exposed, well, the intervention of someone competent.
05:44There can be no compulsory internment.
05:47Of course.
05:48Unless, well, the life is at risk, yes, for third parties.
05:52But let's say, if they don't have the consent, they can't stay interned, which is something we were talking about just yesterday morning.
05:59Look, two violent events, neighbors, a synonym or a common event that occurs in many places.
06:10Remember the case of, for example, the first of this month, when they played loud music,
06:18a neighbor, a former federal police officer, upset by this, who had asked them one, two, three times,
06:23the third time he killed one of those who were inside that party, at six thirty in the morning on January 1st.
06:30Also, conflicts between neighbors.
