• 2 months ago
👉 La madre de Franco, un joven de 22 años asesinado en su barrio, exige justicia y denuncia la constante inseguridad en la zona. En una emotiva entrevista, relata cómo su hijo trabajador y soñador se vio atrapado en una disputa violenta que no le pertenecía. La mujer critica la falta de acción por parte de las autoridades y los medios para abordar el problema creciente de violencia e inseguridad.

👉 Seguí en #QuienCuandoDonde #QCD
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00The mother of Franco.
00:02I lost my son and no one is going to give him back to me.
00:04I lost my son and no one is going to give him back to me.
00:06I hope there will be justice.
00:08Where did Franco come from? Was it one in the morning?
00:10He came to eat with a friend.
00:12A friend went to eat.
00:14Were you worried that he would be late?
00:16Look, in this area,
00:18either he was late or early
00:20or something always happened.
00:22So, well, his owner went to buy
00:24because a motorcycle or something passed
00:26and they shot at the front.
00:28At any time?
00:30Yes, lately at any time.
00:32Your son was very young, 22 years old.
00:34Very hard-working, as many friends tell us.
00:36What was his dream?
00:38What did he want to do in life?
00:40What did he want to work?
00:44his dream was, I don't know,
00:46to work as a person,
00:48get a good job and keep working.
00:50Did he help you?
00:52Yes, yes, yes.
00:54Did he help you a lot at home?
00:56Yes, yes, yes,
00:58because he knows a lot.
01:00Yes, only one.
01:02Tell us how Brian is
01:04because he is definitely the one who sees
01:06and listens to most of everything that happens at night.
01:08How can he be?
01:10Very bad. Destroyed.
01:12Destroyed because
01:14he was very united among them.
01:16The three of us were united.
01:18And it's bad, it's bad.
01:20How does he continue to live
01:22after such a hard blow?
01:24I don't know, I don't know.
01:26No idea.
01:28Because it's the first time I've lost a child.
01:30No idea.
01:34Thank you, Marcela.
01:36Well, guys, how are you?
01:38Good afternoon.
01:40Good afternoon, Javier.
01:44It's an incredible thing.
01:46It's another and another and another.
01:48The situation
01:50is getting more and more complicated
01:52in terms of social,
01:54in terms of insecurity,
01:56in terms of what one can imagine.
01:58We are
02:00meters away,
02:02doing the note to Marcela,
02:04and it is exactly meters from the bunker
02:06and it is meters from where they kill.
02:08We were just showing,
02:10just doing the note to Marcela
02:12at the door of the house.
02:14That's where he was going
02:16this morning at 1.40,
02:181.43 in the morning,
02:20he was going to Franco.
02:22He was walking along the sidewalk.
02:24He was walking along here,
02:26along this sidewalk,
02:28when, when he got exactly to this place,
02:30he was shot
02:32and killed.
02:36this is the place where
02:38this little 22-year-old
02:42as a result of the shot,
02:44of the shot received.
02:46My nephew was killed there,
02:48says the uncle.
03:00Here you can see,
03:02here is clearly the mark,
03:04the mark of one of the shots,
03:06because you can see clearly, guys,
03:08in the video
03:10that has gone viral,
03:12you can see several bursts
03:14and there is one,
03:16here is another.
03:18Look, look,
03:20the mark of the bullet,
03:22the mark of the lead.
03:24Why? Because he shoots,
03:26the killer shoots
03:28from this sidewalk.
03:30He shoots from here,
03:32he comes out,
03:34he fights with
03:36the owner of the bunker,
03:38whose last name is Guevara,
03:4037 years old,
03:42neighbor of the neighborhood for a long time.
03:44In what is now a fruit shop
03:46and greengrocery,
03:48we are the west,
03:50says the sign there.
03:52Before there was a butcher shop,
03:54a neighborhood butcher shop,
03:56which belonged to the father
03:58of this 37-year-old boy
04:00who is now being sought
04:02by the police.
04:04Patricio Correa arrives
04:06around 1.40,
04:08the discussion occurs,
04:10as seen in that video,
04:12he knocks on the door,
04:14a couple of kicks,
04:16he enters,
04:18screams are heard,
04:20some fighting situation is heard
04:22and then when he leaves,
04:24he starts shooting in the air,
04:26some shot in the air
04:28and another shot like out of nowhere
04:30and at that moment out of nowhere
04:32who was passing through this sidewalk
04:34is Franco
04:36and it is there that he instantly
04:38falls and unfortunately
04:40he dies.
04:42And minutes later, or seconds later,
04:44as here was a car,
04:46look, here you see glass
04:48because here was a parked car.
04:50In fact, there are people who pass
04:52and do not see the situation.
04:54These glasses that are seen here
04:56are because here was a dark car,
04:58a black car
05:00that also suffered the shots
05:02and also
05:04the glasses broke.
05:06And there are people
05:08who leave the house
05:10or who pass through the sidewalk
05:12and who do not realize
05:14that there was a person lying there on the floor.
05:16The one who realizes that there was a person
05:18lying there on the floor because he had heard
05:20the shots is Brian,
05:22Franco's younger brother, 18 years old.
05:24A hit family
05:26because a year ago they had lost
05:28their father.
05:30They had lost their 51-year-old father,
05:32employee of the municipality.
05:34And Franco
05:36was like
05:38the man of the house.
05:40Now, as Marcela said moments ago,
05:42he was the one who,
05:44together with her, was taking care
05:46of this difficult situation.
05:48The three hit by that loss
05:50of that father.
05:52And perhaps the most hit,
05:54the little one, Brian, 18 years old,
05:56who when he goes out and meets
05:58that picture of the situation
06:00at two to four in the morning,
06:02imagine what it has been
06:04until now for him,
06:06for the neighbors, for the mother,
06:08for the rest of the family,
06:10the aunts, the uncles,
06:12who do not come out of amazement,
06:14who saw each other, imagined
06:16that something like this could happen,
06:18but who also believed
06:20that the police,
06:22that also the justice,
06:24was going to take the biggest
06:26letters on the matter.
06:28Unfortunately, they did not arrive in time,
06:30they could not, they did not want to.
06:32We have to see what the signs
06:34of justice are sometimes,
06:36that this place was being investigated,
06:38that this place was going to be looted,
06:40but that ultimately
06:42none of that happened
06:44prior to the death of this boy.
06:46It could have been avoided, clearly.
06:48It could have been avoided,
06:50and it was not.
06:52Javi, the more details you provide
06:54of this story,
06:56of the family composition,
06:58of how these boys were forced,
07:00us, in our country,
07:02to become men ahead of time,
07:04to take steps there,
07:06where a father is missing,
07:08to walk the sidewalk of labor,
07:10the one that is most difficult to walk,
07:12to go out every day to work,
07:14to look for a mango,
07:16in very difficult times,
07:18and the more data you provide,
07:20the more painful the story becomes,
07:22and the greater the gap
07:24between those who go on the side of labor
07:26and those who go the other way.
07:28I don't have any guns,
07:30but I have a gun in my hand.
07:32It's easy to access a gun.
07:34I have a dispute with another
07:36in a bunker that the neighbors
07:38had gotten tired of reporting
07:40over and over again,
07:42and it's too late for the State to arrive.
07:44Now I tell you,
07:46they could tell me
07:48that they will be arrested,
07:52taken to a trial,
07:56because they got so tired
07:58of denouncing it,
08:00the neighbors who were outraged,
08:02who set fire,
08:04who cut down the street,
08:06who pointed out so many times
08:08that there was no need to be a genius
08:10or put any intelligence service
08:12to work to realize
08:14that this was not a greengrocer,
08:16that there was not a single drawer
08:18that realized that a greengrocer
08:20was working there,
08:22the fruit was another,
08:24it was very easy to finish it,
08:26and nothing, and nothing.
08:28So we started this program
08:30with a mother talking,
08:32a mother who already said,
08:34I don't know what it is to lose a child,
08:36and we immediately looked at each other
08:38and with Fito,
08:40Fito, I want your impression,
08:42already as a man of life,
08:44from the legal point of view,
08:46then we will go through the legal,
08:48but we looked at each other
08:50automatically and said,
08:52in some places that you have to be born and grow up,
08:54life is worth much less.
08:56You can tell me that the criminal code is the same,
08:58but life is worth less.
09:00We don't lie to ourselves,
09:02it can't be that today
09:04no one puts the caripela in that place.
09:06I know that the circumstances are difficult
09:08to go and put your face
09:10at this moment with an outraged neighborhood,
09:12with a hurt family,
09:14but life is worth less in some places than in others.
09:16Fito, we looked at each other and the reaction was the same.
09:18Poor woman still didn't fall.
09:20I want to remember
09:22the mother of the victim,
09:24of Mancheri,
09:26do you remember that she spoke
09:28and didn't fall?
09:30Yes, Agimena Duris.
09:32Several short topics,
09:36how natural is it to walk with firearms
09:38in the urban area
09:40as if nothing?
09:42Second topic,
09:44you see that before hitting the door,
09:48you see the fire.
09:50There, there is a shot.
09:52Now you will see when he hits the door,
09:54he runs and shoots again.
09:56Bobby, look, wait.
09:58There he comes out and comes back.
10:00There it is.
10:02There you see it again.
10:04How is he shooting
10:06as if nothing, as if it were the Far West.
10:08This girl who has been walking in the middle
10:10approaches, enters
10:12and goes out again
10:14to the same side that was coming.
10:16What a surrealist picture
10:18everything that is happening.
10:20Look at the girl.
10:22What time is it?
10:24Are they all going to the bunker to look for drugs?
10:28That is the reflection.
10:30Then you will see, the director will show us
10:32when this girl comes in,
10:34who was walking in the middle,
10:36there is where it falls, there we see it fall.
10:38There he shot.
10:40She entered and at the same time
10:42came out to the same side as the killer.
10:44How crazy, how crazy.
10:46We have naturalized the violence,
10:48the firearm, a dead man,
10:50no one went to help him,
10:52there he comes out again,
10:54there he comes back to the same place.
10:56To such a naturalized point that even
10:58walking around the neighborhood,
11:00maybe you even heard a shot before
11:02and not even someone takes the precaution
11:04to say, well, avoid me.
11:06No, because you are so used to it,
11:08that you know that there is a working bunker
11:10and the drug addicts go back,
11:12I thank you for giving me,
11:14I thank you.
11:16You don't have to be a genius.
11:18To realize that this was not a business,
11:20well, or if it was,
11:22but of something illegal.
11:24And besides, I'm fed up,
11:26and the same should not happen to everyone.
11:28Why did we arrive late?
11:30Why later?
11:32Because now it is full of police
11:34who guard an empty place
11:36and the same did not happen in Lomas del Mirador,
11:38where if the discussion started
11:40they call and the face does not go.
11:42An episode of a fight happens,
11:44you call the police, the police do not go.
11:46Now, later, the police guarding
11:48a place where they already killed an innocent
11:50and what do they take care of?
11:52An empty house, old man.
11:54Why didn't they go before?
11:56Why didn't they go when the neighbors
11:58denounced that it was a drug bunker?
12:00Please show me the place, Javi.
12:02You know what?
12:04Well, there we saw the place,
12:06the place as it looks,
12:08the flag posted on the door,
12:10the poster that says
12:12Fruits and Vegetables,
12:14We are the West, 1947,
12:16the Rooster's Shield of Morón,
12:18which is the club of the area,
12:20and we were just pointing out
12:22how it had been
12:24prior to the murder of Franco.
12:26And look at the shots here,
12:28at least I count two.
12:30Look at this one here,
12:32this is a bullet,
12:36and here's another one.
12:38Look, here's another one.
12:40There in the video,
12:42you can clearly see two flashes.
12:44You just mentioned
12:46that there were like two flashes.
12:48Well, this is one and this is another.
12:50At least this is one and this is another.
12:52And obviously everything is torn,
12:54everything is broken, everything is burned,
12:56because the anger of the neighbors
12:58caused that,
13:00in the absence of justice,
13:02in the absence of authorities
13:04who have to be there
13:06to prevent this kind of thing,
13:08so that there is no drug bunker
13:10in the neighborhoods,
13:12so that no one comes
13:14pretending to be the macho gunman
13:16and threatening with a gun
13:18the whole neighborhood,
13:20saying, I am the capanga of the area.
13:22Well, the justice is not there,
13:24the investigators are not there,
13:26those who have to take care of it
13:28come late.
13:30This is what has been happening
13:32for many years,
13:34that we see on the street
13:36what is happening
13:38and that the media
13:40are punctualizing,
13:42unfortunately, more and more often.
13:44I add them,
13:46because our poor studio
13:48just came in,
13:50not even a glass of water
13:52I think it was time to drink.
13:54Gabriel Prosperi,
13:56who was working there a while ago,
13:58and also while we were going
14:00I don't know if he has a dispute
14:02with the one who sells drugs,
14:04you will tell us now,
14:06then I don't know why,
14:08he shoots everywhere
14:10and a worker comes
14:12and walks by
14:14without eating or drinking,
14:16you pointed out something to me,
14:18something you wanted to point out
14:20to me in what we were seeing.
14:22I just got to the place,
14:24I talked to many neighbors,
14:26one of those neighbors
14:28are those who appear
14:30in that video
14:32that the neighbor
14:34of his security camera gave me,
14:36the same ones who killed
14:40We can share it.
14:42It is an exclusive video of A24
14:44that was a few days before
14:46the murder of Franco.
14:50In that video,
14:52which is in the corner
14:54of the Santa Catalina block,
14:56in the street where Franco was killed,
14:58you can see how a guy
15:00weakens his gun
15:04and behind
15:06a girl,
15:08there we see it, this is the corner,
15:10a young man passes by,
15:12behind you see
15:14him already weakening the gun
15:16and you can see it clearly in that attitude
15:18with the gun, and behind
15:20the girl with the backpack.
15:22Just now Fito referred
15:24to the girl
15:26with the backpack.
15:28Will they be the same three that appear
15:30in the scene of Franco's murder?
15:32This happened just a few days before
15:34in the corner
15:36of this block of Santa Catalina
15:38where this disaster occurred.
15:40Look again, the one with the cap,
15:42behind that zombie
15:44with the gun weakening it
15:46and behind
15:48the girl with the backpack.
15:50They are the three soldiers
15:52who went to the bunker
15:54to look for their drug ration to resell it
15:56and since they didn't give it to them
15:58capriciously, they throw it in the air
16:00and kill the first one who passes by.
16:02In this case, Franco.
16:04It seems that the attitude is
16:06I don't have what I came to look for,
16:08I destroy the neighborhood, I destroy the selling point.
16:10I don't know, I don't know how to interpret it.
16:12The neighborhood is ours, Bobby.
16:14The feeling of the neighbors
16:16is that the neighborhood belongs to these people.
16:18That same neighbor
16:22told me
16:24my daughter studies
16:26at Morón University
16:28at 12 noon
16:30I have to call a patrol
16:32to come
16:34to see if my daughter can go out
16:36at that time and go to study.
16:4012 noon.
16:42Not at night, you are saying it right.
16:4412 noon.
16:46Neighbors who have to call
16:48to see if a patrolman comes
16:50and can guard the neighbors
16:52to walk along their sidewalk.
16:54The consequence that we saw today
16:56of Franco
16:58is the sum of what these neighbors live
17:00or what they have been living
17:02for a long time.
17:04And the proof is in this image.
17:06They are the same three
17:08who go against the bunker
17:10and end Franco's life.
17:12Javi, at this point in the day,
17:14is there any news regarding the author of this fact?
17:16The search continues.
17:18The search continues.
17:20Not only the person responsible,
17:22but also the one who has been selling drugs
17:24for a long time.
17:26Neither one nor the other has been arrested yet.
17:28The search continues.
17:30Until now there have been a couple of versions.
17:32For a long time
17:34I wanted to talk to the prosecutor,
17:36but I have not been able to.
17:38She has not responded to my messages.
17:40Another thing that one sees
17:42in addition to the helmets,
17:44one of the broken bottles,
17:46are the cartridges
17:48used by the police,
17:50caliber 12,
17:52so as not to allow people
17:54with their anger,
17:56with their madness,
17:58as a result of what had happened,
18:00of what they had lived,
18:02to end up destroying this house
18:04that surely for justice
18:06now I don't know if it will be of much use.
18:08Yes, they didn't do much before, did they?
18:10No, of course,
18:12if they had done it at the right time,
18:14the situation would have been different.
18:16This place would have been
18:18perhaps destroyed,
18:20Franco would be here
18:22among all the neighbors,
18:24with his mother,
18:26with his brother,
18:28without a doubt,
18:30but as he always runs after,
18:32that will not happen.
18:34Here, probably with the fire,
18:36if it runs,
18:38if it runs,
18:40here they lost evidence
18:42with this fire,
18:44and Franco's life is gone.
18:46What do the neighbors say?
18:48Do you want to investigate?
18:50The truth is that it is a pity
18:52that a place was lost,
18:54that an investigation could be made.
18:56What are you going to find there?
18:58Falopas, did you have falopas
19:00for so long?
19:02Yes, Javi.
19:04In addition, sorry,
19:06there is Gaby's camera,
19:08which I am going to show you,
19:10and there are two or three cameras here
19:12that were the ones that went viral
19:14during the day,
19:16which only today,
19:18today they remove the DVR
19:20to see what was there
19:22or what can be observed
19:24through those cameras,
19:26when it is public knowledge
19:28and through the large number
19:30of complaints that there are,
19:32that something strange has happened here
19:34for a long time.
19:36You have to think well,
19:38but in reality, unfortunately,
19:40you have to think badly
19:42because there is clearly a connivence here.
19:44I want to go with Jime,
19:46but I tell you the truth,
19:48do not put it as an excuse now
19:50that invaluable evidence was not lost
19:52because the neighbors,
19:54in a temporary reaction,
19:56burned the place.
19:58Do one thing, check, get to work,
20:00walk, ask for the videos.
