• 2 months ago
👉 En el barrio Santa Catalina en Morón, revela la realidad que viven los vecinos desde hace un año. A pesar de las denuncias formales presentadas ante la unidad temática de estupefacientes y las quejas a la policía local, el negocio ilegal continuó operando impunemente. El vecino también relata cómo esta situación afecta a los residentes locales y limita su capacidad para realizar actividades cotidianas como ir al supermercado por temor a posibles conflictos o robos.

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00:00This is the cousin of my girlfriend.
00:02What was Franco like?
00:03Franco was a tough guy, a very hard worker.
00:06What did he do?
00:07He worked as a plumber, but he was in a mechanical workshop.
00:11He knew how to sew.
00:12He was a tough guy, but he was a tough guy.
00:15What did he do that night at 1.30am?
00:18Did he meet with friends?
00:19Yes, he met with friends because we were on vacation.
00:22I think that's the most normal thing.
00:24Did he have any conflicts with this bunker?
00:27The truth is that he didn't, but this is a disaster.
00:31This is a disaster.
00:32What kind of movement did you see?
00:33How can you describe it?
00:35How is it to live here all day?
00:36It's the same thing with the neighbors, they tell you.
00:38It's a...
00:39You can't.
00:40You couldn't buy Chinese food around here.
00:42It's a shame.
00:43You couldn't buy a supermarket around here.
00:45Why not?
00:46Because you don't know what can happen to you.
00:48If a friend comes to your house and he's going to buy you a supermarket, it's the same thing.
00:51The people who are drugged, because they can rob you from your own neighborhood.
00:55You don't know.
00:56For everything.
00:57It's the same thing.
00:58It's the same thing.
00:59Thank you very much.
01:00This is what we also see in the most dangerous neighborhoods of El Conurbano,
01:03that nothing happens to the neighbors of the neighborhood because they know each other.
01:09And where the drug is also flooded, they don't know each other.
01:12That's why these drugged people come out, they don't recognize anyone,
01:15they come out to the shots or the machetes, as we talked about with a neighbor,
01:18who next door were fighting with machetes of this size.
01:21Nobody knows what it is, they were fighting.
01:24You happen to pass by and maybe they end up hurting you,
01:27or you end up being a fatal victim of an incident between several neighbors,
01:31also the effect of the drug use of this bunker.
01:34That's why I was struck by the tension and asked this boy,
01:37are you afraid of being robbed or hurt because in the most dangerous neighborhoods
01:41people don't do anything to the people inside the neighborhood.
01:43But when there is this type of drug problem, you don't know what can happen.
01:47Of course, exactly, because they also have guns.
01:51I mean, not only that they sell drugs,
01:54it is the whole situation that is attached to the fact of the drug bunker.
01:58People who handle white weapons, people who handle firearms, as is this case.
02:03How many times have we talked, Leo, about bullets lost in situations
02:07linked to, let's say, narco exchanges of different groups,
02:13of different factions, of different bands that fight,
02:17and it ends up being a disaster, not only as in this case of Franco,
02:21of 20 years old, but also with children, girls, teenagers.
02:25And any human life is worth the same.
02:28I mean, one is particularly moved when he is a little boy or a little girl,
02:32but the truth is that the case of Franco is also, as we said,
02:36a broken life for a whole family, and Franco's life that is not recovered.
02:41Yes, look, a drug bunker in a neighborhood brings the worst.
02:45If there is a bunker, there are weapons.
02:47Because there is always the defense of the territory, of the place.
02:51It is obviously in the confrontations that take place
02:55by the gangs in those territories.
02:57So there are always weapons.
02:59And in this case, too, many times the debts are going to be paid.
03:04Well, here happened what many times the neighbors denounce in the neighborhoods,
03:09which is chaos. Why?
03:11Many times the addicts also end up robbing those who go to the neighborhood
03:15to do the shopping. For what?
03:17To rob them and then take it to the drug dealer.
03:21They end up robbing, breaking the cars of the neighbors
03:26to sell, to buy the drug.
03:28Well, it takes all that to the neighborhood, and those confrontations
03:32also often end up in these situations.
03:35Where? Innocent.
03:37We saw neighbors who constantly said,
03:40we are tired, we are ...
03:42Look, I'm going to add a fact.
03:44On December 16, a complaint appears in the UFI
03:49on the subject of Morón drugs.
03:51Where they took the elements to say,
03:54in that place they sell drugs.
03:57We are talking about this one.
03:58From that same bunker.
04:01Santa Catalina 815.
04:03In other words, there was a complaint, the neighbors say it,
04:05but you are corroborating it through documentation.
04:08Exactly. There was a formal complaint
04:11in Morón's narcotics unit,
04:15which, well, it took a long time to carry out an investigation.
04:18These things, the neighbors see it clearly,
04:21because people come at any time,
04:24because they fight, because there are the machetazos,
04:26because there are the discussions,
04:28because there is the row, unfortunately, of addicts
04:31who sometimes arm themselves in those places.
04:34Well, all that is in the sight of the neighbors.
04:36Now it was in justice.
04:37Well, what happened? It took a long time in the raid.
04:40It ends in the death of an innocent person.
04:43It ends up being the raid after death.
04:46When, they don't find him in the trance either,
04:48because now he was a murderer,
04:50who sold drugs, yes?
04:52And he is on the run from justice.
04:55When all that could have been avoided, that is,
04:57a drug dealer in prison
04:59and a life that could still be alive.
05:02I'll tell you more.
05:03The drug dealer in prison would be a leg,
05:06but surely that is not a drug dealer,
05:09it is not a dealer who is alone.
05:11This is a network, it is a plot,
05:13it is something that ends up involving
05:15the whole community of the neighborhood.
05:18Of course.
05:19It has its side effects, as we see,
05:22but this trance that lived in that house
05:25or that he sold in that house, it is not clear yet.
05:28Unfortunately, it is linked to other people,
05:31which is the one who gives him,
05:33let's say, that drug,
05:34which is the one who provides it,
05:35who supplies it,
05:36those narcotics,
05:38whoever it is.
05:39Surely there is a gang,
05:41something that manages all that territory.
05:44There is a whole gang,
05:45an organization that manages that territory.
05:47Nobody puts a bunker on its own in that place, yes?
05:51But it generates these situations of violence.
05:53The image of the young man with the brick is understood,
05:56because the intention of the neighbors
05:58was to break down the bunker, yes?
06:01From there, that...
06:02Before the inaction.
06:03Before the inaction of the authorities,
06:05of the justice, of the police,
06:08as, let's say,
06:09doing, let's say,
06:10as an executioner of justice.
06:12Selmira, how is the situation now?
06:16The situation, well,
06:17the relatives are crying,
06:18friends of Franco are approaching.
06:20Let's talk to a friend of Franco.
06:22What is your name?
06:24Malena, well,
06:25how is Franco today?
06:26How is the area?
06:27A very good boy,
06:28very healthy,
06:29he didn't fuck anyone,
06:30he didn't bother anyone,
06:31he worked,
06:33Have you had any conflict with the people here?
06:35No, not really.
06:36Do you live here on this block?
06:38I live here, up there.
06:40And how is it to live here in front of the bunker?
06:43It was very ugly.
06:44All the time,
06:45people who came,
06:46parked on the sidewalk of my house,
06:48a noisy movement,
06:49nobody did anything,
06:50the neighbors already started to complain.
06:52Did they call the police?
06:53Did they make any complaint?
06:54No, I have no idea,
06:55to be honest,
06:56because, as I told you,
06:57I don't live here.
06:58I mean, yes,
06:59but, well.
07:00Did they complain to the police?
07:01They complained to the police,
07:02they were collecting signatures,
07:03I don't know what happened,
07:04but nobody did anything
07:05and the movement was very noisy.
07:06Did you notice?
07:07That something was happening.
07:08That something was happening,
07:09that there was,
07:10they treated you as if it were a maxi-kiosk,
07:11through the window.
07:12In fact,
07:13it is the same building
07:14that says fruits and vegetables.
07:15Well, that was a poster,
07:16they never brought a...
07:17They didn't sell?
07:18They didn't bring fruit,
07:19they didn't sell fruit.
07:20It was like a screen,
07:22it was a screen.
07:23Now it's incredible, isn't it?
07:25if you start selling fruits and vegetables
07:26in the corner of a street,
07:28you start selling fruits and vegetables
07:29and the police comes
07:30and picks you up
07:31because you are there
07:32with the blanket
07:33with the fruits and vegetables.
07:34But now you have here
07:35a place
07:36that claims
07:37that it sells,
07:38that it is a greengrocer
07:39and, in fact,
07:40a good drug dealer
07:41never sold any kind of fruit
07:42or vegetables
07:43or had commercial attention
07:44more than
07:45that of narcotics.
07:46Not a lemon,
07:47not a lemon they brought,
07:48it was a whole screen.
07:49And the police knew it,
07:50this was fixed.
07:51Because, imagine,
07:52how is this going to last
07:53for a year?
07:54It's crazy.
07:55A year?
07:56It's impunity
07:57under its highest pressure.
07:58A year,
07:59you are saying,
08:01That at least
08:02a year ago
08:03they were operating
08:04in that area,
08:05they were there,
08:06in that business.
08:07Has it been a year?
08:08Yes, approximately,
08:09a year.
08:10A little more.
08:11A little more.
08:12The truth is
08:13that I have no idea.
08:15it has to be yesterday,
08:16for example,
08:17two months ago.
08:21The police never came.
08:22A big fight,
08:24I don't know if they came,
08:25but as soon as they came,
08:26they left.
08:27They never did anything.
08:28They never intervened
08:29as they should have.
08:31the situation
08:32that could have been prevented,
08:33if the police
08:34had acted
08:35as it should have,
08:36in the face of
08:37the constant complaints
08:38of the neighbors
08:39about this same home,
08:40or even came to knock on the door
08:41to see,
08:43if they sold fruits and vegetables,
08:44they would have realized
08:45that they didn't,
08:46but this could have
08:47been avoided.
08:52it is being described,
08:53of course,
08:54because we see
08:55the same house,
08:56let's say,
08:57the same front,
08:58which has the part
08:59that is burned,
09:00where the police are,
09:01which is where
09:02the neighbors
09:03set fire.
09:04He looks
09:05if I understand well,
09:06and immediately after,
09:07what would be
09:08like the local,
09:10which says fruits and vegetables,
09:11which supposedly
09:12was going to be
09:13a vegetable shop
09:14that never had
09:15an apple,
09:16a pear,
09:17or a tomato,
09:18let's say.
09:19And the little rooster,
09:20which if I'm not wrong,
09:22is the rooster of Morón,
09:23because it says CDM,
09:24Club Deportivo Morón,
09:25that is,
09:26or they were very fanatic
09:27of the rooster,
09:28the rooster,
09:29because it also has
09:30the colors of the club,
09:31or I don't know,
09:32which one,
09:33which one wants a pizza,
09:34what can happen there?
09:35Many times,
09:36that is,
09:37and we are not going to,
09:38we are going to talk
09:39in general,
09:40if you want,
09:41we are not going to
09:42particularize in this case,
09:43particularize the case,
09:44but the Barras Bravas
09:45are the ones
09:46that are going to
09:47be sold,
09:48the Barras Bravas
09:49are linked
09:50to the drug business.
09:51That's why I was asking you.
09:53also to pay attention
09:54to what the links
09:55will be,
09:56where they belonged.
09:58there is the name
09:59of the defendant,
10:00who is Patricio
10:01Leonel Correa,
10:02who is a fugitive
10:03from justice.
10:04The young man,
10:05that is,
10:06the one we just saw
10:07in the video.
10:08He is the one who shoots,
10:09the murderer.
10:10The one who showed us
10:11just finished.
10:13we repeat,
10:14Patricio Leonel Correa,
10:1524 years old,
10:16he is the murderer
10:17of this young man.
