• 2 months ago
👉 Un hombre de 78 años, se defendió de un intento de robo al llegar a su casa. El hombre, armado, disparó contra los delincuentes que lo seguían, matando a un adolescente de 15 años.

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00:00and this situation that happened to a 78-year-old retired person,
00:07a neighbor from Villa Madero,
00:09who arrived at his house,
00:11who was armed,
00:12and who parked the car in this way,
00:14but who noticed that a group of criminals were following him,
00:20who approached him.
00:22There you are going to see the image of what was happening.
00:26They go down and point at him.
00:28At that moment, the man shoots.
00:32First, a shot in the head,
00:34which kills a 15-year-old teenager,
00:38then a second shot on this man's body,
00:42and to finish the sequence,
00:45more shots that the man executes on the car,
00:49which he wanted to board and had already escaped.
00:52We are working live with Leo Odoi,
00:5524 hours after this happened,
00:57when the man, of course, is free.
01:00He was not arrested because that's how the justice system works.
01:03Leo, good morning.
01:05How are you? Good morning, Lucy.
01:07We return to Villa Madero,
01:09to tell these stories of insecurity
01:12that have to do with people who arrive at their house,
01:15in this case, this 78-year-old man,
01:19Nicola, a well-known man in the neighborhood,
01:21and very concerned for a long time about insecurity.
01:25In fact, I'm going to show you,
01:27before I tell you and show you the place where he parked,
01:29what his house is like.
01:31A place, a real fortress against insecurity.
01:35You will see that it has a dome at the entrance gate,
01:38a camera that points inwards,
01:41and on the other side,
01:45when you enter the house,
01:47you will see that it has another dome
01:49and three cameras that point in different directions
01:52to have everything monitored.
01:54That moment, the precise moment when he enters his house
01:58and there he can feel a little safer.
02:00But this was not enough for him
02:02more than to record what happened
02:04at 9 and 10 at night,
02:07when he arrived with his truck,
02:09and because he was arriving at that time,
02:11what he did was to go up the reverse gear,
02:13in this direction,
02:15and get to this palm tree that you will see,
02:17which is the one that moves it in a moment.
02:19There where you are standing, Leo,
02:21is where the car was, the truck.
02:23Exactly, the truck goes backwards,
02:25touches the palm tree a little, moves it,
02:28and there, at that moment,
02:30a white Oroch truck appears,
02:33which almost in the part of the hood,
02:36I would say, of the parked truck,
02:38of Nicola,
02:40parks and lowers a criminal
02:42with the gesture they usually do,
02:44pointing at the victim.
02:46Although that weapon,
02:48which will later be proven
02:50that with which the criminal was coming down,
02:52was a replica of a caliber 22,
02:54of a Bersa caliber 22,
02:56this man obviously believed
02:58that they were coming with a real weapon
03:00to assault him and maybe even shoot him.
03:02He could not know
03:04what kind of weapon the criminal was carrying.
03:06So he took out his weapon,
03:08a Magnus 357,
03:10a powerful weapon,
03:12and made five shots.
03:14These first two
03:16hit the body,
03:18that unfortunately,
03:20we have to tell again, Lu,
03:22that this criminal,
03:24dead in this circumstance,
03:26was only 15 years old.
03:28Yes, a teenager.
03:30And he falls down here,
03:32on the asphalt.
03:34A teenager who was in that situation,
03:36in a situation that,
03:38although it was a weapon,
03:40because it is not a toy,
03:42it is not a toy,
03:44it is a tool,
03:46but he had gone out to steal.
03:48He was threatening a person
03:50who was coming to his house,
03:52an adult.
03:54Of course.
03:56But this story is repeated
03:58of teenagers
04:00between 15,
04:0214 and 16 years old,
04:04who go out to steal.
04:06In fact, a few blocks from this place
04:08was the circumstance where the police
04:10also motorcycle thieves,
04:12who also had similar ages,
04:14who later ended up in the circumstances
04:16where relatives attacked
04:18our colleagues.
04:20Well, all that, a few blocks from this place.
04:22This circumstance is repeated again,
04:24but in this case, this man,
04:26Nicola, 78 years old,
04:28who, as you can see, has been very concerned
04:30about insecurity for a long time,
04:32shoots, kills the criminal,
04:34and also makes three other shots
04:36that go towards the vehicle.
04:38It has to do with
04:40if the other of the thieves,
04:42who had also gone down,
04:44was also injured,
04:46and if he was able to get in the truck
04:48and escape from the place.
04:50Because it is observed...
04:52For some spots that were in some area,
04:54they think he could have been injured too.
04:56Of course, because it is observed
04:58in the sequence,
05:00it is observed a person
05:02who is on the side of the driver,
05:04now we will surely see it again,
05:06and it is observed a person
05:08with a green shirt,
05:10a very strong green,
05:12who had gotten out of the car,
05:14obviously also to
05:16approach Nicola,
05:18and well, we do not know
05:20if this person will also be
05:22coincidentally the one you say, right?
05:24There are the two cameras,
05:26Leo, while you relate,
05:28I will show you,
05:30explain a little
05:32in detail.
05:34There is the other camera
05:36where the criminal is observed,
05:38and this other person,
05:40we saw a colored circle,
05:42who has a shirt,
05:44or light blue, or turquoise, or green,
05:46and who had also come down
05:48from the white truck,
05:50the truck that comes
05:52to commit the crime.
05:54This second person is probably
05:56injured, you say, and probably
05:58has been driven
06:00to some hospital in the area, for example.
06:04That's why, there is a lot of tension there
06:06to see who were the last people
06:08who were attended in these last days,
06:10or if at some point
06:12someone injured also appears
06:14with these circumstances.
06:16Yes, of a firearm,
06:18Nicola was already a very well-known man
06:20in the use of firearms,
06:22that's why he acts quickly and handles
06:24a thick caliber weapon,
06:26a Magnus 357,
06:28it is a weapon that does not shoot anyone,
06:30and with the aim that Nicola had,
06:32with these five shots,
06:34some, of course, very accurate,
06:36some of these shots could have been
06:38given to some other
06:40of the criminals.
06:42Well, all these circumstances, obviously,
06:44later they did, and what was experienced on Friday
06:46with the attack on our colleagues,
06:48that there is, during the period of the periods,
06:50a lot of police personnel
06:52surrounding this area
06:54and this house in particular,
06:56for, obviously, fear that something similar happens
06:58to what happened
07:00on Friday when they hit our colleagues,
07:02in the middle of the periods,
07:04when the gendarmerie was there,
07:06because the one who had acted was a police officer
07:08from the province of Buenos Aires,
07:10and in front of the police patrols
07:12they also wanted to attack,
07:14they fundamentally attacked our colleagues,
07:16but in this case there was at risk
07:18all the integrity of, obviously,
07:20Nicola's house.
07:22The neighbors are, look,
07:24obviously worried about the circumstances,
07:26because they understand that it is a story
07:28that happens over and over again.
07:30They try to support the neighbor,
07:32who, in principle,
07:34is free, obviously,
07:36but there is,
07:38the cover, at least, of the cause is
07:40homicide. The prosecutor
07:42understands that it is in legitimate defense,
07:44but it is homicide and another
07:46cause that has to do with the robbery,
07:48which is aggravated by the use of a firearm,
07:50sorry, by the use of a replica
07:54in a village and in a gang.
07:56It is a double cover, right?
07:58For each of those who intervened
08:00in this situation.
08:02You mentioned, and with this we close, Leo,
08:04the issue of the cover, on the one hand,
08:06the legitimate defense,
08:08and, well, a controversy had opened,
08:10the controversy is raised regarding
08:12if there had not been an excess
08:14in the legitimate defense,
08:16since it gives him a first shot,
08:18the criminal falls down,
08:20then gives him a second shot
08:22and then opens fire against
08:24the people who had already left.
08:26Regarding that, there is, well,
08:28a dispute regarding
08:30if it was only legitimate defense,
08:32up to there would run, let's say,
08:34the first of the shots, I understand,
08:36I may be wrong, but I understand that this is so,
08:38up to the second shot,
08:40in the case that, indeed,
08:42he does not have, or is afraid
08:44that there is, that he can react
08:46from the ground, this young man,
08:48exactly, and then
08:50the rest, as if it were another
08:52episode, but well, we will have to see
08:54what justice has to say about this,
08:56and what we understand is that
08:58the man is, at least for now,
09:00in his house.
09:02In Libertad.
09:04Yes, there the criminals are going to divide,
09:06half library to one side, half library
09:08to the other, Lu.
09:10Yes, well, here, look, now,
09:12a police officer from the province who travels
09:14the area, and who is obviously pending,
09:16obviously, guarding,
09:18in some way, also,
09:20the house of Nicola.
09:22Yes, we saw this today in several opportunities,
09:24when we arrived, a police officer was, in fact,
09:26here at the door of the house.
09:28So, well, for now,
09:30he is in Libertad, this 78-year-old man,
09:32who took out his gun
09:34to avoid being stolen by his truck.
09:36Thank you very much, Leo.
