• 2 hours ago
👉 El violento caso de la nena de siete años que fue arrastrada por un auto hasta morir, ha generado un intenso debate tras la declaración de un menor involucrado en el robo del auto, quien niega participación en el crimen. El joven de 14 años admitió haber estado presente durante el robo, pero asegura no haber participado en el asesinato. Las cámaras de seguridad lo captaron cerca del lugar del robo, pero no donde ocurrió el trágico desenlace. La justicia decidirá si es enviado a un internado de menores o regresa con su familia, una decisión que podría causar gran controversia.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
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00:00The governor is angry because he says it is our fault, that we talk about blood baths, that we exaggerate.
00:06Well, Ray, we have a case of which we are convinced, it is part of the objectivity of the fact that it is the Kim case.
00:12There were news, Gustavo, right?
00:13There were news, Luis, in the Kim case, because the minor declared to the prosecutor and said,
00:20I was there, I certainly participated in the theft of the car, but I had nothing to do with the crime of Kim.
00:30All I did was open the door of the car to kick Kim's mother and open the back door and when I saw that the girl was there, I did not get in the car.
00:43This was said by the 14-year-old boy, who the justice will definitely take the decision to take him to a minor's boarding school until he turns 18.
00:56And the cameras in the area seem to give him the reason, because there we see him running to the 14-year-old boy in the area where the car was stolen,
01:08not in the area where the flight ends fatally.
01:13So, this, let's see, relieves or not the situation?
01:18Well, it is a situation that I believe that in any way he participates in the fact, he is a necessary participant in the fact.
01:26If he were an adult, you would take him as a necessary participant in the fact, and not for me, and not as a secondary participant.
01:33And we know that the necessary participant has the same responsibility as the one who commits the fact.
01:38He is a minor, he will not be judged, this new camera and this statement of him, the minor tries not to go to a minor's boarding school, but to be sent with his family again.
01:51It gives me the feeling that it would be a scandal of gigantic rivets if that were the decision that the justice will take tomorrow.
