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👉 Un nuevo episodio de inseguridad sacude a los vecinos de El Palomar, donde un hombre fue asaltado al llegar a su hogar. Los delincuentes, que se movilizaban en una camioneta Duster, aprovecharon el momento en que la víctima abría el portón manual de su casa para atacarlo. Este incidente resalta la creciente preocupación por la seguridad en la zona oeste, donde los robos y desmantelamientos de vehículos se han vuelto comunes.

👉 Seguí en #BuenDíaA24
📺 a24.com/vivo


00:00Unfortunately, we are once again in the triangle of insecurity in the West Zone, in the Palomar.
00:05This is from Rieri to Mil.
00:07And once again we have to tell those stories that are daily.
00:11Daily, which is to enter your house and leave.
00:13But also how difficult that situation has become, Luis.
00:17This man arrived here at 19.15 at his house with a detail.
00:21A short time ago they moved.
00:23Look at what these are, these duplexes.
00:25New ones, one with the illusion that he arrives at one of these places.
00:29Well, and the insecurity that transforms this dream come true.
00:32Obviously in a nightmare.
00:34Because he arrived at 19.15 to be able to enter the car through this gate.
00:39Which is not an automatic gate, as in many places.
00:42Because, well, it has its cost that it is automatic.
00:44In this case with a key.
00:46He opened with a key.
00:47When he is going to return to the car to be able to enter it from behind.
00:50They appear.
00:52The criminals.
00:53First three come down.
00:55And then two more come down.
00:57They came in a truck, in a Duster.
00:59An image that is repeated.
01:01We are seeing an image, Leo, I tell you.
01:03We are used to seeing it, unfortunately.
01:05That there are many attacking a single person.
01:07I tell you, we are seeing.
01:09You do not have video feedback, Guillermo.
01:11We are seeing.
01:12It is a group of piranhas that is thrown on this boy.
01:16Notice that he immediately gets into his house.
01:19There it is, right?
01:20There it is, as Leo told you.
01:22Getting ready to open the garage.
01:24He's going to open the door.
01:26And you are going to see when he crosses the gray car of the criminals.
01:29And you believe that Luis, Leo, must have gone to the boleo.
01:32Because you noticed that they were not following him.
01:34As it is.
01:35What happens a lot.
01:36We talked about it the other day.
01:37The fear that it gives you to get off.
01:39In a certain area, depending on where you live.
01:41To open the gate for the car.
01:43Because it is a matter of seconds.
01:45They are there.
01:46They leave the house, right?
01:47I thought they were leaving the house.
01:49The criminals.
01:50And correct me Gustavo.
01:51They must continue to steal.
01:52With this car they continue to steal, right?
01:54With this car they continue to steal.
01:56Let's see, there are two options.
01:57That with this car they continue to steal.
01:59Or that this car is taken to the junkyard.
02:01To sell the parts.
02:03That was what was usually done.
02:05I would say until about 8 or 9 months ago.
02:08Because it was very difficult to get spare parts.
02:10The import was very closed.
02:13So they stole a lot of cars.
02:15Especially the cars that were manufactured in Brazil.
02:17To get the spare parts.
02:19And that model that is no longer manufactured.
02:21It serves to dismantle it, right?
02:24But look at the image of where Leo is, right?
02:27The first grating where the gate is.
02:29Back, more grating.
02:30By the way, they sell the house.
02:32You will know why.
02:33That is, grating on grating on grating.
02:35Plus the camera, plus the fence.
02:38And you locked up.
02:39You asked me the other day about the car in the garage.
02:42When you have to go down, open the garage and waste time.
02:45This happens to you.
02:46That's why I don't keep it anymore.
02:48I had to go down and open it.
02:50Yes, Leo, tell me.
02:53No, you said.
02:54And a particularity.
02:56Did the neighbors in the area get used to it?
02:58Just when Gustavo said.
03:00Well, many are going to stop the illegal sale of car parts.
03:03Well, they got used to certain places.
03:06Around, for example, the Carlos Gardel neighborhood.
03:09Around the Fort Apache.
03:11Where they leave them cooling.
03:12What is it?
03:13They leave them one or two days.
03:14Of course.
03:15Waiting to see if he has the satellite tracker.
03:17And if he doesn't have it.
03:18Obviously it goes to waste.
03:19And if it appears.
03:20Well, the neighbors who got used to going out and going around those areas.
03:24Luckily, in this case, they found it.
03:27In those laps they went out to give.
03:29They found it shortly.
03:31The next day they found it.
03:33And another detail, Leo, that I want to tell you.
03:35Associated with what you are telling.
03:37This morning.
03:38We came and then we went to make another note.
03:40But they told us that in that intermediate.
03:42A car came to leave a bouquet of flowers for Valentine's Day.
03:47A remise.
03:49An act of love.
03:51In this case.
03:52Well, also the insecurity.
03:54It ends up turning it into something tremendous.
03:58They came to this house.
04:00When they go down to deliver the bouquet of flowers.
04:02Two criminals appear.
04:03This is two hours ago.
04:05When these two criminals appear.
04:08They point it with the gun.
04:09And they take the car.
04:12What is it?
04:13Everything happened a few minutes ago.
04:15It is an insecurity that the neighbors say that it is repeated.
04:18And it is constantly repeated.
04:20Thank you, Leo.
