• 2 months ago
👉 Un violento robo se llevó a cabo en una financiera ubicada en la calle 7 y 45 de La Plata. Los delincuentes, muy jóvenes, sometieron a los empleados y se llevaron 180 mil pesos y varios teléfonos celulares. El asalto duró aproximadamente tres minutos antes de que los ladrones huyeran. Uno de ellos fue capturado poco después, mientras que el otro permanece prófugo.

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00:00in the street 7 and 45 these financial companies that offer loans to the neighbors these companies
00:09that have a place on the street is not that we are talking about inside an apartment or not a
00:14robbery that lasted a few seconds is really a movie the image they entered they took a
00:22lot of money look here you see them enter this is a place on the street they enter directly
00:32they submit to the employees of course armed and look at the more than informal way of these
00:40criminals who are very young we are working live with Selmira Polaco from the place
00:48good morning look we are on avenue 7 and street 45 at the door of this financial company which
00:57suffered a violent robbery in the middle of the afternoon I want us to see the mediation look
01:02we have the ministry of economy in front of the service station locals everywhere there is also
01:08a financial company on the street in front of 45 and it is more hidden in fact that they decided to
01:15rob here in credit pesos a financial company that has been operating for approximately a year and a half that
01:21makes loans at the moment but normally they do it with transfers the criminals three
01:27armed criminals enter here at two in the afternoon they reduce the staff they make them throw themselves
01:33on the floor and put their hands on their heads they obviously delivered their cell phones but
01:39they only arrived they took 180 thousand pesos and the cell phones of each one lasted this
01:46more or less three minutes and they fled they took a taxi crossing the service station
01:52on street 45 but they split one of them of 18 years old was the one who got into this taxi
02:00with the 178 thousand pesos and went to his home on street 32 between the fourth and
02:08fifth because both criminals had a home here in La Plata and in no emergency
02:15we are very close and it is a normal neighborhood of working people right here in the center as
02:20we can see the other criminal was chasing this taxi but standing up was the one who
02:26was seized by a gun caliber 32 and several cell phones that he tried to discard at home
02:32arriving in the area now he tried to enter several homes and was obviously discarding material evidence
02:39if you look at what you count, it really looks like very, very improvised people, in fact, you can see them very
02:45young in the video that we are sharing on the right of the screen because leaving first this
02:53data that is central that you gave in general this type of places the transfers whatever they are
02:59through forgiveness let's say the disbursements or whatever they are through bank transfer, that is,
03:05the cash I imagine that it will be very little what they can have in the place because today
03:11practically everything is bankrupted and not to mention a place that is on the street that first
03:17that is, they entered a place where there was obviously not going to be so much money because you are
03:22talking about a not very high amount, you said 178 thousand pesos that one of them took
03:29178 thousand pesos and apart from a reckless theft, they could not even get into the
03:35money in their pockets, they were falling, in fact, the neighbors say that a neighbor here in the
03:40area offered him the money that fell to one of the criminals because he did not perceive them as
03:44thieves and well, of course, the criminal followed his course, in fact, also at one point we see
03:49that the one in a blue shirt is lying on the counter checking the bills and decides to leave a
03:54handful of bills, they try to get all the money in their pockets, they are falling very,
03:59very carelessly and in fact they were captured right away but there is still a fugitive, let's remember a fugitive
04:06that is not identified but this area is full of security cameras in fact we have
04:11the security cameras of the financial one of the service station that directly points to the
04:16Ministry of Economy and to the avenue here in front also on street 45 we have a kiosk
04:22that has at least three security cameras, therefore I do not doubt that there are minutes left
04:29for them to detain the third criminal who is a fugitive and also these two men
04:36of 18 and 20 years old who are already at the disposal of justice will have to
04:41provide data of this third person
